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Izuku POV:

The next day of class finally came with everyone kinda happy to get back into the school. Personally, I was at least happy avoiding mom's constant arguing that I need to take it slow. The only thing I could think was that this was coming from the woman that literally lives every day like it was her last. As I walked into the classroom, I noticed Ochako start making some kind of strange fighting stance with a killer aura around her normally bubbly attitude. "Is Ochako ok?" I walked up to Tsu as she was piecing together what she knew. "Apparently her work study opened martial arts to her and she's become a very skilled wielded of Gunhead Martial Arts *ribbit*." "Ah.  That makes sense." Everyone around looked at me confused. "Martial arts can go to some people and change their demeanor if given the chance." I kept watching her pose before sighing to come up and hug her. Almost instantaneously, the aura around her vanished and she became red as a tomato. "IZUKU!" "You're scaring everyone. Not that I blame you for wanting to show your excitement, but maybe taking it into moderation would be better." "O-ok." Everyone started to stare for me to let go and sit in my seat with my face completely red.

A few minutes passed with Mr. Aizawa walking inside. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." Our teacher got to the podium where he began to speak. "Starting next week, all hero classes will be cut in half for end of term finals. If you've been paying attention to the course up till now and took decent notes, you should be fine." His comment was rather blunt with Kaminari and Mina wincing. Granted, I don't blame them for being at the bottom of the class for grades. 'Maybe I can ask Yao-I mean Momo about making a study session.' Since we began officially dating, I asked the girls if they'd rather me use their first names with none of them having anything against it. It's a little difficult for some, but it's definitely harder because I'm used to using their last names. Classes continued after Mr. Aizawa's announcement like normal with the classes being mainly reviewing classes and self study. When I had the chance, I talked to Momo about maybe doing a group study session. When given the offer, she couldn't say yes fast enough for some difficulty for our friends being almost gone completely.

During lunch

"Aw man. I can't even fill in the answers in a normal test. I'm so screwed for the end of term final!" Mina held her head down in frustration for me and Momo to speak up. "You know, we could do a group study session. Me and Momo were talking about it during the break today to think maybe it's a good idea." "Agreed. It will also give us time together since we most likely will not have that privilege when we begin studying for the finals." Mina jumped up to hold both our hands with stars in her eyes. "You really mean it!? You're both the best!" She kept a smile from ear to ear before giving me a kiss on the lips to make me go red. "W-well it's only fair. I mean we're all in this together. A-and we can make it a big study session with the girls from class B-" I was trying to finish my sentence when something hit the back of my head. "Ow. That hurt." I look back to see none other than Monoma with his regular laughing face that to be honest, was starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into your arrogant head. It seems that your ego was just so big that I couldn't avoid it!" I let a sigh out before turning to finish eating. 'Just don't say anything Izuku. He's only mean if you acknowledge him.' I tried to remember aunt Ryu's saying of not saying anything to a person if you don't have anything nice to say. Unfortunately, he didn't get the memo and kept bothering me. "With people like you always around, no wonder you rely on my class for everything! I mean you wouldn't be able to do anything if you didn't have any of your class A scum friends or my class's quirks to help you! Face it, you're just some weakling that has to rely on other peoples powe-" He was cut off by a karate chop to the back of the neck. Courtesy of Itsuka. "How many times do I have to teach you this lesson Monoma!? LEAVE IZUKU OUT OF YOUR RANTS!" She seemed more angry than normal to toss Monoma to one of her male classmates and sit on the other side of me.

"I'm so sorry for him. If he did anything to hurt you-" "It's fine. Aunt Ryu always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say to someone, don't say anything at all." "Words of wisdom." We continued eating with Pony, Kino, Yui, and Ibara joining our table. "So does anyone know what the final exams will be for the physical part?" Tsu asked for Itsuka to give us some relief. "I talked to an upperclassmen before, he said it was robots." "Why didn't I think to ask Nejire or Tamaki?" "You seriously had that slip your mind?" Everyone looked at me amazed for me to sigh. "Granted, he must have quite a bit on his plate for something like this to slip his mind." 'At least Ibara is avoiding the fact I was kinda dumb during this.' I kept thinking of the robot part to kinda fall into the retrospect that it would be too easy for some of us since the 'fear' they give would be worn off. "I'll see everyone in class. If you girls in class B wanna join, we're going to do a group study session for finals if you wanna join." "That sounds awesome." "Sweet!" "Yeah! No worries for finals!" 'I wonder if someone in the school has a mind reading quirk that would make when she does this easier?'

I take my leave so I can head towards Recovery Girl's office to finally get the stitches out. As I sat in the office, she used a pair of tweezers to pull them out one at a time. The feeling of them leaving my body literally felt awkward as anything before she finished and placed a gauze on my stomach. "Let that be a lesson to you and don't do something so reckless again." "Yes mam. I'm sorry." I held my head down for her to sigh. "I did hear that you helped a pro hero at the time as well as protect one of your own classmates. Though your heart was in the right place young man. That doesn't mean you did the smartest thing you could do. Then again, your mother is always the type to jump head first and ask questions later, so I shouldn't be surprised." I start putting my uniform's top half back on before Recovery Girl stopped me. "One last thing. All Might is looking for you. He's in the faculty lounge." "Thank you mam." I bowed before heading out and towards the faculty lounge to talk with one of my idols/teachers.

