Chapter 21: Worst Case Scenario!

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Logan came back from the hunt with a few things nothing grand that will make them do backflips for joy but it's a few things, like food for a couple of days and something else that might put a smile on Beth's face, Logan walked into the prison just behind Beth and Lori, he saw Carl sitting on the steps facing him, Carl smiled to Beth walking past till he saw Logan standing by the entrance gate watching him.

Logan chuckled a little when Carl forced the smile off his face and looked back to his gun which he was cleaning, Logan walked towards him with his bag on his back.

Logan: It's alright to look...

Carl looked up to him as Logan stood by him and looked down to him, he saw Beth watching them from their cell up a few doors and thought he'd scare the kid a little more, so he pulled his gun out and looked from Carl to the gun.

Logan: ... Just as long as it doesn't pass that.

Logan said to him pulling back the chamber and smiled when he heard him gulp from pure fear, Logan is the jealous type and nothing will take Beth from him now, not the zombie's, not some crazy security guard and certainly not some kid who's way underage.

Logan put his gun away and walked into Hershel's cell who is looking through the medical things Carl managed to snag from the medical wing the other day, Logan and the others still weren't happy that he did that but he did get some really good stuff.

Logan: I couldn't get what you wanted me to get.

Hershel turned to the boy while he put the bag on the bottom bunk, Hershel sat down looking up to him as he indicated for him to look, Hershel went through the bag and took out all of what Logan was able to find.

Hershel: It's not perfect but it'll do...

Logan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck making the best doctor they have look up to him worried about Logan's now public condition.

Hershel: ... Everything okay, son?

Logan shook his head and nodded down to the man and Hershel put the meds to the side and stood up, Hershel spun Logan around and moved his shirt down enough to see the bit and it looked healed over like it was before, Hershel put his shirt back and tried to see what was bothering him but Logan stopped him with a chuckle turning around.

Logan: Okay, fine. I'm just a little nervous, that's all...

Hershel was curious to why he'd be nervous, Logan's been one of the go too's in a situation because he's normally calm minded so if something making him shaky hand then it must be important, Hershel didn't need to ask him what it is because Logan put his hand in his pocket and pulled out what looked like 2 rings, they didn't match but Hershel saw what he was trying to do.

Logan: ... Is this too much. I'm not really sure what to do to be honest. I never actually thought she'd agree to marry me truthfully.

It was pretty funny seeing Logan freak out about all this and he just shook his head to him, Hershel remembered that Rick needed to see him to help burn the walker bodies they rounded up earlier, the rings are going to have to wait till later.

Hershel: Rick's looking for you by the way.

Logan: Do you know where he is?

Logan asked slipping the rings back in his pocket and picking his bag back up from the bed beside them, Logan put it on his back where it belonged ready for Hershel to tell him where Rick is.

Hershel: Why don't we go and find out.

Logan agreed to that and they both walked out the cellblock and to the outside where they were moving the cars back into a better spot for them to make a quick break if they need to, Logan looked and saw Maggie, T-Dog and Carol doing that, Rick was know where in site.

Logan: You guys seen Rick?

They looked over to them and saw Carl, Lori and Beth join them with Beckett following her, Logan smiled to her as she took his hand in hers and Beckett stayed close to her, Logan proud of the way he's been protecting her like he ordered.

Maggie: He's down there with Glenn and Daryl.

Logan and the others looked down to the bottom of the prison where the hole in the fence is that they used to get into the prison, they had some wood in their arms and looking over to them, Logan looked over his left shoulder though and could already hear them.

Logan: Run.

Everyone looked to him and to where he was looking and saw what he already saw coming, it's a group of walkers far to many for them to handle alone so Logan pulled his gun out and whistled giving Beckett the all clear to take one out.

Logan: Everyone inside. Now!

They did as they were told and the ones who could shot took a few out as they went, Logan could hear Rick calling out to them and glanced to seem them on their way over here, Logan looked back as Lori put a bullet in one's head dropping the Walker.

Beth: Daddy! Behind you!

