Chapter 7: Bar Fight!

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Glenn, Hershel, Rick and Logan are still in the town bar as they just killed two guys with one shot each.

Glenn: Hole shit.

Rick looked to Glenn as Glenn clearly hasn't had to kill a living man before or even seen it till now.

Rick: You alright?

Glenn took a deep breath and looked away from the dead Tony and to the others in the room.

Glenn: Yeah.

Rick nodded his thanks to Logan fro having his back and Logan nodded back, Rick then turned to Hershel.

Rick: Hershel?

Hershel didn't answer right away and looked around the bar, Logan looked to the others as Rick and Glenn shared a glance till Rick looked back to Hershel and Hershel nodded to Rick's question.

Hershel: Let's head back.

Rick then picked up Tony's shotgun and checked his pocket for shells, Rick pulled two shells out and stood upas Logan held his hand out for the shotgun, Rick agreed and let the boy have it along with the shells, Logan made sure it was loaded while Glenn to Dave's gun.

Rick, Logan and Hershel walked towards the door but then moved for cover when car lights went passed the window.

Rick: Get down.

Logan took the right side of the door with Hershel to his right while Rick took the left with Glenn just beside him, they stayed quite as the car stopped, the engine turned off a at least two men got out the car.

Man: Dave? Tony? They said over here?

Man 2: Yeah.

Man 3: I'm telling you I heard shots

Man 2: I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more around here.

Man: it's hot. We gotta get out of here.

Man 3: Dave! Tony!

Logan, Rick, Glenn and Hershel just stayed as quite as they can not wanting to get into any kinds of trouble right now, they all just hopped they will leave as Logan's starting to feel a little woozy.

Man: Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em? Just stick close. We're gonna find 'em.

Logan heard them walking just outside the building and got the idea to as quietly as he can, lock the door, Logan did so without them seemingly noticing.

Man 2: Dude, he said stay close. Tony.

Rick and Logan waited for a few minutes then checked both sides to  see that no one seemed to be out there, Rick stood up and slowly made his way over to them.

Glenn: Why won't they leave?

Hershel: Would you?

Hershel asked leaning over Logan who's sat on the floor, shotgun in his lap and sweating like crazy, Hershel then got a look at his left shoulder and saw the bite mark.

Logan: No wait...

Hershel didn't and pulled his shirt off the fresh bite, Rick and Glenn looked panicked while Logan calmed them down.

Logan: I'm fine. I've got long enough to get out of this and say bye to Beth, then I'm leaving... For good.

They didn't like that idea but didn't really have much choice, Logan's been bit and there isn't a cure for it, so they just focused on getting him back to the farm to make his last moment peaceful one's.

Rick: We can't sit here any longer. Let's head out the back and make a run to the car.

Hershel and Glenn agreed as Rick looked to Logan.

Rick: Can you run?

Logan nodded and Rick patted his right arm, they all got up to make a move to the back door but stopped when they heard gun fire coming from outside.

They all got back into their positions and waited the gun fire out, Rick looked out the window to see two guys still walking around.

Man: What happened?

Man 2: Roamers, I nailed 'em

He said as Rick watched but moved his head back in as one of the guys looked in the window.

Man 3: They disappeared but their car's still there.

Man: I cleared those buildings. You guys get this one?

Man 2: No.

Man: Me neither.

Man 3: We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checks the damn bar?

Logan, Rick, Glenn and Hershel got ready for the worst and it happened, the lock clearly isn't as good as Logan hopped because they just opened the door and were about to walk in but Glenn freaked out and sat in front of the door shutting it.

Man 3: What?

Man 2: Someone pushed it shut.

Man: Yo, is someone in there? Yo, if someone's in there, we don't want no trouble. We're just looking for out friends.

The guy shouted into the bar Logan is going to keep his mouth shut as they all looked over to Rick and waited for his master plan.

Man 2: What do we do?

Man 3: Bum rush the door?

Man: No, we don't' know how many are there. Just relax. *Loudly* We don't want any trouble.

Logan let out a huff of amusement to that because their friends said the same thing before they tried to kill them.

