Chapter 2

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[New theme]
*Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead. All rights go to Robert Kirkman. I only claim Isabelle and her actions.*

S5 E2: Strangers



Third person

The group begins walking up a road.


Rick's group stops in the forest, setting up a temporary camp. Rick sits beside Carl, who feeds Judith. Molly strokes Judith's hair, while Isabelle cleans one of her knives. Maggie and Glenn murmur to each other, before kissing once and hugging. Tara smiles at Maggie awkwardly, before looking away. She stands with Rick, waiting for him to speak.

"You didn't want to be there," he finally speaks. "That's why I tried to talk to you. Glenn told me you saved his life."

Tara awkwardly chuckles. "He saved mine," she replies.

Rick nods, smiling. "Well, that's how it works with us, right?"

Tara hesitates, before nodding and smiling. "Right."

As Rick begins to move away, she suddenly holds out her fist for a fist-bump. "Hey," she speaks.

He returns it. "Get something to eat," he gently orders. "We'll start back at sunup." He moves away, leaving Tara alone. She removes her gun, feeling the straining weight leave her.


The group slowly walks up a road, the heat glimmering around them, creating mirages in the distance. Maggie wipes her forehead, squinting. Glenn looks off to the right of them, while Tara simply walks after them.


Carol and Tyreese fill up bottles at a stream. "Talked to Rick," Tyreese begins, glancing over at Carol. "Some of them know what you did, at the prison."

They pull their bottles out of the water, screwing the caps on. "Daryl, Maggie. They accept it. You wouldn't be here if they didn't."

They put away the filled bottles, bringing out new ones. They hold them in the water, beginning to fill those up.

"Gonna talk to the rest of them," Tyreese continues, watching Carol. Tell them to accept it, too."

Carol glances over at Tyreese. "They don't have to," she replies.

Tyreese looks up at Carol. "No, they do," he states, returning his gaze to the water. "They just do."

They continue filling up the bottles, before Tyreese speaks again. "We don't need to tell them about the girls. I don't want to."

"What about Molly?" Carol questions. "She deserves to know what happened to her friends."

Tyreese shakes his head. "She wasn't really their friend, not really. She just sort of followed them around. They were the only kids her age. See how much happier she is around Isabelle and the others?"

Carol shifts her weight. "Why don't you want to tell the others?"

"I just need to forget it," Tyreese whispers.


The group makes their way forwards along the paved ground. Carol and Tyreese walk besides each other. Bob and Sasha walk close, Sasha speaking. Daryl walk in the far back, looking around.

Rick is in the very front, followed by Glenn and Maggie. Tara follows a few fee behind. Carl and Isabelle work together to carry Judith in her carrier, with Molly just behind them. Michonnie walk closely behind Molly, and Eugene marches along behind them. Abraham and Rosita walk separated from each other, but still together. The others trail along, mixing.

A walker staggeres out of the woods, snarling loudly. "I got it," Michonnie states, moving towards it. She reaches for her sword, but stops, grinning at her forgetfulness. Instead, she smacks it with her gun, knocking it over. She steps on its shoulder, before crunching its head in with the butt of her gun.

"Right there is why we're waiting for our moment," Abraham declares, moving past Rosita, who stops.

"Yeah, fair enough," she replies, moving forward again.

That night, the group sits around a fire. Rick and Carol stand in the shadows, away from the group.

"I owe you everything," he speaks.

Carol shakes her head. "You owe Tyreese. He was at the prison."

"You got back there," Rick points out.

Carol looks down, digging his watch out of her bag. She holds it out to him, and he takes it with a questioning look.

"It was in one of their storerooms," she explains.

"I saw them kill him," Rick says. "That kid." He attempts to hand her the watch back, but she refuses.

"I still don't know about what you did, but I know you knew some things I didn't. I sent you away to this-" he begins.

"You said I could survive," Carol cuts him off. "You were right."

"I sent you away to this, and now we're joining you," he finishes. "Will you have us?"

She nods, smiling.

"Thank you," Rick says. Carol knows that he is thanking her for more than allowing them to join her.

Rick walks away, rubbing his fingers over the face of the watch. Carol remains in place for a moment.

Daryl and Carol wind up sitting next to each other as they keep watch. Hesitantly, he looks over at her, a question in his eyes.

