A Broken Friendship and A Mate

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(Warning there is a suicidal attempt in this chapter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Cayleb's pov.
I ran fast and as far as I could to get away from the dragon that use to be my friend. But now he's my enemy. I ran for so long that I couldn't feel my legs. I ran until I came upon a village at the edge of a hundred foot drop. That is where I stood not moving thinking about what Spyro said. I can't take it anymore I threw myself off the ledge hoping to end my life once and for all.
*                       *                       *
Meanwhile a dragoness saw him throw himself off the edge. She didn't know what it was but she reacted so fast that she didn't have to think about it she took off after him and caught him just before he killed himself. But he did hit a tree limb and got knocked out. So she took him back to her cave and took care of him.
Cayleb's POV.
  He woke up with a little start he couldn't remember what happen or were he was. Then she walked in and remember everything for losing a friend to almost killing himself.
Oh thank the ancestors your still alive. I thought you killed yourself when you hit your head on that tree limb. Anyway how do you feel?

"Like shit."
I just lost a dear friend because of what he said and I have no one in this world to help me along.
"I'm curious what did he say that made you want to kill yourself?"
He said that I was weird for thinking that I could mate with a dragon. I can't believe he would do such a thing to the guy that saved him in the human world. It hurt so much when he said that and still hurts now.
Well sounds to me your friend doesnt know much about us dragoness we mate with who ever we trust with our love, our heart, our soul and even our body. He should of just not have said anything. Tell um mister? Oh my name's Cayleb and your is. Oh I almost forgot I'm Ruby. That's a pretty name Ruby.  Aw thank you no ever talks to me like that.
"Why is that?" Well I'm a um... promise me you won't judge me please. I don't judge anyone until they do something evil. Ok she took a step out of the shadow my mouth dropped. Never have I expected to see a diamond dragon but there she was standing there right in front of me. It only took me a second before I went to one knee and bowed in respect. Oh rise to your feet Cayleb. I did as told but I notice a little reddness in her face.

There you have chapter 3.
Part 4 coming soon.....

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