Man: We're just looking for our friends. If something happened, tell us. This place is crawling with corpses. If you can help us not get killed, I'd appreciate it.

Logan looked to Rick as Rick thought about it for a second rubbing his head, Logan would tell them that they left a while ago but Logan's not in charge here, Rick is.

Man: Dude. You're bugging. I'm telling you nobody's in there.

Man 2: Someone guarded the door. If their in there they might know where Dave and Tony are.

They then walked away as their footsteps faded, Logan and the others sighed thinking they gave up but then they all looked to Rick as he answered them.

Rick: They drew on us!

Hershel sighed and rubbed his face as Glenn got scared again when they heard the guys come back.

Man 2: Dave and Tony in there? They alive?

Rick  thought about it for a second and honestly looks like he regretted his decision, Logan shook his head letting it hit the wall as he closed his eyes for a bit.

Rick: No.

Man 2: They killed Dave and Tony.

Man: Come on, man, let's go.

Man 2: No, I'm not leaving, I'm not telling Jane. I'm not gonna go back and tell them that Dave and Tony got shot by some assholes in a bar.

Rick: Your friends drew on us! They gave us no choice!

Rick defended but he should have just kept his mouth shut, they might be on their way home by now if they did, Logan looked to be passing out as well, making them all worry, Hershel checked his bit and it didn't look any different then when he first got it, by now Logan should have at least an infection but he's seems to just have a high temperature.

Hershel nodded to Rick letting him know that Logan will be okay for now but they need to leave right now.

Rick: I'm, sure we've all lost enough people, done things we wish we didn't have to, but it's like that now. You know that. So let's just talk this up to what it was. Wrong place, wrong...

Rick didn't finish as they started to shoot at them, Logan woke up from the loud gunfire and jumped to his feet shooting back with Rick.

Rick: Get outta here! Go!

Rick shouted to both Glenn and Hershel making them both run, Glen got scared and dropped his shotgun whilst scrying behind a piano, as Hershel got safe behind a brick wall, Rick and Logan sat back down beside the doors as Hershel managed to get Glenn's shotgun and slide it back to him.

Glenn hugged that gun like it was a small baby.

Rick: You okay?

Rick asked look to Logan, Logan looked to him as Hershel and Glenn watched as Logan looked like he was about to pass out any minute now.

Logan: I feel like a partridge I a fucking pear tree.

They all chuckled to that as they reloaded their guns, Logan only has two shots of the shotgun left but their three of them so it's fine.

Rick: Hey! We all know this is not gonna end well! There's nothing in it for any of us! You guys just- just back off, no one else gets hurt!

Rick finished reloading his gun as they heard a bottle crash out the back, Rick looked to Glenn and nodded for Glenn to check it out, Glenn agreed and took a second to summon the courage then left the room slowly entering the back storage room.

Glenn slowly looked around the dark storage room slowly making his way closure to the back door till he stopped when he heard a glass bottle being kicked.

Man: Shit.

Glenn cocked the shotgun and watched as the door handle started to turn, Glenn took more deep breathes then took a shot smashing the window and scaring them off for now.

Rick, Logan and Hershel heard the shot and Rick got to his feet, Rick pulled Logan up as he ground in pain both getting ready to make a fast break for it

Rick: Glenn! Glenn!

Glenn heard his cries and relaxed for a second and composed himself enough to answer him.

Glenn: I- I'm alright. I'm alright.

Glenn moved closure to the door and behind cover cocking the shotgun ready for if they try and come through the back door again, Rick dragged Logan to the same place that Hershel is hiding and puts Logan in a nearby chair, Logan relaxed as Hershel took another look.

Rick: How is he?

Hershel didn't' know how to answer that as it just looks like a regular cut, Hershel let Logan's shirt drop and look to Rick.

Hershel: I don't know, he could be 2 minutes from death or just need so antibiotics.

Rick looked to Logan confused by that but he shook his head, Rick needs to get them all out of here alive and safe.

Rick: I'll hold'em here. You take Logan and cover Glenn. See if you can make it to your car. Tell him- Tell him to pull up back, we'll run for it, get the hell out of here. 