She looks away. "I don't want to talk about it," she speaks. "I can't." Daryl continues to look at her as she quotes Tyreese. "I just need to forget it."

After another moment of silence, she looks over at Daryl. Their eyes meet as he speaks. "All right."

A twig snapped in the woods, and Daryl abruptly stands, making his way forwards. he held his crossbow ready, as Carol scrambles to her feet after him. He holds up a hand, signaling for her to stay back.

"It's nothing," Daryl concludes.

Off in the distance, where their gaze slips by, something, or someone, watches them through the trees.


In the daytime, they walk in the forest, Rick leading them. A twig cracks nearby, and everyone comes to a stop, each cocking and aiming their gun.

It's only Daryl, who stops when he sees them, lifting his arms into the air. "We surrender," he proclaims. He joins Rick as the group begins trekking forwards again.

"No tracks, no nothing," Daryl mumbles to Rick as they walk together.

"So whatever you heard last night..."

"It's more what I felt," Daryl cuts in. "If someone was watching us, there would have been something else."

As Daryl continues forward, Rick turns back to the group. He whistles lowly. "Keep close," he beckons.

"Ready to get some concrete under your feet?" Abraham questions Rick.

"I think it's time," he replies.

"Oh, that is sweet music to my ears, Officer," Abraham says. "Take the next road we come to, try to get back to going north 'till we find a vehicle. Good?"

"Good," Rick confirms. He turns back to Tara, Glenn and Maggie, whom have all fallen behind. "Tighten it up," he orders as they pass him.

"Uh, wet socks," Sasha says to Bob.

"Cool feet," he replies.

"Mosquito bites," she tries.

"Itching reminds you you're alive," Bob points out.

"Danger around every corner," she guesses.

"Never a dull moment."

"The hot sun beating down on you," Sasha says.

"Come on, a glorious tan," he replies. They share a laugh. "I said it, and I meant it," Bob proclaims.

"No privacy," Sasha smirks.

"Captive audience," Bob replies. Sasha snorts, and they kiss. "One more," Bob pleads, and they kiss again. He laughs as she falls back to Tyreese.

"He's a damn expert at that," she whispers to him.

"What was it?" Tyreese wonders.

"A little game," she replies. "Good out of the bad."

The group freezes when they hear a distant cry. "Help!"

"Dad, come on!" Carl exclaims.

The man continues screaming.

"Come on!" he tries again. "Come on!"

"Anyone, help!" The man yells.

Rick looks around.

"Rick, come on!" Isabelle presses, and he finally nods. They take off, the group following quickly.

A man sits on top of a tall rock, walkers surrounding him. "Help! Help! Help! Anyone!" The man cries out.

Carl and Isabelle pause long enough to pass Judith to Molly, who takes her and backs away. Carl shoots one walker as Isabelle slams into another with her knife. As the group takes on the small herd, Molly rocks a crying Judith while staring up at the man.

"Woah, woah!" Daryl warns Carol before shooting a walker with his crossbow.

"We're clear, keep watch." Rick orders. "Come on down."


I watch as the man, shaking, slowly climbs down from the rock he has perched on. He backs himself into the stone as he dusts himself off while looking around at us. Our faces are cold and neutral, and his face is shaken and scared.

"You okay?" Rick wonders. The man holds up a finger, before doubling over and vomiting. Everyone awkwardly looks around as he empties his stomach. I turn, taking the opportunity to motion Molly over. She comes, stroking Judith's hair.

The man spits as I watch, wrinkling my nose.

"Sorry," the man whispers as he stands again. He sniffs, before answering Rick's question. "Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick begins the standard procedure.

Gabriel chuckles, looking at us. Once he sees that we aren't laughing along with him, he stops. "Do I look like I would have any weapons?" He questions, motioning to himself.

Wrong answer.

"We don't give two shits and curlies what it looks like," Abraham cuts in.

"I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need," he states.

I scoff. Yeah, because He'll protect you from getting bit or scratched, starving or getting shot, or dying of a wound or dehydration.

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl points out.

"I called for help. Help came," Gabriel argues, smiling nervously. His smile disappears as he looks around at us.

I imagine what I must look like. My blonde hair ratted, tossed around my shoulders. I wear a black t-shirt with several cuts in it, and my leather jacket unzipped over it. My jeans are filthy, and torn. I imagine that I have blood, dirt and sweat smeared along my skin, and my lips are cracked.

