Dead Cyril

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(Warning suicidal committed here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
Cyril POV.
What the hell have I done. I just found my daughter and now I just fucked up my chance to fix the problem that happen a long time ago. But I blew it just because I think that dragons and humans should not mate with each other because it's just disgusting. I just sat there fighting with myself about what I just did. It wouldn't stop the more I thought about it the more suicidal I became. Fine she wins I'm done she can have him but she won't have a dad as I grabbed a dragon dagger and pushed it into my chest and threw my heart killing myself. My body fell to the floor with a thud causing everyone who was around to jump.
*                     *                      *
Ignitus heard the thud and ran as fast as he could to Cyril's room only to find a dragon dagger in his chest.
"NO CYRIL!" said Ignitus.  It was so loud that it rang throughout the temple everyone in the temple heard it and came running. Everyone was look through the door to see Ignitus holding the dead body of Cyril. 
"Why Cyril why did you take your own life" said Ignitus. But he knew it was to late. Cyril is dead now and there was no fixing it.
*                         *                     *
Ignitus POV.
Bring the bad news to Cyril's daughter was the hardest thing I've done in my life and I hope it's the last. But he knew there was more to come with Malefor returning to the world.
I started to walk to where Cayleb and Ruby live. Still thinking how to tell her about her father. Finally I made it to we're they live and knocked on the door. I was freaking out. I didn't know how to tell them. So I just said it really fastto Cayleb. To my surprise he got it right of the bat.

Thanks you Ignitus for telling me I'll tell my wife. With that Ignitus leaves and returns to the temple.

Part 8 coming soon as possible...

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