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A/N: I haven't updated because I had no ideas, and Wattpad's been having problems. but I have this one simple idea that I think will be an okay story.


"Sendou-sensei!" A co-worker has called, and Aichi glanced. He puts his papers and files down as he turned to his co-worker.

"Yes, what is it?" Aichi spoke and smiled.

"Since we successfully finished our job today, let's have some little gathering!" His co-worker said enthusiastically.

"Eh? A gathering?" Aichi was confused and curious.

"Yeah! We should drink, sensei!" Another one of his co-workers said.

"Drink? Oh… I'm sorry, I really don't drink that much." Aichi declined and he smiled awkwardly.

'Kourin-san will kill me if I get drunk.' He thought.

"Come on, sensei! Don't be such a killjoy! We're just going to drink a little!"





Aichi was sitting, bottles of alcoholic beverages and glasses are around the table. His co-workers are being loud as they talk about their lives, and Aichi is the only one being quiet.

"So Sendou-sensei, mind talking about yourself?"

Aichi glanced and smiled, "I'd… rather not."

"Come on, you're being like this again?! Stop being such a killjoy, sensei! We've already talked about our lives but you haven't!"

Obviously, everyone is already drunk. Aichi is no exception, but he still doesn't want to talk about himself. He thought it's a bit embarrassing to talk about.


"No buts, Sensei! Tell us!"

Aichi sighed in defeat, he looked back at his co-workers with a smile.

"Oh well, I'm… actually a cardfighter, and… I studied astrology in America before I went back here." Aichi said, "And… I have a wife and two children."

"A cardfighter? So you mean to tell us you're that Aichi Sendou?!"

Aichi laughed awkwardly and nodded.

"But Sensei, you never told us who's your wife! You should say her name and such!"

"D-do I really have to?" Aichi asked.

"Of course!"

"W-well…" Aichi chuckled and he took his phone out. "Her name… is Kourin."

"Kourin? Same name as Kourin from Ultra Rare?"

Aichi nodded, and he showed a picture of him and Kourin on their wedding day, "This is her."

"What the hell?!"

"Guys look, it's Kourin! Kourin from Ultra Rare!"


Everyone gathered around Aichi and looked at the picture, they were all shocked. Their professor's wife is actually the popular idol!

"Sensei, you're so lucky to have her! And you even got two kids with her?! That's so cool!" Aichi was being praised.

Sure he's proud that he's got a beautiful wife and adorable children, he's just embarrassed for being praised.

"You're so lucky to be married to one of the beautiful idols in Japan!"

"Sensei! Tell us how you met!"


"Aichi's a bit late," Kourin mumbled as she opened the gate of the house. The sky was getting dark and she's a bit worried since Aichi comes home early, and if he ever comes late he'll send her a message. But this time he didn't.

"Mom, when is Dad coming back?" 8 years old Kouichi asked as he opened the door.

Kourin glanced at Kouichi and gave an assuring smile, "Don't worry Kouichi. Your Dad is coming, please just wait for him."

"…okay…" Kouichi was disappointed, since he's waiting for his father to come home early so they can have a little cardfight.

Kourin then looked back at the street, and then she saw three people walking. She quickly recognized the person in between the two.

Those two people were helping the middle person walk, and they all looked drunk.

"Aichi!" Kourin called and Aichi, who was being helped looked at her with a smile.

They got to Aichi's house and his co-workers helped Aichi to walk to Kourin. Aichi embraced Kourin so that he'll stay in balance and he buries his face on her neck.

"What happened to him?" Kourin asked Aichi's co-workers.

"Well, Mrs. Sendou. We kinda had this little gathering and we drank too much. We didn't know Sendou-sensei isn't used to drinks like that."

Kourin sighed, "This guy knows he isn't used to alcohol but he still drank." She let Aichi sit on the entrance of the house.

"Thank you for taking care of my husband, but please don't ever let him drink again. He can't tolerate it."

"Y-yes ma'am!" Aichi's co-workers all blushed as they nodded at Kourin's statement. The former idol smiled brightly, causing the men to swoon.