Gabriel's voice pulls me back. "Do you have-have any food? Whatever I had left, it-it just hit the ground."

Carl tugs some pecans out of his bag. "We've got some pecans," he offers. Slowly, Gabriel takes them. "Thank you," he says.

Judith baby talks in Molly's arms, and she shifts her gently, murmuring. "That's a beautiful child," Gabriel smiles.

Carl and I look over at Rick, to see how he will react to this. He simply continues his stare at Gabriel. We both look back over at Gabriel. He shifts uncomfortably. "Do you have a camp?"

"No. Do you?" Rick wonders, shifting closer. Gabriel looks around at us all. "I have a church."

I roll my eyes. Really? A church?

"Hold your hands above your head," Rick orders, exasperated. Slowly, Gabriel abides, clearly confused. Rick begins patting him down, and Gabriel goes ridged.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asks. Ah. The three special questions. Now we're getting somewhere, I think.

"Not any, actually," Gabriel answers, chuckling nervously. "Turn around," Rick spins him around, and he stumbles.

"How many people have you killed?" Rick asks the second question.

"None," Gabriel replies, looking over his shoulder at Rick, confused.

"Why?" Rick asks the third and final question.

"Because the Lord abhors violence," Gabriel states.

I scoff.

"What have you done?" Rick presses. As Gabriel looks confused and nervous, he speaks again. "We've all done something."

"I'm a sinner," Gabriel replies quietly. "I sin almost every day. But those sins, I confess them to God, not strangers."

Is he crazy? Or just really devoted?

"You said you had a church?" Michonnie wonders aloud. Gabriel nods.

We follow Rick and Gabriel through the woods as they talk. "Hey, earlier, were you watching us?" Rick asks.

Why would anyone be watching us?

"I keep to myself. Nowadays, people are just as dangerous as the dead, don't you think?" Gabriel replies.

No, people are worse.

Daryl voices my thoughts. "No, people are worse."

"Well, I wasn't watching you. I haven't been beyond the stream near my church more than a few times since it all started. That was the furthest I've gone before today."

After a moment, Gabriel speaks again. "Or maybe I'm lying. Maybe I'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all. Maybe I'm leading you into a trap so I can steal all your squirrels."

He laughs, turning to us. "Members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor leaves much to be desired."

"Yeah, it does," Daryl grunts. Gabriel turns, running into leaves. He bats them out of the way, embarrassed.

I almost feel bad for him. He's trying so hard to break the ice and make us friendly, but we're being so closed off and cold to him. But, he's a stranger, and there's no telling what secrets he has. What he has done. Because like Rick said, everyone has done something.

We approach a cream colored church. I look around, reading the sign that hangs in the front of it. St. Sarah's Church.

As Gabriel approaches the doors, Rick orders him, "Hold up. Can we take a look around first? We just want to hold onto our squirrels." He holds out his hand for the keys, which Gabriel slowly gives to him.

Rick pushes the doors open, gun drawn. We follow, lowering our weapons once we recognize that there is no threat. Michonnie enters a back room, followed by Glenn.

I stand looking at the odd collection of cans. There are many of them, all opened. I glance over my shoulder, at Rick. He stands watching, too. 

I move my gaze to all of the scriptures. They make me uncomfortable. My parents and I attended church every week before the apocalypse.

Rick whistles, before stepping out to Gabriel. He hands him the keys back before Gabriel begins talking.

"I spent months here without stepping out the front door. If you found someone inside, well, it would have been surprising."

Rick just looks at him.

"Thanks for this," Carl says to Gabriel as I join him, Molly and Judith. Molly has handed Judith over to Carl, who holds her upright.

"We found a short bus out back," Abraham says to Rick. "It don't run, but I bet that we could fix that in less than a day or two. Father here says he doesn't want it. Looks like we found ourselves some transport."

Rick strokes Judith's hair. When he doesn't respond, Abraham presses on. "You understand what's at stake here, right?"

"Yes, I do," Rick replies.

"Now that we can take a breath-" Michonnie begins.

"We take a breath, we slow down," Abraham cuts her off. "Shit inevitably goes down."

"We need supplies, no matter what we do next," she retorts.

"That's right," Rick agrees. "Water, food, ammunition."

We begin to enter the church as Daryl says to Abraham, "Short bus ain't going nowhere. Bring you back some baked beans."

