Moving to Warfang

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We had everything ready to move to Warfang. I was just waiting on my mate to finish up.

Ruby POV.
I just got done in the bathroom to see my mate sitting there waiting for me so we could leave. Okay honey I'm ready to go are you. Yes baby I am ready so lets get going shall we.

We started our journey to Warfang in the morning so we can get there about evening.
* * *

We made it just before the sun went down. But that was until I heard screaming. A dragon was running through to city Malefor has returned and hes here to kill us all run for your life.

But when people looked at me they all laughed. That's not Malefor thats a different purple dragon and a lot younger than Malefor and older than Spyro.
Hi there new guy welcome to Warfang said a dragon villager. Thank you for the warm welcome but I know you all already know me.
"Whatever do you mean" asked the captain mole.
"Well do you guys remember a human running out of Warfang about two days ago."

"Yes what about him?" asked the captain.
Well that was me I know it sounds impossible but I mated with my mate who is this beautiful diamond dragon next to me.
A diamond dragon it can't be she's been found. Her father will love to hear that his daughter is still alive. Um... Rudy is that you a voice said behind the other dragons. They stepped aside so he could see her. To my surprise it was Cyril himself who said that.
DAD! She runs up to Cyril.
Cyril was crying tears of joy as his only daughter has finally found her way home to her father. They both were happy until she broke the embrace. Hey dad I would like you to meet my mate Cayleb. Wait did you say Cayleb? Yeah why is there a problem dad. Uh yeah hes a human. Not anymore dad we fucked and now I'm pregnant with his kids. He is the only one who hasn't tried to rape me because I'm a diamond dragon he really loves me and I love him.
Cyril was speechless. B...but. But what dad just because he was human you don't like him and now you want me to dump him. Well dad I got news for you. I'm not going to hes been with me over 10 years longer than you have and I'll never leave him and you can't make me so this is goodbye for the rest of my life. She grabs me with her tail and walks away.

Their you have it part 6
Don't know when I'll have part 7 up. So just bare with me.

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