Spyro's human friend

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Every guardian was scared of Spyro's friend from the human world because he's a human not a dragon.
"Most people will mistake him for an ape Spyro said Ignitus."
"But he's not and I trust him more than I trust myself."
"What's his name Spyro." asked Volteer.
"His name is Cayleb I met him in the human world right after the humans caught me and took me to a base and experimented on me. They didn't get far because he saved me he killed everyone there but me and brought me back here." said Spyro.
Just then Spyro's friend can thorough a portal that his friend made.
"Yo Spyro man how have ya been bro haven't seen ya in awhile." said Cayleb as he hugged Spyro.
"Cayleb! Good to see you again too. I'm great how about yourself.
"I'm not doing so well bro I'm having a hard time finding a mate. I'm not into human's there to damn bitchy."
Hahaha good one man human's are too bitchy besides you." Said Spyro.
"Thanks man that means a lot." Anyway why you call me has something happen?
"Yes Cayleb something has happen. Malefor is back and I have a family now so can you help me kill Malefor again so my family and I can live in peace."
"Why didn't you just say so Spyro let go kill him." said Cayleb.
"But I do asked one think from you." asked Cayleb.
What is it asked Spyro scaredfully.
Its not much Spyro I simply want too live here in the dragon realm if that's okay. The human have been hunting me but keep failing. said Cayleb.
"As you wish said Spyro you will live in the dragon realms for the reset if your life." said Spyro.
The Guardians were not happy at what Spyro just said.
"SPYRO!" yelled the guardians.
"What do you want." Said Spyro angrily.
This surprise everyone and me. Hey Spyro why you so angry all of a sudden. Come on man you need to come down before you dark side controls you to do something you'll regret.
Take deep breaths Spyro. Spyro did as I said it calmed him down back to normal Spyro.
Good I said now tell me why your so angry.
Well it's ember she was raped by Malefor and got pregnant from it. She had his kids but they were all sacrificed to bring Malefor back. She want to get to them before that happen but it was to late. She was trying to kill them before that but we never got the chance to leave before she had the vision.
"Hmm sound about right to me," said Cayleb.
"What do you mean," asked Spyro.
"Well there's a little more you need to know about me I can tell the future."
How long has this been happening," asked Ignitus.
"Ever since I saved Spyro in my world."
Sounds to me like part of Spyro lives inside you and is the powerful part of him.

"What do you mean Ignitus about more powerful part."
Well if a human saves a dragon the dragon and human share their souls with each other. It happen to our ancestors to. We have no ideal how it happens it just happens.
"Thanks for the history lesson" said Cayleb sarcastically. But shouldn't we be going to kill Malefor right now. Caylebs right we need to get going. No you need to work totether so you can use your powers as one not two.
What are you talking about Ignitus. Well since he's going to live here you two need to work together in order to defeat Malefor.

Yay part 1 done.
Part 2 coming soon.

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