Glenn approaches Abraham. "One way or another, we're doing what Rick does. We're not splitting up again."

"What he said," Tara says to Abraham as she follows Glenn inside.

"We want to roll with you, but... what she said," Bob says to Abraham before he and Sasha go inside.

Inside the church, Rick interrogates Gabriel as we spread out. "How'd you survive here for so long? Where did your supplies come from?"

"Luck," Gabriel replies. "Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it. It was just me."

"C'mere, Judith," Carl murmurs to Judith as he takes her from Rick. I fix Molly's hair as we listen to Gabriel talk.

"The food lasted a long time, and then I started scavenging. I've cleaned out every place nearby... except for one."

"What kept you from it?" Rick wonders.

"It's overrun," Gabriel replies, shrugging.

"How many?" Rick presses.

"A dozen or so, maybe more?" Gabriel thinks.

Rick nods, looking at the group. "We can handle a dozen."

"Bob and I will go with you," Sasha agrees. "Tyreese should stay here; help keep Judith safe."

"That'll be okay?" Rick asks him. He nods. "Sure. You ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here."

"I'm grateful for it," Rick thanks. "And everything else."

"I'll draw you a map," Gabriel begins.

"You don't need to," Rick stops him. "You're coming with us."

Gabriel smiles nervously. "I'm not going to be of any help. You saw me. I'm no good around those things."

"You're coming with us," Rick states firmly.

Rick sits down with Carl and Molly and I tend to Judith.

"Do you have to go?" she wonders.

I nod. "We need the food. I'll be fine, I always am. You can help Tyreese and Carl with Judith."

She nods, looking around.

I look over at Rick and Carl. By shifting just a little, I can hear what he's saying.

"-don't trust this guy-" Rick begins.

"Why?" Carl wonders.

"Why do you trust him?" Rick asks.

"Everybody can't be bad," Carl replies.

Rick chuckles. "Well, I don't trust this guy. And that's why I'm bringing him with me. But he could have friends. So I need you to stay alert, and help Tyreese and Molly protect Judith, okay?"

"What about Isabelle?" Carl asks.

Oh, here we go.

"I need her to come with me. She's gonna help us with this" Rick replies.

"Why can't I just go instead? She could help with Judith, and I'll come," Carl tries.

Rick shakes his head. "She's smart and fast. She can get out of trouble and come back for help, if needed."

Carl hesitates. "Don't have her do anything too dangerous."

Rick chuckles, nodding. "Okay."

"Now, I need you to hear what I'm about to say," Rick begins.

"Okay," Carl agrees.

"You... are not safe. No matter how many people are around, or how clear the area looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe. It only takes one second. One second and it's over. Never let your guard down, ever. I want you to promise me."

"I promise," Carl whispers to him.

"Okay," Rick stands, walking away, towards the doors, myself, Molly and Judith.

"Dad," Carl stops him. "You're right. I am strong. We both are. But... we're strong enough that we can still help people. And we can handle ourselves if things go wrong. And, we're strong enough, that we don't have to be afraid, and we don't have to hide."

Rick nods. "Well, he's hiding something."

Carl nods, shifting. "I'll stay safe, Dad."

Rick touches his shoulder, before walking away. "Ready?" He stops before me.

I nod. "Ready."

I smile down at Molly, and she smiles back, gently bouncing Judith. Carl wraps his arms around me, and I press my forehead into his shoulder.

"Be safe," he whispers, kissing me. I have to smile when I respond. "You too."


"Hey," Bob says to Rick as we follow Gabriel down an alley. "When you said they don't get to live, you weren't wrong. We push ourselves and let things go. Then, we let some more go, and some more. Pretty soon, there's things we can't get back. Things we couldn't hold on to, even if we tried. Washington's gonna happen, Rick.'

"I haven't decided if we're going," Rick replies.

"Yeah, I know. That's cool. But, you've seen Abraham in action. He's gonna get there, and Eugene's gonna cure all of this, and you're gonna find yourself in a place where it's like how it used to be. And if you let too much go along the way, that's not gonna work. 'Cause you gonna be back in the real world," Bob continues.

"This is the real world, Bob," Rick says.

