Chapter Nineteen

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-Dining Pavilion, Camp Half-Blood; Right Where We Left Off-

~Annabeth's Point of View~

"Percy." I breathed seeing him standing at the entrance of the pavilion. I didn't know he was coming to breakfast. I had a feeling that the Percy Jackson that's at the camp now isn't the same person who disappeared. Even if Percy was....tortured. He wouldn't be acting like this. He only called me Wise Girl and he hardly acknowledged anyone else.

There was a strong feeling of wrongness around the whole situation. And I couldn't confirm it until that meeting with the unit leaders. I glanced over at the leader table for the Chaos Army, seeing Bianca di Angelo with her hood up. Nico and Hazel weren't surprised, making me question how long they have known.

It couldn't have been before the army arrived. It happened recently as they started to act more familiar with each other. Although, the time since Bianca died doesn't match up with how long she has been in the army. How could that be?

"Annabeth?" Malcolm's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I must have been thinking for longer than I thought as Percy was sitting down with Poseidon and we were getting up to sacrifice to the gods.

"Everything okay?" He asked, looking worried and uncertain.

"Yeah, it is." I nodded. I was mostly trying to reassure myself more than him with my answer.

Malcolm didn't look convinced, but he let it go. I was thankful for that as I couldn't voice my thoughts. Not yet anyway.

Perhaps I could talk to Nyke? The head commander of Chaos' Army should have some idea on how to handle this. He must have experience with something similar.

We only have experience with eidolons. It didn't seem Percy was processed by any spirit. His whole presence felt different too. As if...

He was a doll acting on knowledge his creator knows?

I blinked. The thought didn't feel like mine.

'Of course not, child. I apologize for not announcing myself. Kosmos asked me to talk to you and I may have forgotten you aren't used to this like my soldiers are...'

'Chaos?' I asked mentally.

'Yes.' I somehow could feel a smile coming from the creator of the universe. 'I heard about Percy Jackson returning to Camp Half-Blood. The army leaders have kept me informed. I understand that you have suspicions about Poseidon's son.'

'Yes.' I paused. 'Why are you telling me this?' A thought occurred to me. I sent a glance at the Chaos table, mainly the assassin. 'And did you say Kosmos asked you to talk to me? Why would he do that?'

'I wish I could answer that, however, an oath binds me. I know that Kosmos can be seen in a...not so friendly light. He tries. My assassin has a hard time socially due to heavy trauma at a young age. You can understand that, can't you? The life of a demigod is a difficult one.'

'Didn't you create the universe?' I thought sarcastically.

'That is a question that opens the doors to many philosophical debates.' There seemed to be laughter in his words and a bit of sadness. 'As for Percy Jackson. Do not act hostile. Do not tell or indicate that you know he isn't who he says he is.'

'Why are you telling me this?' I find myself asking.

'Because you can be trusted with this information. You won't foolishly act on it.'

'Where is the real Percy Jackson?' I need to know if he was safe.

'He's safe. That's all I can tell you. If you want to know more, please wait until the war is over.' Chaos pleaded. His powerful voice tainted with a helpless edge.

'Will I be able to see him?' Was my final question.

Another smile with some hints of sadness. 'That depends on him...'

-Unknown Location; Meanwhile-

~Unknown's Point of View~


There was only darkness.

Shadows danced around the vast area.


An aura of evil radiated throughout the area.

Then came the laughter.

Their plan was moving along without much problems. The little runt was keeping quiet.

Soon. The being thought to themself. Soon, Kosmos will come back. Come back to where he belongs.

A traitor was at Camp Half-Blood.

Yes. No one could defeat the coming threat.

-Dining Pavilion, Camp Half-Blood; After Breakfast-

~Milos' Point of View~

"-and remember to be on your best behaviors. I haven't heard any complaints about your training yet-""That is not campers complaining about the training itself, you mean." Nyke glared at Hesper at the interruption. "We are here to help Camp Half-Blood and the Olympians, please do not cause any trouble." He ended his end of breakfast speech looking straight at Kosmos - Xander? Are we really calling him that now? - who didn't react.

The head commander sighed, shoulders slumping down. "Why did I agree to this?" He whispered, sounding hollow.

There was some laughter around the table. "Don't worry, Nyke." I said. "If anything happens at least it will be entertaining. It is Camp Half-Blood afterall." I stood up, heading towards the arena to continue training the campers sword fighting.

"Milos!" I heard once I was some distance away from the dining pavilion. Nyke was jogging to catch up.


He stared at me with a frown. "You don't have to answer this, I know how sensitive you are when talking about your life before the army. I get it, but I also want to check-in."

"Check-in?" I asked in disbelief.

Nyke nodded. "Yeah, since Malantha revealed herself, Hesper thinks some of the others will as well."

"I'm not." I snapped.

He held up his hands in surrender. "I know. I won't either." That's a comforting thought from the head leader of a powerful army. I dismissed that bitter thought. That's how the army has always been. We may not know who each other were before they joined, but we know who they are now. I relaxed. "I just want to make sure that being here isn't hurting you." I tensed up. That sounded like he knew-

"What do you mean by that?" I stepped forward. My hand twitches wanting to move towards my sword.

Up close, I could see how much sorrow and weight was held in his smile. "Because the way you spoke about Camp Half-Blood being entertaining as if you've been here before makes me wonder if you are also a demigod who used to go here."

"That's none of your business." Nyke's words then hit me. "You mean you're a demigod as well."

"Yeah." He laughed. Bitterness laced the sound. "I was well-known, I guess. For the wrong reasons. Being here in the army is my way of repentance. I feel it's the same for you?"

"Maybe." I answered after a brief pause. I never thought of why I said yes to Chaos. If I remember correctly, it was because of Kosmos. He was there and he told me-

"I think Kosmos is one as well." Those words startled the both of us. 

Hi. This update almost didn't happen. I am exhausted. A lot of things are happening in my life right now and I might have to skip next week's chapter to give myself a break. 

I want to thank LetsDieLol for their comment on chapter eighteen. You made my day when I saw it and I was able to write quiet a bit of chapter twenty before things happened and I wasn't able to finish it. I hope this chapter was to your liking. 

As a teaser, the next chapter starts off in Kosmos' point of view. And a battle is on the horizon. 

I apologize for the later in the day update (it is currently 10PM where I am), I really struggled for 2 hours to finish the next chapter. I don't know if I will be posting chapter 20 next week or not. I will try to let you know. 

Thank you for reading. 


Published: May 27, 2023.

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