Logan looked to the far right doorway that they had to go to because the Walkers cut off the other side and saw a Walker behind Hershel, Logan went too shoot but his gun was empty and instead pulled his knife out throwing it into the Walkers head.

Hershel and Beth looked to Logan as Hershel lost his balance and tumbled on the steps, Logan gave them a nod telling them to move before he looked to T-Dog.

T-Dog: The gate is open!

He then ran towards it to close it, Logan called for him to stop but he didn't listen, Logan looked around and they were running low on ammo and getting slowly overwhelmed, Logan looked to where Maggie is beside him.

Logan: Maggie! Get those two out of here!

She nodded to him and ran to the entrance they came out from after he and Maggie cleared it, Maggie called to them and Lori looked over to her seeing a way out, she pushed Carl carefully towards her passing Logan who whistled to Beckett as he was getting surrounded as well, Beckett manged to crawl between a walkers legs though and get out safely.

Logan watched as T-Dog and Carol fought their way to the open gate and took Beckett towards the now locked gate Hershel and Beth are hiding behind, they moved the loose metal pole out the way to let them in, Logan dragged the barking Beckett through but stopped and looked to where Maggie took Carl and Lori, he can't let them go alone.

Logan: I've got to go after them.

Beth: No, wait...

Logan looked to her and held her face in his hands brushing away her tears, clearly she's scared right now and it's completely understandable, even Logan's a little worried and doesn't want to lose the people he's called family for the past months.

Logan: I'll be fine but I can't leave them alone.  

Beth understood that and nodded sadly in his hands, Logan gave her a kiss before handing his gun to Hershel who took it, Logan closed the gate allowing them to put the pole back in place, Logan picked up his knife from the nearby Walker that tried attacking Hershel, Logan took a deep breath and took his shirt off leaving him in just his vest. 

He looked over his shoulder and smiled to Beth before question what's wrong with him, not out loud but in his head, Logan moved towards the surrounded gate that Maggie, Lori and Carl went in and drew the attention away to himself.

Logan: Okay, now plan B... I really should start planning this shit out instead of winging things.

Logan smiled with a chuckle before using his speed to get around them and throw the gate just before the Walker pushed is hut making him hit the concrete steps, Logan didn't have time to celebrate his stupidness though and went in after them just as Rick and the others got the main gate open at the front, the ran to the open area and took out the few Walkers that aren't now behind the shut gate which cost T-Dog a lot.

Rick: What the hell happened!?

Rick asked up to Hershel and Beth while Beckett still trying to get out and help them protect the group, Rick stopped though while Glenn and Daryl continued to clear the yard.

Beth: The gate was open!

Rick: Where's Lori, Carl... Everyone else?

Hershel: Maggie led Lori and Carl into C block. Logan went after them.

Beth: I think T got bit!

Rick: Anyone else?

Beth: I don't think so.

Rick: Stay put. Let that dog out!

They did as he asked as Beckett was quick to help them clear out the rest of the Walkers in the yard, it didn't take the 3 of them and Beckett long and they joined back up at the door to Cellblock C.

Glenn: Those chains didn't break on their own. Someone took an axe or cutters to 'em.

The three of them now looked over to the two remaining prisoners who are slowly walking into the courtyard, it made sense for it to have been one of them over their own group since they've wanted to stay here with them for ages, they could want the prison for themselves.

Glenn: You think they did it?

Rick: Who else?

That's not even the worst thing that started happening because the alarm started to sound out calling to all the Walkers around the area that there's people here in the prison, Logan however managed to find his way into the prison corridors, it's easy by himself because he can kind of sense the dead so all he has to do is wait and continue his search for the trio he came after.

Logan: Maggie...?

Logan asked pocking his head around the corner and stepping out continuing his way to find them after no answer he opted for another call.

Logan: ... Carl...?

Logan still didn't get an answer which wasn't great, his attention was brought away though by the prison sirens calling out making him look around worried.

Logan: ... That can't be good.