Bob laughs. "Nah, this is a nightmare, and nightmares end. I'm sorry. I'm calling it. Washington's gonna happen; you're gonna say yes. Already too much momentum. You can't fight city hall. Maybe that's just one of those parts of not letting go. "

He's wrong, I think. There is no cure. I don't know what Eugene is playing at. He may be a scientist, or someone who is just confused about where he stands. But, either way, he's playing with us. I don't think there is a cure, not for something as big as this. And besides, if the cure doesn't turn walkers into humans, then what use is it? Sure, it could make us immune to the infection, but honestly, who wants to be immune and still be bitten?

Third person

Carol and Daryl walk together, each toting two plastic milk bottles filled with water.

"Hey, I get it," Daryl says. "Ya don't want to talk 'bout it. Ya okay?" He looks over at her.

Carol looks at him. "Gotta be," she replies.

"We get to start over. All of us, with each other. Ya saved us, all by yaself," he speaks.

"We got lucky," Carol says. "We all should be dead."

They spot a car in the distance, on the road. "I'll check it," Carol calls.

"Ai'ight," Daryl grunts, stopping.

She opens the driver door, sitting inside. She tries the ignition, with no results. She moves to the trunk, using the keys to open in.

"Hey," Daryl says, approaching her. "We ain't dead. And whatever happened... happened. Let's start over."

Carol looks at him, sadness in her eyes. "I want to."

"Well, ya can," he replies.

She flips a switch on the inside of the car. It begins humming, and she closes the trunk. "We should leave this here for backup, in case things go south at the church.

As she picks up her water jugs, Daryl tosses one at her. "Will ya carry one of those?"

He covers his face as Carol looks up, smiling. "Hm, no," she replies playfully as he moves to pick it up.


Tara and Maggie stand in front of a building. "You know, I didn't want to mention anything when we looked this place up in the phone book, but I just can't imagine a gun store having leftovers nowadays," Tara comments.

"Don't look good, does it?" Maggie agrees.

A clattering sound emits from the shop. Both girls ready their guns, approaching the entrance. Glenn exits, running into the door on his way out.

"Was it a walker?" Tara questions as they lower their guns.

"Uh, yeah, it was a walker," Glenn quickly agrees.

"Really?" Maggie wonders.

Glenn looks at them as they examine him and the store.

"It was a stack of boxes and a mop and I tripped," he rushes.

Tara and Maggie laugh as Glenn scrambles to redirect their attention. "Still, got what we came for," he states proudly, pulling three silencers out of his pocket."

"You actually found something?" Tara asks in disbelief, taking them.

"Three silencers stashed in a mini-fridge," he confirms.

"Rule number one of scavenging," he says as they begin walking. "there's nothing in this world that isn't hidden.


I follow Gabriel, Rick, and Miconnie as we walk. Sasha and Bob follow behind me.

"We're here," Gabriel says as we approach a white building. "This was the food bank. It served the whole county. All of the cans at my church were gonna end up here."

Rick swings the door open, stepping in. His gun is ready, like ours.

As we search the building, it appears empty. I remain on guard, however, because I do not want a surprise to greet me.

I pause when I see Rick's hand go up, signaling us to stop. He moves forward to examine whatever has got him on guard, while we remain in place, watching him. He stops, looking down, before motioning us forward.

I follow Michonnie and the others as we approach Rick. He is looking down, at something that I can't see. As I move closer to him, however, the sound of splashing and walkers moaning reaches my ears.

I pause just behind Michonnie, staring down at the walkers in the water. The smell is horrid, and I bring my hand up to my nose and mouth, covering them as I blink. The walkers slosh around in the water aimlessly.

"God, that smell," I say.

"If a sewer could puke," Bob comments, "this is what it'd smell like."

Michonnie looks up, and I follow her gaze. In the ceiling, there are several holes, the sunlight shining through. Drops of water drip down from the edges of the holes, dropping into the water below us.

"The water's been coming down that hole for a while. Slimed this place up good," Michonnie observes.

"We can use the shelves to block them," Sasha points out. Rick looks over at her, nodding.

"Yeah, that's it, Sasha," he confirms. "There's our way. Down those shelves."

We begin lining up, when Rick notices Gabriel in the corner. He looks terrified.

"Hey," Rick gains his attention. "I said you're coming with us.

Slowly, Gabriel moves over towards us, taking deep breaths to calm himself.


"Go! Go!" Rick shouts at us. I jump down into the water, wincing as it begins to soak me. "Here they come! You take right," he orders.

