Jaskier- Healer: Part 4 (c)

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Jaskier lived with you and your mother for a couple of months without word of his friend coming into town meaning that you and your mother were in charge of taking care of him. You imagined things would get easier as he recovered, there being less work to help him out, but he just became more of a handful. He had given your mother money to buy a lute from the village, but someone had found his and it was handed back to him.

The cottage was always filled with music and joy and the two of you became closer with every day until now when he was better and able to head back on his way. You'd never been able to admit that you had fallen for him, far too scared that he didn't feel the same and also knowing he would end up leaving anyway. Somehow not telling him and letting him leave sounded like you would be in less pain, but it still hurt either way.

Your mother had already said her goodbyes before moving onto do her chores leaving you alone with Jaskier.

"I... um... I guess this is goodbye," you whispered, trying to keep your emotions in check.

"I guess it is," he said in a similarly sad, low tone.

The two of you stood looking at each other, pained by the future tearing you apart. You both wanted something to intervene, to stop him leaving but nothing like that was going to happen, not unless one of you did it yourselves.

"I'm going to miss you," you croaked. "It's going to be so quiet without you here."

Tears begun to fill your eyes as you went to touch his arm gently. Jaskier's express changed too. He looked almost as confident as you had come to know him as.

"Fuck it," he said under his breath.

You weren't able to question him or say anything else for that matter because his lips encapsulated yours, letting all the emotion out of both of you. He pulled away, leaving you both breathless and shocked by the action.

"What... what was that?" You croaked.

"I guess I could say that I have become rather fond of spending time with you and I would hate for that to end," he smiled, taking your hand in his.

You couldn't help but smile back at him. "I guess I am rather fond of you too but what does that mean for us?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I could stay, only if that is okay with you and your mother."

A big grin curled onto your lips. "I think I can work something out."


Written by Charlotte.

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