Death's Love

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A/N: :)

Setting: AU


[Aichi's POV]

I woke up one morning and my body was groggy from last night's shift. I am working as a waiter of a restaurant that my family owns. Last night had lots of costumers because it was a holiday, and I had to move around fast while my sister Emi helped me.

Today is our day off, and I can do anything that I want. So I took a rest for a few more hours.

When I woke up again, it was already 7 am. I got off from the bed and stretched my arms as I yawned. I then took a bath and ate my breakfast with family. After that, I took a step outside to take a walk around town.

It was a sunny day, but it wasn't hot. The breeze of the wind was there, so it was perfect. I continue to walk around, not until I bumped onto somebody.

"Ah, I-I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"It's alright."

I heard a woman's voice. I quickly turned around and saw a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. She looks so beautiful, like a blooming sunflower. I blushed and stuttered as I continue to stare at her.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked.

"I-I'm… uh… ah…"

She gave a giggle and smiled at me. "It's alright, don't worry about it."

I then gave a nod and she bowed before leaving.

My heart kept on beating fast as I watched her leave, I smiled and chuckle to myself before I went to walk again and spent the rest of the day thinking about her.


The next day

It was night time and my shift. I was wearing my waiter outfit and went to serve the costumers.

The door's bell rang and it opened, I was about to greet usually but then…

"Welcome-" I got cut off when I saw the blonde girl all by herself as she went inside.

"Oh, it's you." She said to me.

"U-uh-um… w-w-welcome!" I stuttered again.

"Hello, I have a reservation for one." She told me and I nodded.

"W-with what name, miss?" I've got to keep myself professional.

"Kourin Tatsunagi, that's my name."

"T-Tatsunagi-san…" I scanned over to the reservation list and found her name. "Ah, right this way, miss!" I said and followed her to her seat.

"Thank you," She smiled at me and I blushed again.

God, she's so pretty!

"Here's your… menu, miss!" I gave her the menu and I watched her as she looked and thought of which to pick.

It was then I realized I was staring at her lips. No Aichi! She's a costumer, what are you thinking about?! I mentally scolded myself.

"I want a pasta and an orange juice please," she spoke.

"One pasta and one orange juice, correct? Alright, I'll get your order right away, miss!"

Wrong! Wrong! You're not supposed to say that! It was supposed to make her wait for some minutes since it's still cooking!

I kept on just mentally scolding myself as I walked to the chef, Kai, to give the order.

A few moments later I took the order and went to Kourin. There I found her sitting and waiting patiently with a smile on her face as she looked at the surroundings.

"Here is your order, miss." I said and puts the plate and drink.

"Your restaurant has a nice place," she commented.

I smiled and replied. "Thank you, miss."

"What's your name?"

"Aichi Sendou."

Wait- what? Did she just ask for my name?!

"Oh, I see. Aichi, huh… can we meet again when you have no shift?"

"Um… sure! I have a day off this weekend, Saturday."

Wait, wait!

Kourin gave a bright smile to me. "Meet me up at Saturday at the park then, I want to get to know you."


I was internally screaming yet kept a smile on my face as Kourin giggles. She then went to eat and I bowed and left.

I quickly went to the kitchen and looked at the chef.

"Kai-kun! A beautiful woman just asked me out!" I said.

Kai kept on cooking and then he glanced at me and smiled. "Just in time for you to get a girlfriend." He told me and he continues to cook.

I smiled happily as I went back to serve other costumers. My eyes kept on glancing back at Kourin and she was eating alone; I hope I can eat with her someday.

Kourin left right after she paid, and I spent the rest of the night happily, and excited to meet her.


It was Saturday that I met her again. She was sitting on the bench and reading a book. I walked up to approach her and I spoke.

"Uh, hello." I said and smiled.

Kourin takes a look a me and smiled back. "Hey, you came."

I nodded and smiled back. Then, we started to spend our day together as we became friends.


Days passed until months, me and Kourin had become closer. I actually fell in love with her, and it's not just a mere crush. Kourin felt the same way, and we became lovers.

Everything was going fine until one day I felt like my health was deteriorating. I got sick and hospitalized for a few days, and my family got worried.

I was looking for Kourin but she was nowhere to be found.

"Aichi, you should take a rest." Emi told me and I just looked at her.

"But… Kourin-san… she's not answering my calls, she won't even come here. I'm worried, Emi." I said.

"Aichi, you should worry about her later! You're sick and you have to take a rest!"



I only gave a sigh and apologized. She must be busy, I thought to myself before going back to sleep.


A few days later, I still couldn't get her out of my mind. I was a bit sick but insisted that I should go and find Kourin.