We pull the shelves together to block ourselves from them.

"I see three here," Rick calls. "You got it?"

We begin stabbing the closest ones, the blood splattering around us.

Gabriel begins panicking, swimming away. He attempts to climb the fragile stairs, but they collapse under him. He backs into the wall, clinging desperately to the tubes behind him. "Gabriel!" I shout out, pulling the group's attention to him.

"We have to get Gabriel," Rick orders.

"What happened?" Bob wonders.

"I don't know," Rick replies.

He panicked, that's what happened. New to all of this, a believer in no violence, and we pushed him straight into the middle of it, I think.

"All right, we'll push down the shelves to the ones in front of us. We'll fight through and I'll grab him. Go!" Rick yells.

We push against the shelves with every bit on strength we have in us. They slowly fall, forcing the walkers on the other side of them under the water.

We begin splashing towards Gabriel as he whimpers. A walker staggers towards him, and several others come at us. Michonnie stabs one before using a mixer to take down another.

We circle around as Rick gets to Gabriel. Bob grins, approaching a green box. "Well, I know which way it's gonna break," he says. Just as he touches the box, a walker hand shoots up from under the water, pulling him under.

"Bob!" Sasha screams. Bob comes back up, gripping the walker tightly as it snaps at him. He wrestles it down, and Sasha uses the box to kill it. She turns to examine him, gasping. "You okay? Bob, you okay?"

"I'm fine now," he replies, and they both take a moment to catch their breath.

Rick turns to examine the rest of us. As he looks at me, his eyes widen. "Isabelle, look-" he begins, but is cut off.

A walker grabs me from behind, nearly forcing me under the water. I grab the end of a shelf, pulling myself away from it. It clings to my waist, snapping at the flesh hidden under my shirt. I kick at it with my feet, both hands clinging to the shelf.

Michonnie begins her way towards me, but I don't need any assistance. I kick the walker into a shelf opposite to me, and use my feet to crush its head in. The gore splatters my cheek, and I grimace.

"You good?" Michonnie asks, resting her hand on my shoulder as I release the shelf, gasping. I nod, waving her away, looking at the dead walker.

Close call.


We begin pushing bins on carts up the road, heading back for the church. Gabriel walks beside us, ashamed and out of place. He darts to catch up with Rick. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. I-I panicked. I-I told you I-"

"You knew when she was alive?" Rick cuts him off. He must mean the walker that scared Gabriel away.

"Yeah, I get it. You only tell your sins to God," Rick comments when Gabriel doesn't answer.

He turns to look at Michonnie, and then myself, falling behind Rick. Lost, he turns forwards again, walking after Rick.

After a ways of walking, Rick decides to speak. "Do you miss the sword?" he asks Michonnie.

"Wasn't really mine in the first place. Found it, in the very beginning," she replies.

"How'd you get so good?" Rick wonders.

"It was just me, and them, out here, all day, every day, a good long time. I don't know what that was, but it wasn't a life. Not like today. Stumbling around in three feet of slime for some peas and carrots, that's a living," she jokes.

"I miss Andrea," she says suddenly. "I miss Hershel."

"Yeah," Rick breathes, almost silently.

"I don't miss what was before. I don't miss that sword," she adds.


We finally arrive back at the church. Abraham is laying under the truck, sweating through his shirt as he works.

Carl greets me first, as Rick and the others go directly inside to organize the food.

He huggs me, the way he always does when I come back from a run.

"There's blood on your cheek," he observes, wiping it away with his thumb. "Trouble?"

I shrug. "Gabriel saw someone he knew before as a walker, and panicked. Nothing we couldn't handle."

He observes me more closely. "Your hands are red," he motions to them. I hold them out, and we both examine them. A design from the shelf that I held onto is dug into them, and I rub my palms. He takes them, helping me. His hands are warm and lightly calloused. "Close call?" he wonders, his eyes worried. He is always worried at I dow lay everything, which I do.

Again, I shrug. "A walker grabbed me from behind. I had to hold onto a shelf to keep above the water. Apparently, I held on tighter than I was aware of."

He motions for me to turn around, and I oblige with a sigh. He always examines me for any possible injuries, though I don't see why. I never get badly injured.

His hands gently hold my hair aside as he slips my jacket back to check my skin. After a moment, he twirls me back around.

"See? Nothing to worry about," I say.