Rick kept on looking over his shoulder to see it the men were coming into the front door, Logan tried to stand but he was to tired and could for very long.

Hershel: You want me to cover Glenn?

Rick: You missed all that gun training. Could have come in handy now.

Rick brought up as Hershel reloaded the gun like he's done this before.

Hershel: Nah, I can shoot. I just don't like to.

Hershel put Logan right arm over his shoulder and took him down the stairs, Hershel sat Logan down on the step as he really don't look so good, Hershel walked away from him though and towards Glenn, Glenn being the jumpy nervous rec he is right now aimed the gun right at Hershel,

Luckily Glenn realised who it is and Hershel moved the barrel away from him.

Glenn: Sorry. Sorry.

Glenn apologised hold the shotgun close and breathing heavily as his head rested on the wall behind him.

Hershel: Rick wants you to try for the car.

Glenn listened to him and only heard one word that came out the older man's mouth.

Glenn: Try? 

Hershel: You'll try and succeed. I'll cover you.

Glenn nodded to that and agreed .

Glenn: That's a great plan.

Sarcastically. Glenn took a few deep breathes and got out of cover and checked the see if the coast is clear, once Glenn was happy it was he opened the door and cautious stepped out, Glenn made it a few steps till one of the guys shot at him making him duck for cover but Hershel just put him down with one shot.

The guy is still alive and crying on the floor in pain, Hershel looked to Glenn though and saw his feet and they weren't moving.

Rick heard gunfire and came down the steps picking up the tired Logan along they way, Rick held the boy up and walked towards Hershel as Hershel made sure none of the others were coming to say hello.

Rick: What happened?

Hershel: He fired.

Hershel answered honestly to Rick's question, Hershel then looked over to Glenn again and assumed the worse.

Hershel: He must've hit Glenn.

Rick looked worried as he let Logan go and leaned him on the wall.

Hershel: He's behind the dumpster. Doesn't look like he's moving.

Rick took the shotgun off Logan and pointed it towards the crying man, Rick then pointed his colt the opposite direction making sure he's covered from both sides, Rick slowly moved his way over to Glenn whilst calling his name and staying close to the wall.

Rick: Are you hit?

Rick asked looking around the corner to see Glenn sitting there shotgun in hand but completely terrified.

Glenn: No. No.

Rick then got behind cover with Glenn while he made sure they weren't about to be jumped.

Rick: It's all right. The car's right there. We're almost home.

Rick looked to still make sure they weren't about to be interrupted, once he knew they were clear he looked back to Glenn.

Rick: You good?

Glenn nodded while shacking from the fact he was inches from death.

Glenn: I'm good.

Meanwhile Logan and Hershel are still in the building and Logan decided to confess something.

Logan: Hershel, I owe you an apology.

Hershel keeps them covered as Rick and Glenn got to make a move for the car but stop  when they get shot at and run back behind the dumpster.

Hershel: What is it son?

Logan: I think I love your daughter.

Hershel looked to him as if he already knew that and it was old news, Hershel just smiled and let the tired delirious boy have this but when Glenn came back they both got Logan to the car, Hershel carried him as the Walkers got distracted by eating the guy Hershel shot earlier.

Glenn: Hershel. Hershel.

Hershel felt bad for the guy but this is good, it gives them time to get Logan safely to the car.

Hershel: The gunfire must've attracted the Walkers. Where's Rick?

Glenn pointed to where one of the guys fell earlier and told Hershel.

Glenn: He ran across.

Hershel looked and saw where Rick ran off to but before he took off he put Logan in the backseat of the car, Logan still has his pistol so if anything goes wrong he can shoot his way out.

Hershel: Well, hell, we can't go without him.

Logan watched as Hershel and Glenn ran over to the boy that jumped off the roof, Logan watched as Glenn kept them covered while Hershel got to work on taking the kids leg off.

Logan isn't going to sit here and watched, Logan stepped out the car and took out as many of them as he could, Logan got back in the car when Hershel, Rick, Glenn and the boy joined him and the left the town heading back to the farm... 

... The question is will Logan live long enough to say goodbye...


(To Be Continued)

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