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Hola Everyone,

It's Monday and I am here with the next update😀😀😀. My sincere apologies as I was caught up with my work.

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.


Sonakshi was sitting in her room staring into darkness of the night sky which mirrored her life at present as tears made way from her eyes, she had loved someone for the first time in her life and did not even get the chance to express it to him. She wished her mother was there with her today, at least she could have cried her heart out before her. She felt as if she was being punished for the mistake she had done by misunderstanding Dev but one thing she was sure off and it was the fact that even Dev loved her, his eyes had conveyed the same pain as hers when he informed her about his marriage, she wanted to ask him why he was marrying Natasha but then stopped herself as she did not want to hurt her friend, just then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sona Beta, What's the matter? Right from the time you have come back I am seeing that you have closed yourself in the room and did not have dinner as well?" asked Bijoy who was concerned seeing Sonakshi aloof.

Sonakshi quickly wiped her tears and turning towards her father she said, "Nothing Dad, I am fine" but her eyes and voice indicated anything but that, he knew something was wrong with her daughter. Bijoy pulled a chair and settling himself besides Sonakshi he said.

"Sona, after the death of your mother we both became each other's support system. In fact, along with the relation of a father & daughter we both have become each other's friend as well beta. So, tell me what's bothering you?" he said lovingly caressing her hairs as Sonakshi looked teary eyed at her father and started crying vigorously as Bijoy's doubts about something being wrong was confirmed as he held her.

"I love him Dad, I love him" she said shocking Bijoy initially but right now his daughter needed his support as he asked, "Whom do you love beta?" as Sonakshi slowly replied "I love Dev Dad" as Bijoy was caught by surprise for a moment but then a smile formed on his face.

"Wow, That's nice. Dev is definitely a very good choice. In fact, I am happy for you. But why are you crying?" asked Bijoy in a concerned tone as Sonakshi replied.

"Because he is marrying Natasha Dad" she said with tears in her eyes leaving Bijoy shocked, coming out of it he asked, "But how's that possible Beta, Didn't Natasha and her family reject Dev?" as Sonakshi narrated the events which led to Natasha agreeing for the marriage and her subsequent invitation to Sonakshi for attending the same.

Bijoy's heart went out for his daughter as he heard that, he knew the pain and dilemma Sonakshi was in. While on one hand she was very happy for her best friend who was getting married the flip side was that she was getting married to the person whom she was in love with, he knew his daughter was in a very difficult situation.

"Sona, do you want to attend Natasha's marriage?" asked Bijoy as she replied,   "Yes Dad" while Bijoy asked "Are you sure Beta?"

"Yes, Dad I am sure about it, I do not want my pain to cloud over my best friend's happiness moreover if I do not attend Natasha will feel bad and I cannot her Dad" she said as Bijoy replied "As you wish Beta but do think about it once more. Now stop crying and take some rest" he said and caressing her hair lovingly once again he left her room while Sonakshi drowned in her sadness once again.


On the other hand, Dev was sitting in his room staring at the picture of his and Sonakshi which was taken the other night at the party, tears were glistening his eyes as he thought back to the happenings of the evening as he spoke.

"I am sorry Sonakshi, I am sorry that I had to break your heart. I had no other option, if possible please forgive me. I know this evening you would have come to express your love to me, your eyes clearly showed the love you had for me and the pain you felt when I had told you about my marriage. Believe me Sonakshi I had never intended to hurt you but the situation was such that I had no other option Sonakshi, I am sorry and I hope you get an even better person than me who will always keep you happy unlike me" he said as he sobbed but unknown to him someone had heard his monologue.

"What are you talking Dev?" said the person in a shocked tone, who was none other than Ranveer who was accompanied by Bunty. They had come to call Dev for dinner but were shocked to hear him speak about his love for Sonakshi.

"Ranveer....Bunty...." Dev fumbled as Ranveer spoke again "You love Sonakshi, then why the hell did you agree for the marriage Dev?" but Dev was quietly standing too shocked to react.

