Jaskier- Safe: Part 2 (c)

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"What happened?" The man on his feet asked, approaching you.

With adrenaline rushing through you along with a healthy level of fear of anyone, you tried to scramble away from him, but you were in a lot of pain and unable to get very far. He hesitated, crouching down to near you, offering you a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay," he said softly, leaning in to help you up onto your unstable feet.

"Who hurt you?" The man on the horse asked.

You clutched onto your middle, your breathing shaky from the pain and fear.

"I think it'd be quicker to tell you who didn't," you hissed, not meaning to take any annoyance out on the two men who had managed to scare away your assailants.

"Why would the whole village try to kill a woman?" The white-haired man asked. "What happened?"

A fake laugh escaped you as you rolled your eyes.

"You clearly aren't from around here," you stated. "I'm the town whore."

"I've never known a village to attack a prostitute before."

You shook your head. "I'm not a prostitute. An unmarried mother is more apt."

The two men exchanged a look, the one upon the horse not changing his blank expression at all whilst the other continued to support you, all three of you knowing that you weren't going to be able to stand up without the support.

"Is there anywhere we can take you?" The brunette man asked.

"Jaskier," the second man said in a warning tone.

Since you had met them the man named Jaskier had kept a soft and friendly expression, but it became almost warning as he looked towards his companion.

"We cannot just leave her here Geralt. I would suggest taking her to someone to help her, but I doubt we can find anyone around here."

"My job is not babysitting."

You didn't want to be any trouble to anyone and if you could, you would have begged them to take you and your daughter out of the village but that wasn't viable.

"I'm sorry to cause you both any trouble, if you could assist me back to my front door, then I can take care of myself."

They agreed to that suggestion, letting you point out which was your home and letting Jaskier help you walk over to it, struggling to keep on your feet for the short walk. You doubted that you would be okay on your own, especially when you were caring for a toddler, but it was safer to be in your home than left out in the street.

As soon as you entered your home, the sound of your daughter screaming filled the air and you tried to support your own weight and rush to her aid but it just ended up with Jaskier having to catch you as you almost fell to the ground.

"It's okay," he assured you. "Geralt, go bring the child in here, she is hardly fit to go."

Geralt grimaced but reluctantly left to go and get your child as Jaskier helped you sit down at your table.

"I hope I heal quickly; I don't know what I will do when they come banging at the door," you frowned, fearing for what was going to happen when the two men left your village.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, you're safe with me," he said softly, resting a reassuring hand onto your shoulder.

You couldn't help the tears that brimmed in your eyes at the kind words he spoke to you. No one had been that nice to you in a long time; you couldn't even remember the last time anyone, but your daughter had smiled at you.

"Don't cry," he smiled, wiping away your tears. "It's going to be okay; I promise."

Geralt returned to the room, handing over your daughter who seemed to take great joy in the grumpy face of the man who carried her. You hugged her tighter than you normally would, glad that she had been safe.


Written by Charlotte.

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