10 | run

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The world slowed and hastened at the same time. Mersem jumped off his horse and the spooked animal reared and ran off to gods-knew-where. No time to think about that. He lunged forward, tackling Silke by the waist, catching a few wisps of fire in his clothes. The snow dampened some of the fiery tongues as soon as they landed.

"Silke, stop it!" Mersem hissed, cradling his sister's hands. Tears shone in her eyes as much as the fresh anger did. "Let go of me, Mersem. He killed my parents! He should pay!"

A pointed sword edged towards his vision and Mersem threw himself over Silke. Something clanged behind him. Mersem looked up at the shadow falling over him and his sister. "Get her out of here," Vordan said through gritted teeth. "The neutral territory is just through this town. Hurry."

"Mersem, come back here!" Leara screamed as she strained against Vordan's block. Mersem had never seen his father's sword unsheathed but judging from the dark blade glinting in the dimming sunlight, it's only right. That kind of sword was sure to draw attention should Vordan parade it around. "We had a deal!"

"What deal?" Silke screamed. The wind stirred all around them, shuffling the snow. That must be Vera.

Mersem didn't answer. Instead, he gripped Silke's hand and burst forward with her in tow. The houses and the thick layer of snow covering the roads between them blurred underneath their soles. His own breath heaved in and out of his body, tickling his nose in crystallized fog and drying out his sinuses with every inhale. How long could he keep this up?

Moreover, where's Malon and Fryth.

Hooves stomping against the ground was loud in Mersem's ears. He ducked just before a sword poised towards his neck swung above his head. "To think we trusted you!" Malon screamed from his steed, his yellowing teeth elongating into bloodied fangs in Mersem's perception. "Leara fought for your place in the guild and this is how you repay us?"

Despite the loaded guilting, Mersem had the nerve to scoff. Then, he lashed out, gripping the horse's leg. The simplest word he could think of to describe what happened next was: chaos.

His body flew forward. He kept his fingers tight around Silke's hand. Then, the horse capsized, throwing its rider into the ground. A loud crack. Malon didn't move again. Mersem breaths came out shaky. What...what just happened?

He didn't mean to do that...

"Malon!" Fryth's panicked voice rang behind them. No time. He had no time to think about his potential murder. He nodded at Silke and they were running again, leaving Mersem's ex-comrade with his guildmate.

The lights flitted in and out of Mersem's vision as he huffed his way through the town of Dofrise. Where did Vordan say they needed to go? Home. Mersem had to help Silke go home.

Then, his feet left the ground, throwing him forward into a pile of snow. His face crashed straight through the dune, his rear sticking into the air. Who was that? Silke—

"What do you really want to do with your sister?" Vera's sharp voice rang in Mersem's ears as he pulled his head from the snow. From behind them, he could hear Leara's horse catching up to them. Vordan was nowhere to be found. Did Leara beat even a former Captain of the Guard?

Mersem turned his attention to the mage boy. They both didn't have time for this. "I'm taking her home."

Vera's eyes hardened. "Lotherne is her home."

"Got it," Mersem replied. "Keep Fryth busy. The burly guy in the back. He's a force to reckon with. Beware of Leara, the lady knight. She's strong. I'll get Silke past the town."

Vera nodded. They didn't need to spare more words as a silent understanding passed between them. Mersem figured they want the same thing for Silke, might as well help a stronger mage take care of his sister in ways he probably couldn't have. He returned the mage boy's gesture and moved forward, tagging Silke along with him once more.

In the dead of night, as soon as the sun set, the town dropped into a deathly silence, giving Mersem a different taste of dread at the base of his throat. Behind him, he heard flurries of snow being stirred and whipped in such a way Mersem didn't even know to be possible until today. That must be Vera's work. A horse neighed loudly, no doubt waking up half of the town's population at this point. Something crunched against the snow. A grunt.

Then, silence.

Mersem dared a look back to see Leara back on her horse, charging towards them. Blood was slick on the tip of her rapier, dripping to the ground every now and then, staining the snow red. It couldn't be...

The sky rumbled and lightning rained from the sheets of clouds, each spearing for Leara. Mersem ducked his head in his arms as he ran, Silke doing the same behind him. "What in the world—? That's magic?" Mersem exclaimed to no one.

"Duh!" Silke's answer rang through the noise of thunder and cracks of lightning. "Vera's really powerful!"

Well, Mersem could see that. Still, Leara was able to give the mage a number judging from the blood shining on her blade. He cursed as the lady knight swerved around the forks of lightning meant to fry her to death and slowly gained on them. What was that mage boy doing?

"Vera! Any time now!" Mersem screamed at the sky. Perhaps the mage could hear him.

A whip of melted snow lashed towards the legs of Leara's horse, throwing her forward. Unlike Malon, she braced her fall with her wrist and tumbled into the snow. The poor animal face-planted into the snow, ultimately twisting its neck with an audible snap. Oh.

Leara staggered up and dusted her clothes free of snow. Then, she picked up her rapier which had fallen into the snow a few steps and turned to Mersem. Without much ceremony, she charged.

"Get away!" Silke screamed and put an arm forward. From her palms, a column of fire burst forth, reminding him of Aramale, the eccentric shopkeeper. Leara cursed—something Mersem hadn't heard the lady knight do since forever—and leaped away. The flames danced across the snow, burning bright despite the cold and the wind. The knight tried to get close but Silke's flames curled around them, dividing the space between her and Leara.

Vera staggered nearby, cradling his bleeding arm. Judging from how the boy's knees were close to knocking against each other, he wouldn't be in the proper shape to defend Silke if need be. Where was Fryth and where was Vordan? No time to think about that.

Mersem bobbed his head at Silke and together, they turned and ran towards the other end of the town and into the neutral border.

"No!" Leara stomped her foot against the ground, uprooting a circle of snow around her. "Come back here!"

She peeled after them and Mersem smiled to himself. They'd make it.

Then, Silke gasped and fell forward. "No..." she whispered, cradling her arm to her chest.

"What's wrong?" Merse urged her to stand up, to continue running but Silke stayed rooted to the ground.

Silke's chest heaved as tears sprung into her eyes. "I-I can't control it—"

Then, she combusted into flames. Mersem leaped away just as Leara surged forward, her sword poised towards Silke's exposed back. No! He lunged and threw himself into the weapon's path. A shadow blurred past his periphery.

Blood sprayed in the air, turning the sky a crimson shade.

Mersem raised his head to find his father kneeling in front of him, Leara Madris's sword spearing through his body.

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