"K-Kourin-chan! Please let us take a picture of yours!"

Aichi then looked at them and glared, he stood up, though still couldn't get a good balance. He went behind Kourin and touched her shoulders, everyone looked at him.

"No one can take Kourin-san from me!" Aichi exclaimed.

Kourin sighed, "Take it easy, Aichi. It's just a picture taking."

But Aichi didn't listen, he still glared at his younger co-workers and he kept frowning. Kourin thought this was cute and she giggled.

"Anyways, you all should go home. It's late." Kourin told them.

"Yes!" And so Aichi's co-workers left.

Kourin helped Aichi go inside their house where they were met by Kouichi and Ai who were innocently looking at their parents. Kourin brought Aichi on the sofa where she lay him down there.

"Mommy, what happened to Daddy?" Asked the 5 years old Ai.

"Oh, he's just tired." Kourin said, but she didn't want to tell that Aichi is actually drunk.

"Mommy, can Ai take care of Daddy? Just like you do!" Ai said.

Kouichi sighed, "Ai, let Mom take care of Dad."

"But I wanna take care of Daddy!" Ai crossed her arms and pouted.

"Ngh… Kourin-san!" Aichi suddenly exclaimed and his tone was angry. Ai got scared and she hid behind her brother's back.

"Yes?" Kourin seemed like she didn't mind.

"Next time, don't just let anyone take pictures of you without my permission!" Aichi yelled, his eyes closed.

Kourin puts her hands on her hips, "Will you stop being possessive? You're scaring the kids."

"Eh?" Aichi opens his eyes and looked around, he grinned silly as he looked at Kouichi and Ai. "Ah, Kouichi-kun, Ai-chan, do you want to go out with me?" He said slurred. "Let me drive today, Kourin-san."

"Idiot, I'm not letting you drive and we're not going out until you're okay."

"I'm okay!"

"No you're not."

"I am! See?" Aichi tried to sit but he fell back on the sofa. "Haha…."

Kourin gave another sigh and looked at her children. "Kids, go back to your rooms. I'll take care of your father."

"Okay, Mom. Ai, let's go." Kouichi and Ai both went upstairs.

"Aichi, how many did you drink?" She asked and sat on the other sofa next to him.

"Only one," Aichi said and smiled.

"You mean one large bottle of beer?" Kourin stated and Aichi laughed.

"Seriously, how idiotic can you be? You know you can't tolerate alcohol yet you still drank." Kourin puts her hand on Aichi's head, patting him.

Aichi only smiled and closed his eyes.

"I love you, Kourin-san. Marry me." He said.

"Idiot, we're married already. And I love you too. Now go to sleep." Kourin smiled back.

"Then let's get married again," Aichi turned to the side.

Kourin looked at him with a smile on her face, she found out that after Aichi said that, he fell asleep.

Kourin then took some blankets and pillows. She lays Aichi's head on the pillow and covers him with the blanket. She gave Aichi a kiss on his forehead before she went to sleep on the carpeted floor just next to the sofa where Aichi sleeps.


The next morning.

Aichi woke up with a hangover, his head hurt so much. He looked around and realized that he's sleeping on the sofa. He smelled the breakfast that his wife is cooking.

"Ouch…" Aichi puts his hand on his forehead and winced.

"Daddy, are you okay now? You won't yell on Mommy again, right?" He heard his daughter, Ai spoke.

"Eh?" Aichi looked at Ai, "I yelled at her?"

Ai nodded, "You were scary last night."

Aichi's eyes widened and he stood from the sofa. He rushed to the kitchen. "Kourin-san! Is it true I was yelling at you last night?!"

"Yes," Kourin nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Kourin-san! I won't drink again!" Aichi bowed as a sign of apology.

"You better be," Kourin smiled at him.

Aichi realized what that smile meant, it was the smile of his beloved wife about to do something that would make him beg for his life.

'I'll never drink again!' He thought as he gulped in nervousness.


I love Family AU so much

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