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Chapter five
Flash back memories

Roxanne was in a dream and saw Adeline, with shock in her soul, of what she saw.

Her dead sister.. she was dead..

How- when?


She couldn't process what, was happening as Adeline kneeled down to her.

"You have to wake up. It was never your fault." Her sister whispered.

"Adeline what-" she started to say before she saw her disappear, and then her eyes flew open.

Dick was talking with Dawn, and Rachel noticed Roxanne woke up while she watched game of thrones.

"Hey you're awake. You okay?" She asked, as Roxanne nodded.

"Yeah.." she mumbled scratching her head in confusion.

What was that dream?

"I'll be right back." Roxanne mumbled as Rachel nods, when she left the room.

Dick noticed Roxanne awake and softly turned his head towards her. "Hey."

"Oh hey.." she mumbled as she turned to look at him awkwardly. "Where's blaze?"

The question she asked made dick chuckled. "He went to get some snacks for you." He told her truthfully.

"Oh. He didn't have to but okay." She mutters, and sat down.

"Do you want some coffee?" Dawn asked her as she smiled. "Yeah, sure."

Dawn walked away to brew some coffee for Roxanne as she looked at dick.

"Dick." She softly muttered as he put his hand on hers. "You okay?" He whispered asked.

"No. Dick I.. I had a bad dream." She muttered, and he perked up. "What is it?"

"My sister. Not Lucy. I had another before Lucy." She told him and he tilted his head.

"Who?" He asked raising his eyebrows out of curiosity. Not judging her.

She was scared but gulped when she sighed opening her mouth to speak. "Her name was Adeline." She replied anxiously.

"As in..?" He questioned tilting his head. "My sister. As in Adeline.. Quinnzel. I'm sorry I lied about my last name-"

"So all this time you were Harley's daughter? Wait.. I remember you now."

She gulped. "Dick I'm sorry-" she started to say.

"Don't apologize for anything. You can't control your parents.. wait.. I get why you hid it from me." He mutters.

She lifted her head back up confused, "what?"

"I hurt you first in school.. when we met before. I knew you were familiar."

She nods. "You did I-" she stopped talking and looked at him. "And I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry.
I'm sorry.. when we were kids I did a bet on you and judged." He told her, as a smile graced her lips.

Dawn walked over "here's your coffee Roxanne." She says and Roxanne took it. "Thanks."

She sipped the coffee when Hank walked in the room and she sweats nervously.

"What the fuck?! Why are they here?" He said to Dawn who tried to calm him down as Roxanne looked at dick.

She saw him get up and blinked "dick-" she started to say before Hank hits dick suddenly.

"Stop it!" Roxanne yelled as she sipped the coffee in fear. "Stop fighting!" She yelled again.

They kept fighting they weren't listening as she grabbed a fistful of her hair.

Suddenly glass was shattered and then Roxanne looked up to see Rachel and looked at her wide eyed.


Then suddenly Rachel ran out, when the two men were stunned, but so was Roxanne.

She sighed and went to the rooms, to sit on the bed with Rachel and wrapped her arms around her. "Hey."

"Hey." Rachel replied while sitting with Roxanne and then looked when dick and Dawn walked straight into the room.

"Hey we're gonna go out okay, you can stay here." Dawn tells them when dick nods "be safe."

"We will." Dawn replied, and walked out when Roxanne unwrapped her arms around Rachel's shoulders.

"I'm gonna see if Blaze even came back." Roxanne told dick who nods when she left the room and went upstairs.

"Why did you hurt her?"  Rachel suddenly asked when Roxanne left the room.

"I didn't mean to" he finally replied as Rachel scoffs slightly. "That's not an excuse."

"Yeah well it's all in the past." He said about to walk off, when Rachel remembered

what she saw, when she touched Roxanne's hand when she was asleep or  what she had told her.

"Not for her." She commented when dick stopped in his tracks slightly turning to looked at her.

"Well.. it doesn't matter. Good night." He said and walked away.

He scratched his head, before going after Dawn he wanted to go to the stairs.

"Okay." He whispered to himself and walked up the stairs. "Hey." He said from behind Roxanne.

"Oh. Hey." She mumbled and turned to look at him. "Your sister.. you told me from earlier.." he started when she nods.

"How did she..?" He asked knowing she knew what he meant. "In a mission when we were villains. Joker shot  her twice." She said sadly.

"I wish I did something to.." she paused sighing, as she covered her face or was about to.




Lucy sat next to Rachel in the room. "I found a cool book!" She exclaimed when she came back.

"You did? Also welcome back." She replied when Lucy smiled at her. "Thank you!"

"So what's the book?" She asked. "A comic!" She replied excitedly when Rachel smiles.

"Let's read it then."





-TEENAGEDRE4M euphoricxiu amyllesen jolieswriting

Wandwitch2bruchulk BeckyMerari1909 wondersprince mishkasarchives

Evs_writes elliefilms gwetersluv venturachaos forbesnett

taeerae eternalheaveens jpotteristheloml cosmiclvers chosencherry

MsMarvelfangirl -winterxshby multibaexcx hopeslovebot multifandomxo1


Which scene was your fav the one Rachel called her out or Roxanne's sister?

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