no title

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A/N: While I kept listening to REOL's no title, I was thinking of a bittersweet- somewhat happy yet angst type of oneshot. I may have reached the epitome of crying while in the middle of the writing process. Anyways, this is my Valentine's special for all of you! Enjoy!

Setting: Future fic


It was spring.

Kourin smiled to herself as she watched Aichi talk to Kai. She felt happy that Aichi is happy as of this time, yet something else struck her; why is that that she feels her heart being struck for a million times. She took a breath and looked away when Aichi's gaze averted from Kai to her. He looked at her with confusion painted on his face.

Ah, what is this feeling?

She thought her heartbreak had disappeared already, but no, she really loves Aichi Sendou a lot.

It was so much that she wanted to sacrifice anything and everything just so he would notice her, she'll do anything for him just to stay by his side.

But it really won't happen, will it?

"Kourin, are you okay?" Misaki asked her in worry; when the lilac haired girl noticed the blonde idol being awfully quiet and seemed to be in her train of thoughts, Misaki got concerned about Kourin.

Kourin nodded as she looked at Misaki with a forced smile. "I'm okay," she said.

Kourin gazed upon the blue haired boy who seemed to be so happy. She let out a quiet hiss as she felt her heart in pain once again.

Why can't he look at her the same way he does to others?

Kourin might have thought that she felt really left out of this circle, she didn't even feel like she should call this her home.

First, she could never see the possibility of Aichi loving her. Then, she felt that she's just in this circle of "friendship" to not make herself seem like she doesn't belong there. But does she… really?

She may have thought of leaving this place, to forget them, and maybe even forget about Aichi.

With her two legs she wanted to run away far, far away from this place and to make these feelings disappear.

Kourin just looked around, seeing everyone with their smiling faces. Those genuine looks of happiness, will she ever feel that too?

Her emerald green eyes looked down, she felt her heart aching again. Now, not only about love is what she's feeling. It's also about everything, and she couldn't do anything about it. How did she become this fragile?

Slowly and gently, it crumbles and breaks.

Kourin gulped, and then looked around. And even before averting her stare from everyone else who didn't seem to notice her, she slowly opened the door and so she left Card Capital.



Her tears fell down as she was walking away, she didn't even notice that not until she noticed the tears flowing down her cheeks.

Kourin bit her lower lip and her eyes twitched, trying to stop herself from crying.

But it wouldn't help.

She sobbed, and luckily there was no one in that alleyway she was walking.

Kourin stopped in her tracks and sat down on a nearby bench to let out her soft cries and sobs.


She jolted a bit when she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw him; Aichi Sendou. She noticed his blue eyes filled with worry.

"A-ah… Aichi…" Kourin wiped her tears away and sniffed.

"Kourin-san, what happened? Is there anything wrong?" Aichi asked as he sat beside her and reached on his coat pocket for a handkerchief.

"I-it's nothing, really." Kourin stuttered her words, unable to keep her usual stoic composure.

Aichi suddenly leaned on Kourin and wiped her tears with his handkerchief. Kourin, unable to say anything, just stayed quiet as she got surprised by the blunette's actions.

That was then that she couldn't take it anymore.

She broke down and cried once again, and Aichi panicked.

"K-Kourin-san!" Aichi held her shoulders and pats her back. "C-calm down, please!"

"I can't! I just can't!" She exclaimed. "This is so unfair! Why?!"

"Kourin-san…" Aichi embraced her, gulping in nervousness as he let her cry on him.

"Why… why can't it happen? All the things I have done… you can never love me the same way as I do…" Kourin muttered and whimpered.

"What?" Aichi was surprised by her words, and he felt something inside him was struck. Heartache, perhaps? As he didn't like seeing her like this.

Kourin cried and cried, letting all her emotions out. Those emotions and thoughts, she told him.

And that was then that Aichi looked at her, he touched her face with his calloused hands and with his thumbs he gently touched her cheeks.

"Kourin-san, I'm sorry that you've felt that way." He spoke in a rather not-Aichi tone of his voice. Kourin's stare was not on him, instead she was looking down. "K-Kourin-san..?"

"When you speak that way… it felt different." She said.

"Ah…" Aichi had an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay…"

They both went quiet.

When will this ever reach to you?

No, that time will never come, now isn’t that true?

Without a voice nor a body of presence

I’m just one of those millions you had happened to saved

But then, as Kourin was about to stand up, her left wrist was caught by Aichi and pulled her close to him. With a blink of an eye, his lips were sealed onto hers.

Kourin was surprised, and yet she kissed him back. She went closer to him and held him as if she's never let go.

Aichi pulled from the kiss and rested his head on Kourin's shoulders, his lips slightly pecking on her neck. This sent a shiver down Kourin's spine, and the blonde girl just let him.

"Why are you doing this, Aichi?" She asked, catching her breath.

"That's because I love you." Aichi said.

This didn't give Kourin any other feelings than sadness. "Are you saying that just because you felt guilt and feel bad about my condition?"

Aichi shook his head. "No, I'll never say those words just because I wanted to. I needed to say it, since I really do… love you." Aichi remarked.

Kourin gulped and stared at the clear blue sky. She didn't even know what to feel anymore; it was a mix of sadness, happiness, doubt... And others she couldn't even explain herself.

"Kourin-san, please listen to me." Aichi spoke to her. "I promise to make you feel at home, you have me, and you have everyone. Don't you ever think that you don't belong here, because you do. You belong here, with me and with our friends. Didn't you say this before? This is your home."

Kourin did listen, it brought her emotions up again. By now, her eyes sting from crying too much. And she still sobbed. How could she forget the fact that they're so important to her?

She embraced him again. "I'm so sorry, Aichi… I really am!"

"Kourin-san…" He smiled and pats her head and back.

"I love you, Aichi…" Kourin whispered.

Aichi continues to smile and kissed her forehead. "I love you too, Kourin-san."

Kourin continues to embrace him, and they stayed like that for a while.

Slowly and gently…

She didn't break this time.

She realized who she is… a person who only wants to be home, and she did.



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