He nods, before looking at the side of the church. I follow his gaze, but there is nothing.

"What is it?" I wonder.

He takes my hand, biting his lip. "Come here," he finally says. "I found something, and I don't know what it means."

He leads me over to the side, where he points out some scratches. "I think that they are deep, like they were made with knives," he says. "Someone was trying to get in."

I run my hand over the scratches, feeling them gouged deep into the wood.

He tugs me a little farther down. "Now, whatever this means, doesn't mean for sure that Gabriel is bad," he warns me.

"What is it?" I ask, growing more worried.

He nods, and I turn around. The words YOU'LL BURN FOR THIS are carved into the church, probably by a knife.

I run my hand over these, tracing each letter. I don't know what I am supposed to do or say, but I know that I am supposed to do something.

"You have to tell Rick," I finally say, turning to face him. He nods.

"I was going to. I just wanted to tell you, first."

I turn back to the words, staring at them until Carl places his hand on my shoulder. "Go inside and see Molly. She hates it when you go on runs."

I nod.  "I know."

I give him a smile before heading in. I meet Molly and Tyreese inside, where they watch Judith, protecting her from the hot sun. Molly springs up, hugging me tightly when she sees me. Tyreese smiles at me, and Judith coos.


That night, the group is happier than they have been in a while. And why not? We have plenty of food, more food than we have seen in a long time.

Most people mill around, chatting, laughing with each other. I sit with Carl and Molly, against the ends of the pews. We aren't separated from the group, but we aren't right in the middle. The closest person to us is Daryl, who sits alone.

"I'd like to propose a toast," Abraham calls. He waits for the chatter to die down, which doesn't take too long.

"I look around this room, and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To the survivors!" He calls.

"To the survivors! Cheers!" The group calls out, raising cups. I tilt mine forwards a bit, before sipping from it, my eyes on Abraham. I can tell that he isn't finished yet.

"Is that all you want to be?" He speaks again. The group looks at him, waiting for him to explain.

"Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forage for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse and repeat? 'Cause you can do that. I mean, you got the strength, you got the skill. Thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that's just surrender. Now, we get Eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. And that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip," he states.

Judith coos in Rick's arms, and he gently shushes her, kissing her head.

"Eugene, what's in DC?" Abraham turns to him.

Startled by the unwanted spotlight, Eugene uncomfortably clears his throat before unwillingly speaking up. "Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. That means food, refuel, refuge. Restart."

"However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. Safer than you've been since this whole thing started. Come with us. Save the world for the little ones. Save it for yourselves, save it for the people out there who don't got nothing left to do except survive," Abraham says.

We all look around at each other. By little ones, I assume he means Judith and Molly. I, unfortunately for Abraham, am unconvinced about this whole "cure" thing. It is very doubtful. I would love to believe it, but I need proof. And I don't think that anyone could supply that for me.

Judith coos again. "What was that?" Rick questions her. The group laughs.

"I think she knows what I'm about to say," Rick says. "She's in. If she's in, I'm in. We're in."

The group laughs again, and someone claps. "Yeah," Tyreese chants.

"Let's do it," Rick says, kissing Judith's forehead. The group begins cheering at his statement.

We're actually doing this. I really hope that this doesn't blow up in our faces, like everything else has, I think to myself.

Third person

As Rick walks away with Judith, Sasha turns to Bob, kissing him. "Okay," she says, smiling, "I'm not letting my brother be the only one that gets to hold that baby."

They laugh. As she begins to stand, Bob stop her. "Wait," he says. "One more."

This time, their kiss is longer. Sasha rests her hand on his cheek for a moment, before rising. Bob holds her hand until he has to let go, looking after her. As she hold Judith on her hip, smiling at the baby, Bob gets up, walking out of the church.

Tara, after a moment of indecision, moves down from her perch on the pew to beside Maggie on the floor.

"You okay?"Maggie asks, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah," Tara replies quickly. Maggie waits for her to speak.

"I was at the prison," Tara finally says. "With the Governor. Um, I didn't know who he was, or what he could . And I didn't know who all of you were."

Maggie stares into space, taking this all in. "I-I just didn't want it to be hidden," Tara whispers. "That I was there."

She watches Maggie as she looks up. "You're here with us now," she says to Tara. They smile before hugging.

Gabriel sits in a dark corner, holding a wine bottle. Rick approaches him, taking a seat beside him.