That was then I found her sitting on the bench at the same park before.


I took Kourin's attention and she looked at me worryingly and sadly. But why?

"Aichi, I… I'm sorry, but you should stay away from me."

"Eh? Why?" I feel my heart breaking. Is she trying to break up with me? But why? I know she loves me!

"Because!" Kourin had raised her voice but she looked down right after. "Because… I shouldn't be with you…"

"Kourin-san, why?!" I touched her shoulder but then my pain on my heart attacked me and I gasped.

"Aichi… just... Please.. Let's act like we never met…"

"W-why…? Please.. Tell me…"

"Aichi, I'm- I'm a Grim Reaper, that's why."

"Grim… Reaper..?" My eyes widened in shock.

Kourin gave a nod to that. "We shouldn't be together, because if we do, you'll die!"

"I…" I was so shocked that I cannot say anything else. But still, my heart yearns for her. So I spoke. "But I still love you, Kourin-san!"

"Just stop, you'll only end up hurting yourself!" She told me.

"Kourin-san I-"


I was stopped when Kourin hit my cheek with her hand. I stood in shock and felt my heart wrench in pain, I couldn't breathe. I looked at Kourin who had a very terrified expression. She ran away while tears were falling down her cheeks. I wanted to run after her but I fell on the ground and managed to take a breath, yet I felt so weak.


A few weeks later, I still kept on looking for her. My family is worried, and yet I assured them that I'm fine.

As I was walking at the park, I saw my friend Kai was sitting at a bench. I went to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Kai-kun." I called and he looked at me.

"Aichi," he spoke. "Do you know the story of the grim reaper wandering around the town to find their lover?"

I could only stare in confusion as he sat next to me. "Yes, isn't that an urban legend?"

"It's true."

"You're believing something unbelievable, Kai-kun…" I commented and sighed. Why would he even want to believe that…

"The Grim Reaper was a lonely one, wandering through the years and tasked to take the souls of the dead people. The Grim Reaper saw a human while it was staying on the overworld. The Grim Reaper fell in love with the human but as they continued to stay together the human fell into sickness and eventually died. The Grim Reaper was devastated." Kai said. "Does that ring a bell to you, Aichi?"

I gasped as I realized, but I don't want to believe that. "N-no way, but Kourin-san isn't!"

"He is right, Aichi." I heard Kourin speak, I turned around and found Kourin looking at me. I was worried, and in that moment I wanted to embrace her. But she took a step back when I tried to approach her.

"So you're…" I stated and she gave a nod to me.

"That's why I don't want you to be with me, I can't understand why this is happening again… I'm scared that you will—"

"I don't care!" I exclaimed. "I just want to be with you, Kourin-san!"

"Aichi…" She looked down, and her tears fell down. I had to go to her, I held her hands and kissed her forehead.

"I just didn't want you to suffer, because I… I love you…" She said, I smiled.

"I love you too, Kourin-san."

She hugged me and cried, I hugged back and pats her back, trying to comfort her.

I could feel the pain on my chest again, and she noticed when I winced. Kourin let go of me and looked worryingly.

"I'm so sorry, Aichi. I could only give you suffering…"


"But I can be with you without suffering."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Really?!" I felt happy, since I thought that we could be together from now on.

She gave a short nod before she took a step back and then smiled at me. I was confused, and there was a sudden blue light that came from the ground. She was surrounded by it, and Kourin stared at me.

"Aichi, I love you so much… but I have to go."

"W-what… what are you… talking about?"

"I fear for the fact that you'll die eventually as we continue to be with each other, but I found a way. I will have to disappear myself and turn into a gem. In that way, you'll never die." She explained and I teared up.

"But... But I want to hold you and be with you! I want to hold your hand and see your face!" I cried out as I held her hand. My hand felt so hot, it was burning. I didn't let go though, I just wanted to be with her.

"Aichi, please let go!" She yelled, I could see more tears falling down. I had no choice but to let go.

"Kourin-san…" I finally cried when she disappeared. I fell to my knees and felt so weak as I fell down on the ground, before I went unconscious I found an emerald gem next to me and I closed my eyes.


I woke up in my bedroom, I still felt groggy. As I sat, I remembered about her. I went panicky and took a glance around.


There was something glowing green on the side table. I looked at it and smiled to myself. I could feel her presence when I touched it.

"Kourin-san… even though I can't see you again, there's still you in this gem, right? I… I can be with you because I know you're here."

I could feel warmth surrounding me, I smiled and teared up.

"I love you so much, Kourin-san…"

'I love you too, Aichi…'



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