Prologue: A Death On Kamino

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 It was dark. And cold. A lone figure stood silently on a flat balcony of metal, while the sea that covered the entire planet stormed and swelled with rain. He was a Clone Trooper, a captain to Jedi General Shaak Ti, who supervised the training of his kind on Kamino.

 Suddenly, a beeping sound came from his communicator. He took it out. The hooded figure of an old man came up. Only the lower part of his face was visible. “Captain Zep, the time has come. Execute Order 66,” he said in a raspy voice that dripped malice and cunning.

“It will be done, my lord,” he replied, as a strange stupor overcame him. His pupils dilated, and Zep suddenly had an overwhelming urge to kill the Jedi who had enslaved his brothers, the millions of clone soldiers genetically modified to obey their every command.

It’s unjust! It’s unfair to us clones! They will pay with their lives for turning us into mindless, imprisoned things! We’re people too! They will die! This chant ran wildly over and over again in his head, and he had no choice but to obey it.

His communicator rang a second time. “Captain, you’re needed in the de-briefing room now.”

“I’ll be there at once, General.” He hung up and entered the nearest of the Kaminoan dome-shaped buildings, riding an elevator up to the floor where the de-briefing room was located. He pushed the button to open the door and took his place by the other clone officers.

Shaak Ti began to inform them on a new program in clone training and education that would require extra security, but Zep wasn’t listening, only feigning it. When the Jedi Master had turned her back, he looked over at another officer, and got a tiny nod back. The clones behind her quietly took out their blasters and held them at the ready.

“Good soldiers follow orders,” he murmured. The clones fired as one, having been given an unseen command. The Jedi Knight slumped to the ground, dead.

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