"Thanks for the hospitality," Rick says. "I'm surprised you let us drink your communion wine." He takes a swallow from his cup, waiting for Gabriel to speak.

"There isn't anyone left to take communion," Gabriel replies. "The wine's just wine until it's blessed." He takes a swig from the bottle in his hands.

Rick nods, before speaking. "You're hiding something. And it's pretty obvious it's something you can't hide from. That's your business. But these people, these people are my family. And if what you're hiding somehow hurts them in any way, I'll kill you."

He doesn't say it as a threat, simply as a fact. Perhaps this is what scares Gabriel the most when Rick says it.

At the car on the road, Carol closes the trunk, carrying the jump starter around the side. A walker begins to snarl in the darkness, and she pauses, her eyes searching. When it comes into the moonlight, she draws her knife, stabbing its head. It collapses, and she hears a rustling from behind her.

She whirls around to see Daryl exiting the woods. "What're you doing?" He asks.

Suddenly, Carol looks exhausted. "I don't know," she replies, shaking her head.

"C'mon," Daryl says, turning halfway towards the direction of the church.

Suddenly, a car engine approaches. They hide behind the backup car as it passes, and then Daryl runs out to see it.

What he sees makes his stomach drop.

The white cross.

The races back to the backup car, and immediately begins smashing the tail lights with his crossbow, grunting.

"Whoa, whoa! What're you doing? What are you doing?" Carol cries.

"They got Beth!" He shouts. "Come on! C'mon, get in!" Once they're both in, Daryl squeals after the car.

Bob stands outside of the church, smiling, but his smile slowly fades as his brow crumples. He walks over to a tree in the graveyard before leaning against it, sobbing quietly. Suddenly, someone hits him from behind, knocking him out. He collapses down, and the person bends over him. The tree that Bob was leaning on has a knife marking on it, in the shape of a sideways L.

Slowly, Bob wakes. His vision is unfocused, and his hearing sounds like he is in space. "You up? Ah, you're back with us, huh?" Someone asks. His gaze focuses on the man standing before him.


"Good new is... you're not dead yet. That's a relief, right? But try not to read too much into the word yet there. It'll just drive you crazy, Bob," Gareth says.

Bob looks around, utterly confused.

"I want to explain myself a little. See, we didn't wanna hurt you, before. We didn't want to pull you away from your group, or scare you. These aren't the things we wanna do. They're things we gotta do. You are your people took away our home. That's fair play. Now we're out here, like everybody else, trying to survive. In order to do that, we gotta hunt.

"Didn't start that way, eating people. It evolved into that. We evolved. We had to. Now, we've devolved, into hunters. I told you. I said it. Can't go back, Bob. I just hope you understand that nothing happening to you is personal. Yeah, you put us in this situation, and it is almost kind of a cosmic justice for it to be you, but we would've done this to anybody. We will.

"But, at the end of the day, no matter how much we hate all of this ugly business, a man's gotta eat." Gareth explains.

And Bob notices.

He is missing most of his left leg.

He starts to gasp for air in shock as Bob takes a bite out of the meat that used to be on Bob's leg.

"If it makes you feel any better, you taste much better than we thought you would," Gareth says.

The few survivors are eating the meat of Bob's leg, all but the foot gone, which is roasting over the fire.


So, waaaaay longer update than I was planning. But, it has been a looong time since I've updated, so consider this your make up.

So, this was one episode in one chapter. I guess that this is how long the chapters will be now, depending on how much important information is in the episode. And, I sort of dragged the start out, just because I didn't know how long this chapter would be.

I am super sorry for the long wait! Thanks for 99 reads on Chapter 1, and thanks for those who've stuck with me. I've bee busy with school and marching band, yahoo.

Depending on how much free time I have, and how much I work on my other books, updates will be spreaded out. Just be patient. The next updates MOST LIKELY won't be as long of a wait as this one was.

So, thoughts on the new theme?

Thoughts on this chapter?

Isabelle is definitely going to evolve much, much more than she has been.

I still haven't decided if I'm bringing Enid into the series. I love her and all, but I'll see how it plays out in the show. I may be veering off course a little bit, but I will keep it as close to the show as possible.

Fun fact: I watch each episode over again as I work on the chapters. Thank God for subtitles. (:

Word count: 6971

Until next time! (:

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