"Answer us Dev, You love Sonakshi. Is it?" asked Bunty this as Dev slowly nodded his head in agreement leaving both Ranveer and Bunty flabbergasted.

"Then why did you agree to marry Natasha?" asked Ranveer as Dev replied "Ranveer, Bunty please do not tell about this to anyone. I beg you please do not discuss about this again" he said as Ranveer and Bunty looked towards each other.

"Dev but why are you doing this?" asked Ranveer again as Dev replied "This is the least I can do for my mother Ranveer. I could not fulfill her dream to see me as a software professional let me at least fulfill this one dream of her, she wants me to marry Natasha and I will marry her" he said firmly

"But Dev...." spoke Bunty but before he could continue Dev cut him in between "Bunty, Ranveer please I do not want to discuss about this again. Please forget that we had any such discussion" he said and left from their as Ranveer and Bunty looked towards each other and sighed sadly, once again the situation was such that it had left their friend high and dry.

The next day Dev along with his father and Natasha's uncle left for India. The friends Ranveer, Bunty and Tina along with Mr. Patel were to join his marriage ceremonies a three weeks later. Ranveer and Bunty did try to speak to Dev once again about Sonakshi but asking them to forget it Dev left. On the other hand, Sonakshi spent her days in sadness remembering all the moments she had spent with Dev which would only be memories now.



Bijoy and Sonakshi stood outside the Trivedi House, they had directly arrived here from the airport with Natasha's uncle who had gone to pick them up. As Sonakshi looked around tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she could see the decorations & preparations for the marriage underway as Bijoy who stood beside her held her shoulder, he could understand the dilemma and pain his daughter was going through. Natasha's uncle escorted them inside where they were welcomed by the Trivedi family after which everyone settled down as Natasha's father sent someone to inform Natasha about Sonakshi's arrival.

After some time Sonakshi felt a pair of hands closing her eyes, but the very next moment she knew who it was but decided to play along "Who is it?" she said touching the hands of the person who had closed her eyes

"Well, that's for you to guess" said the person as Sonakshi replied "Hmm, Is it Divya?" as the person replied with a negative as Sonakshi teased once again "Hmm, then it might be Priya" she said as the person was left frustrated, removing the hands the person sat beside Sonakshi with a frown on the face.

"Natasha, Do you really think I did not realize it was you?" asked Sonakshi to the person who was none other than Natasha who smiled looking at her as both hugged each other and asked for each other's well-being. After some time, Natasha spoke.

"Uncle, I don't know anything. But till the time my marriage is over you both are staying here" she said in a commanding voice as Bijoy replied.

"Natasha beta, What's the need of it. Our ancestral home is here itself. We will stay there" he said knowing that the more Sonakshi stayed here the more she will be remembering Dev but Natasha would listen to none of it and pestered both, seeing no other option both agreed to her.

"By the way Bijoy, Did you look for any prospective groom for Sonakshi?" asked Lakshman Trivedi, Natasha's father but before Bijoy could reply Natasha spoke.

"Dad, Do you think Sona is like me. I am sure she would have already selected someone in the US. Tell me Sona, you have a boyfriend, right?" said Natasha as Sonakshi ducked her head down to suppress the tears that were threatening to spill while Bijoy felt sad for her daughter.

"Dad, We both are going to my room to catch up on the lost times" said Natasha and dragging Sonakshi along both friends caught up on the lost time of so many years. The next two weeks Bijoy and Sonakshi stayed at the Trivedi house with Sonakshi often breaking down when she was alone but with great difficulty she controlled her emotions before everyone lest they find out about her and Dev which would create havoc in everyone's life.



The day before the marriage the Kashyap's along with their relatives and Dev's friends arrived at the Trivedi house. The arrangements for their stay was made nearby as the marriage was next day. It was decided that in the evening everyone would gather at the Trivedi house for Sangeet as well as to play some games.


