Tol Núlë (Dol Guldur)

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I got inspired again, we got lucky 😂
An idea formed in my head.
And my body is killing me, but I'm saying 'screw it. I'm writing.'
Hint: you wont see this one coming. 😈 - I don't think...


With Gandalf
(Gandalf POV)
I started walking towards the fortress sword and staff drawn.
"Wait, Gandalf! What if it's a trap?!" Radagast questioned, afraid.
I sighed. "Turn around and do not come back."
"It's undoubtedly a trap." I muttered.
I prepared myself and started speaking a spell, my voice echoing. "The evil that is hidden here I command it come forth! I command it reveal itself!" Hitting my staff upon the stone, it let out a bubble of light and revealed the evil beings.

Was I prepared for what was coming? No. But it was a trap after all.


*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts
Example: 'What do they have planned?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: silence. Pure silence...

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.
Example: "Adad." *Father/Dad.*


(With Gandalf - Dol Duldur)
(Gandalf POV)

Spell lifted, I began searching the halls looking for the enemy. They were here somewhere that was certain.
Standing in the open, something or someone jumped on me from above.
It began attacking with a rusty blade.
Dodging, I swiped my staff knocking the being off it's feet.

We fought, the being charging at me making snarling sounds.
Kicking it off the ledge, I went back to the tunnels.
It sped past, down a hallway.
Then another.

'What is this creature?'

I began looking around wildly.
Again, it jumped at me.
I forced it to the ground and put my hand on it's forehead.
It let out a yell.
Continuing to snarl and try to get away.
Speaking a spell once more.
This being was under a dark enchantment.

Once the spell was cast, the being looked at me with recognition and confusion.

"Thráin son of Thror my old friend." I spoke, almost not believing my eyes.
'He's alive...'
"Gandalf? A lifetime. I've been here a lifetime." Thráin said.
"I'm so sorry I gave you up for dead." I apologized.
"I had sons. And a daughter." He spoke, mind foggy.
"Thorin, Frerin, Dís." He spoke remembering.
"And you will see them again, my friend." I reassured Thráin.
"Come, we must leave." I spoke.
'Does he know that Frerin passed in battle?'

"The Orcs have taken Moria. War was their reward. I was surrounded by the Defiler. Azog the Defiler had come." Thráin explained.

I held up his hand.
Part of his finger was cut off.
"They took it." Thráin whispered.
"The last of the seven." I spoke.
"Come on, lets get you out of here." Now very eager to leave.
"There is no way out! They will stop you! The serpents will stop you!" Thráin yelled, pointing at the vines.

"It's an illusion!" I tapped the wall with my staff. "Just an illusion."
"What have they done to you?" I asked walking closer to Thrain.

"I never told them. They tried to make me but I never said a word. Have you kept them safe? Gandalf? The map, the key?"
"I gave them to Thorin. You will be proud of him. He's taken up the quest to reclaim Erebor. And has a family."

"Erebor!" Thráin exclaimed horrified.
"He will retrieve the Arkenstone the seven armies of the Dwarves will answer to their new King."
"No, no, Thorin must not go near Erebor. No one must enter that mountain." Thráin stressed.
This left me very confused.
"He is waiting for them. Hurry we must hurry."

Azog came from the shadows and knocked me back and off my feet.
Speaking in his tongue, I cut him off asking where his master was. Keeping him back with the magic in my staff.
"Where is he!?"
"He is everywhere. We are legion." Azog replied.

Peeking over the edge, I saw many orcs and Wargs.
"It is over." He spoke.
I sent a blinding light with my staff.

We disappeared into the tunnels looking for a way out.
The wargs were upon us. I used my staff to cut a chunk of rock off the statue and break the bridge.
They fell to their deaths. 'Good.'

A new threat appeared in a form of shadow. "There is no light, Wizard. That can defeat darkness."
"Tell Thorin, Feren and Dís that I love them. Will you do that? Will you tell my children that I love them?" Thráin spoke.

I held my staff out, keeping the darkness away. "You will tell them yourself!"
"It's too late." Thráin whispered.
The darkness reached out to grab him but I pushed Thráin behind me.
"You shall not take any more prisoners!" I yelled, creating a globe around us.

The darkness was making it dwindle. And destroying the bridge.
I struggled to keep the staff up.
We battled, light against dark.
Eventually I had to use two hands to hold the staff.
That is when I saw him. Sauron. In flame.

My staff was turning to ash in my hands.
Eventually I was forced upon the wall, as was my friend.
"Sauron..." I spoke.

A Orc with metal all over his face had caged Thráin, now he was coming after myself.
We were both in cages which held metal spikes pointing at us. The cages hung off a cliff.
"We'll never live to see the light of day, Gandalf."
"Have hope, my friend."

We were both beaten and battered. Blood running down our faces and arms.

Below the legion of Orcs and Wargs were moving out towards their destination. Erebor.
"I have doomed them." I spoke.
Lady Galadriel had gotten my message and came to help.

With a wave of her hand, the Orc that beat us, and threw us in these cages was gone - sent flying by a blast of light.
She free'ed us both.
"Thráin, son of Thror. You're alive." Galadriel spoke.
"Yes, it seems he is."
"Gandalf and myself will keep you safe until you can reunite with your kin." She promised.
"My thanks." Thráin spoke sincerely.

We began leaving this retched place, myself leaning on Lady Galadriel. But we did not get far...

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