Logan stood dead in his tracks after turning a corner, right in front of him was about 15 Walkers but they didn't care about him, Logan took quite quick breaths while not moving a single muscle and they just walked past him like he was either not there or one of there own, Logan stopped breathing fully though when one stopped right in front of him and the smell of rotting flesh was powerful, he had to stop himself from either gagging or throwing up, it took a second but the Walker acted like the rest of them and walked past him. 

Logan turned to the small pack of them and watched them walk away, Logan wanted to figure out what just happened but he needs to find where Lori, Carl and Maggie are or at least shut off this pissing alarm, so he ignored what just happened and continued his way through the halls walking past a door that was hiding Lori, Maggie and Carl, Logan could have helped with delivering the baby but his mind was clouded by what just happened and he didn't bother searching that room.

Logan did however find the power room and went in so he can try and turn off these alarms, Logan saw two Walkers in the room just wondering around, Logan killed one and the other seemed to realise he was there and come after him, Logan held it at a good distance though and one thing went through his mind.

Logan: What am I to you things?

Logan didn't get his answer though and drove his knife in the dead man's head killing it and letting it's body drop to the floor, Logan moved behind the generator quickly when the door crashed open, Logan looked and saw it was Rick, Daryl and Oscar.

Rick: Logan! Where's Lori and Carl?

Logan: I don't know, I just got here like you did.

Rick obviously didn't like that answer worried about his kids and wife, Rick moved over to the power box and Logan went to help Daryl and Oscar keep the door shut.

Rick: How do you shut this off!?

Daryl: Go help him. We got this.

Oscar nodded and moved out the way allowing Logan to spin and push his back to the door and Daryl put his entire body weight onto it both working to keep the door shut as Rick and Oscar worked on shutting off the alarm, they nearly had it but Andrew came out from behind the console and swing an axe at Rick, Rick dodged the blow but then Andrew went for Oscar and he wasn't as fast and got knocked to the floor.

Logan shared a glance with Daryl as Andrew pinned Rick to a motor, they both thought Rick could deal with him but their grip on the door wasn't getting better, so they moved out the way, Daryl picked up his bow and dropped a Walker, Logan stabbed on in the head letting Daryl take the next pushing the dead body into the crowd outside the door pushing them back, Logan and Daryl got back behind the door and saw Oscar get back up and throw a barrel at Andrew knocking him off Rick.

Oscar picked Rick's gun up off the floor and aimed it too both Andrew and Rick, Logan and Daryl couldn't do much or the room would fill up with Walkers and kill them all. 

Andrew: Shoot him! We can take back this prison.

Oscar didn't do it though and just held the gun at Rick while a small trail of blood came from where Andrew just hit him with the axe, Rick didn't say a word while Logan and Daryl could only watch.

Andrew: What you waiting for? Do it! It's our house. Shoot him!

Logan nodded to Daryl telling him that he has the door, Daryl made sure and took his knife out slowly approaching Oscar, then he did something none of the expected and he put a bullet in Andrew's head making the asswipe finally shut his mouth, Rick didn't even flinch and saw Daryl slowly walked towards Oscar.

Daryl didn't need to intervene though because Oscar spun the gun in his hand and held the handle to Rick, Rick curiously took the gun then finally shut off the generator killing the siren, making them sigh for the peace.

Rick: Let's go...

Rick, Oscar and Daryl lined up in front of Logan, Oscar holding the axe and the others holding their knives ready for a fight, Logan was really struggling to keep the door shut by himself and waited for Rick's go ahead, after a second Rick nodded and Logan dived out the way causing the door to swing open, Rick, Daryl and Oscar easily took them out as he just watched from a sitting position on the floor, back to the wall and knees up resting his arms after a long few minutes.

Daryl: All Rested up?

Daryl asked looking down to Logan after the Walkers were cleared up, Logan let out a small chuckle glancing up to him as he put a bolt in his crossbow.

Logan: Always for you Princess.

Daryl let out an amused grunt before helping Logan to his feet so they could get out of here and make sure everyone is safe and sound now that the sirens have stopped, what's really the worst that could have happened...


(To Be Continued)

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