Sickly Sweet

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A/N: Another story request by NolvelistHijab123. I honestly really like the idea of Kourin having to take care of Aichi when he is sick. *smiles*


Kourin Tatsunagi had just went inside the classroom, she would usually see the three of her friends; Aichi Sendou, Naoki Ishida, and Shingo Komoi.

Yet, on this day, there were only Naoki and Shingo. She was confused why Aichi wasn't there, she knows that Aichi will be on school with Naoki and Shingo.

"Good morning, Naoki, Shingo." Kourin greeted, she gave a smile to them.

"Good mornin', Kourin!" Naoki grinned at Kourin.

"Good morning, Kourin-san!" Said Shingo.

Kourin sat at her chair and stared at the seat in front of her, she couldn't help but to be worried.

"You okay, Kourin? You seem a bit worried there." Asked Naoki as he looked at Kourin.

"I-it's nothing!" Kourin had to look away as she started to blush.

"Aichi ain't here, huh..." Naoki said, "I heard from his lil sister earlier that he's got a fever, so he ain't comin' to school until he gets better."

"I see..." Kourin nodded in understanding. Then, her worry for Aichi became even more. She somehow wanted to go to Aichi's place but she didn't want to bother him.

But somehow she wanted to visit him, she just couldn't. She's having second thoughts on whether or not to visit the blunette.

'Well, he's sick and I'm worried so I can visit him to know if he's okay, right?' Kourin thought to herself and she sighed.

The school bell rang, classes have started.

When it was time to go home, it was early. As they only had homeroom for their class schedule.

Kourin immediately took her bag and ran out of the classroom, leaving Naoki and Shingo to be in shock as they saw the idol's actions.

"What's gotten in her?" Naoki asked.

"I absolutely have no idea," Shingo said as he fixed his glasses.

Kourin was running out of the campus, she passed by Misaki who was talking with Akari but she ignored them as they called her. She wanted to reach the place as fast as she could.

And so she finally arrived, Kourin was panting hardly due to her running. But she had a small smile on her face when she saw the house.

Sendou Residence.

Kourin was about to ring the doorbell, but the door suddenly opened. She saw a woman with blue hair and blue eyes.

"Oh my, a guest?" Said the woman as she approached Kourin.

"Um, hello. I'm Kourin Tatsunagi, Aichi Sendou's classmate. I came here to visit him." Kourin introduced herself.

"I see, you're his classmate. Kourin-chan, Aichi has a fever today, so that's why he's absent from school. Do you still want to visit him?"

"I do, I want to see if... he's doing okay..." Kourin kind of blushed at her statement.

"Ohoho, you must be his girlfriend." The woman said as she laughed.

"N-no I'm not!"

"Oh it's okay, by the way I'm Aichi's mother. And you can come inside," Aichi's mother said.

"Sure, Mrs. Sendou." Kourin replied and smiled.

"Oh, and can you please do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

Aichi's mother smiled back at Kourin as she said something to the blonde girl.

"Ah... my head hurts..." Aichi muttered as he touched the side of his head and he slowly opened his eyes, but the sun rays hurt his eyes so he closed it again and he winced.

Some minutes later, he heard the door open but he didn't dare to open his eyes. He assumed it was his mother. He also smelled porridge.

"Mom, I'm going to eat the porridge later please." He said.

"That, I have to say no."

Aichi somehow noticed that it wasn't his mother's voice, it was different. So he opened his eyes, there he saw a girl with blonde haired girl with green eyes.

"K-Kourin-san?!" Aichi yelped and he blushed hardly as he saw the idol holding a tray of a bowl of porridge and a glass of water. Kourin puts the tray on the desk and she sat on the bedside.

"I came to visit you," Kourin told him. "And... take care of you." She blushed.

"Y-you shouldn't... have come..." Aichi suddenly coughed and Kourin went to help him.

"I would come, I have to know if the president of the Cardfight Club is okay. And it's my duty to do so." Kourin said.

"E-eh?" Aichi glanced at Kourin, "Y-your duty?"

"Yes, now keep quiet and eat your porridge. Your fever looks awful, I have to take some water and towel to get your temperature to cool down." Kourin stated and she went out of the room.

As Aichi was eating his porridge, he somehow thought to himself. 'It's her duty to know my condition? Isn't that a duty of a...' Aichi suddenly blushed as he thought about it, he hid himself on the pillow. 'Kourin-san, it's a duty of a wife! Y-you're not- Oh no! Why am I thinking about this?!'

Kourin came back with a towel and a bowl of water and she saw the porridge had been finished and so does the water, she looked at Aichi and saw him covered in his blanket.

"Aichi, I'm going to treat you now." Said Kourin.

"N-no... can we do it later?" Aichi suggested.

"What? I have to take care of you now so take that blanket off and let me do it." Kourin replied and she grabbed the blankets, forcing Aichi to show himself. When she did, she found Aichi with his face all red and sweating.

"Idiot, look at you, you're sweating a lot." Kourin scolded and she held Aichi.

"K-Kourin-san, I really don't feel well..." Aichi whispered as he turned to her. He breathed heavily.

"That's because you covered yourself with those blankets, you can suffocate yourself by doing that." Kourin explained and she wring the wet towel and wiped it on Aichi's face and neck.

"Kourin-san..." Aichi stared at her as Kourin continued to do her doing.

Kourin wets the towel and wring it once again before placing it on Aichi's forehead.

"There you go," Kourin said and smiled at Aichi.

Aichi blushed once again before he spoke, "W-why did you... come here anyways?"

"I told you didn't I? I have to-"

"No, not that. Kourin-san... normally... you would just send me a message to ask me if I'm... okay... but you're... different today."

Kourin pouted and she sighed, crossing her arms as she looked back at Aichi. "I'm your friend, of course I have to know if you're really okay. And..."

Aichi blinked, he was waiting for Kourin to continue, but Kourin only looked away. He could see a faint blush on her cheeks.

"A-anyways, I was asked by your mother to take care of you while she has to do some errands. That's why I'm here." Kourin stated.

"I-I see..." Aichi smiled.

All of a sudden, Aichi took Kourin's hand and held it. Kourin got startled and she glanced at Aichi who placed Kourin's hand on his cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Kourin-san... I made you worry, I didn't even let you know how I am..." Aichi muttered and closed his eyes. "Can you please... stay for a while?"

"I-if that's what you want..."

"Thank you, Kourin-san."

Kourin lets Aichi held her hand as he took a rest, she stared at Aichi. She was a bit confused why Aichi knew that she was worried about him, and she thought that maybe it was obvious.

Kourin didn't mind now, as long as she can take care of Aichi. Maybe it was worth taking care of the guy.

She had a smile on her face, she's glad to do something for him.



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