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Fall for the soul rather than body.
Soul is permanent, its metaphysical
It transcends beyond us.
It is a whole new dimension in
A multiverse.
Human is temporary,
Aatman goes on & on.
It is like time, it doesn't stop.
As one journey ends,
A new one starts.
It's a repeating cycle of renaissance.
Many have tried understanding
Yet not gathered an analogy on
Soul and all things pertaining to it.
If we knew, questions wouldn't exist
And life would be meaningless.

Soul is sun and mind is moon.
Two subconsciouses keeping
Us connected.
Taking only those forward who
Escape the shackles of
Materialism and seek enlightenment.

Having a soul connect,
Having that Runan-Bandhan from
Past lives of knowing each other.
Of knowing each other and meeting
Once more in present life is a truly
Beautiful feeling.
It's a piece missing long found.
It sets you free and takes you home.
Your soul is their safe haven;
Their yours.
Whether or not you connect once more
In this life solely depends on time &
Time alone.
Only time can still time and though
Time stops for none,
It gives you a chance to reap the
Fruits of your hardwork and
Attain peace.

The tree of karma keeps on growing.
It's roots setting in ground more with
Every passing day.
Whether it bores poison ivy
Or sweet fruits,
It depends on your deeds,
Actions & intentions.

Metaphysics is a universe
Philosophers & Poets have tried
To explore.
With one seek, you find another
Planet, another life, a divergent
It's a whirlpool of universe
In milkyway.
The universe as we know it,
Is only a fragment of what is
Beyond us.
To find or not find,
Only Aatman knows.
And may Aatman find its seek.

-Ridhima Joshi

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