Dev along with Ranveer and Bunty arrived at the Trivedi house in the evening a bit late, he made his way through to the verandah where everyone was seated and were singing songs. The gents were seated on one side while the ladies on the other side. Sonakshi and Natasha were sitting together unknown that Dev had come. Dev's eyes inevitably went towards Sonakshi as he looked at her, Natasha turned to look at the entrance when she saw Dev, but she felt he was lost somewhere.

"Sona...Does Dev have squint eyes?" asked Natasha as Sonakshi was surprised

"Why are asking Natasha?" she asked in a surprised tone

"I don't know, Though I think he is looking at me but the direction of his eyes is towards you" she said just as Sonakshi turned to look and that's when her eyes met his. For a moment both were lost in each other but quickly composing themselves they looked away as Sonakshi said "There's nothing like that Natasha, he's looking at you only" as Natasha nodded her head.

Suddenly Bunty got an idea as he made his way in front of everyone.

"Okay everyone enough of singing songs. Let us play a game" he said as everyone agreed and asked which game they would play.

"It's a new game. So, in this we will distribute paper chits on which a word or a relation will be written. Like husband, wife, brother etc. Now who ever has words which indicate a couple those two should come and enact a scenario. Say someone from the gent's side has got Husband the from the ladies who ever has the chit in which its written Wife needs to come forward and those should enact. Hope everyone understood the game?" asked Bunty as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

The paper chits were distributed and the game began with various members enacting based on the word they had received, after some time it was Sonakshi's turn whose chit was opened by Natasha.

"Girlfriend" screamed Natasha "Sonakshi has got the word girlfriend" she said again as Bunty spoke

"Okay, So who has the word boyfriend here" he asked but no one seemed to have that word when suddenly Ranveer spoke.

"Arey, Dev has got the word Boyfriend" he said as Dev gestured him to shut up, he knew it would get awkward to enact with Sonakshi, but it was too late. Both were denying to act but everyone pestered them, seeing no other way they decided to act.


The lights were dimmed as Dev and Sonakshi stood before each other while kids with candles stood a little far away from them to create a romantic surrounding as Dev spoke.

"Sonakshi, I never expected that I will ever get the opportunity to express my love to you but now that I have got it I wanted to tell you something. You know that I love you and I know that you love me as well" said Dev looking into her eyes which were brimming with tears as she continued from where Dev left.

"But I know that our love can never win Dev" said Sonakshi as Dev replied.

"Sometimes rather than winning ourselves one feels happy in making those people win who have trusted you Sonakshi" he said

"I know Dev, that's why I am ready to lose. I am ready to lose our love for them Dev" she said as tears glistened both their eyes as everyone was absolutely quiet while Dev and Sonakshi were lost in each other.

Their reverie was broken by the sudden hooting and whistling of everyone as they were appreciated for their act as Sonakshi quickly left form their as tears threatened to spill from her eyes which she did not want to show it to anyone while Dev went in the other direction.

But unknown to them two people felt that there was something fishy, it was not just an act by Dev and Sonakshi. There something more than what met the eye. One was VICKY who was happy and was determined to find the truth and the other person was none other than NATASHA.


Done,once again a long part. How was it?? Was it Boring/Ok/Good? Was it Yayy or Was it Nayy? Please leave your honest feedback.

As always, awaiting your votes/thoughts/feedbacks & comments.

And please do vote, makes the writer happy.🙂🙂🙂

So this update marks the penultimate part of this story, the next part will be the last one followed by a small Epilogue.🙂🙂🙂

Also with this story I mark the beginning of the end of my other stories as well, in the coming days each of my FF would end and you will not have to spend time to read a story from this writer🙂🙂🙂, I hope as a reader you all have enjoyed my stories as much as I have enjoyed writing these🙂🙂🙂.



See you next in the next update hopefully this weekend. Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

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