"All Might sir, I heard you were looking for-mom?" I stopped my sentence when I noticed mom in the faculty lounge eating a carrot while talking to All Might. "Sup Izuku." "Why are you here?" "One to make sure you didn't neglect going to Recovery Girl's office to take those stitches out. So did you?" "Yes. I actually just came from there." Good. Now the second is to be around this idiot when he tells you what he should've off the bat." Mom points at All Might for him to sigh. "The room is clear from onlookers over there. Let's use that to explain." We moved to the inside of the vacant room where I sat on a chair across from my mom and teacher who were sitting on a sofa. "So are you gonna tell him what you neglected or should I?" Mom stated this with a little aggravation for All Might to stiffen. "What is she talking about All Might?" "*sigh* I wasn't telling you the entire truth when I talked about OFA. Before going into detail, do you remember what I told you when you first inherited the quirk?" I thought back to do my All Might impersonation to add to the emphasis.

"Now, EAT THIS!" "AHAHAHAHA!" Mom began laughing uncontrollably while holding her ribs at my act. "Not exactly what I was meaning. I was referring to the part about acquiring my DNA to transfer the quirk." I remembered this before going completely pale. "Wait, so was I unintentionally giving OFA to the girls I'm dating and them giving it back to me!?" "Wait, but to do that your tongue or their's would have to...." Mom smirked before commenting. "You cheeky devil. I guess those condoms I gave you were coming in hand-" "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" I panicked a bit before trying to explain. "I-I mean some of the girls s-slip their tongues i-in my mouth." "Sure it's just them." She kept snickering at me before All Might clarified for me. "I could honestly question you farther about your relationship situation in regardless to a teacher, but that's not the issue here. Let me just clarify that OFA has to be willingly passed on to someone with the holder accepting the power transfer. It can't be taken away...but it can be forced upon." This comment peaked my interest for All Might to continue.

"You see, this all started around the start of the quirk era. There was a man who's name was lost to time. However, his quirk was known and has gone by the name for up to today. All For One. A quirk that can steal quirks from people and place them in a vegetative state after as well as use or give them to other people. This however could cause the people who obtained the quirks to become brain dead." My blood went cold when I heard what the side effects of the quirk is. "You won't hear this in history books, but this man had nearly taken control of all of Japan at one point in the past." "B-but he's gone, right?" All Might went silent with no form of relief in my question. "W-what happened to him then? Also, what does this have to do with OFA?" "The man had a younger brother. He believed he was quirkless. Whether it was out of pity or out of spite is unknown, but the older brother had given his younger brother a stockpiling quirk. But unknown to both, the younger brother had a quirk to pass down quirks. These two combined in order to become One For All."

I looked down at my hand to realize just what this was about. "So the quirk I have from you is the younger brother's?" "Yes. Though the younger brother couldn't beat his brother in person, he gave his quirk to the next generation to hopefully defeat his brother. Unfortunately, none have been able to do this until myself." My mind went back to his injury to realize what it was from. "You fought him. The older brother, didn't you." "I did. A few years back. But I believed he was gone due to the fact he didn't show any form of activity for up to five years. Though the Nomu or whatever that was at the USJ is proof enough as well as the beings similar to the one from before are more than enough to say he isn't gone. This means one day you might have to face AFO." I understood to clench my fist in determination. "I'll face him when the time comes. And we'll do that together." This seemed to worry both mom and All Might for a moment before I glanced at the clock. "I'm sorry sir, but I need to go to class." "No worries. I'm here to help if you need it." I left the room to run towards my class. 'AFO. Whoever he is, he's gotta be tough to beat All Might.'

Miruko POV:

I waited a few minutes to make sure Izuku was long gone before I spoke up. "So you didn't tell him the entire truth. Why?" "It's not worth not telling him the unnecessary parts right now." "What part of Izuku now knowing you might die in the year is unnecessary? THE BOY IDOLIZES YOU!" He sighed before answering. "It's not in his best interest to find this out. The less he knows about that, the less he'll worry about me." "AND WHAT DO YOU THINK HE'LL SAY WHEN HE FINDS OUT YOU KEPT THIS FROM HIM!? HE LOOKS AT YOU LIKE AN ICON FOR WHAT HE WANTS TO BE! A MAN THAT EVERYONE LOVES AND RESPECTS!" "That's exactly why I don't want to tell him. If I were to, then that would make every little fight I get into until the actual one force him to fear I die." I held my tongue for the time as he explained the best he could.

"Young Usagiyama has already learned of the man he may have to face one day. Now unlike me, you know everything about the past users and myself from start to finish and are most likely able to fill in the gaps if I may no longer be around to do so. Counting you, there are only five others who know of the truth behind the secrets of OFA and my life expectancy. Two being in this school, one being an old friend, another being an old mentor, and the last being Nighteye. If the unimaginable were without a doubt to happen, then that would mean he would have to be guided by someone in order to properly become what I failed to be. Unfortunately, you are the only one close enough among all six that can help. I know you hate keeping secrets like these that you deem your son needs to learn important, but understand that I need him to learn these things within time with now not being the right." I mauled it over in my head before answering. "Fine. But if this AFO asshole or you bite the dust, I'm not going to keep this from Izuku. As your successor and as someone that wants to try and fit your shoes to most likely do so, he deserves to learn of this whether from you or from me."

I walked out of the faculty lounge to start walking away. As I did, I went over everything All Might said about his quirk and what Izuku may face. 'A man who's lived over a hundred years. Monsters that can hold more than one quirk and be mindless killing machines. A power that even to this day is unpredictable to even the eighth user's knowledge. All Might's unspeakable death this year or the next.' "*sigh* If I would've known this was the issue that Izuku would face with this quirk from the beginning, I'd tell the idiot blond to take Nighteye's suggestion instead to avoid any problems for Izuku." My phone started vibrating to see the name being the fucking flying chicken.

Jackass: Yo Miruko. Wanna hang out tonight?
I got an awesome reservation to that downtown restaurant that opened up lately

'Oh for the love of fucking god! Does he never take a hint!?' I was about to answer 'no', but the fact my time at UA has been down the crapper somewhat made me know I need some time to myself.

Me: You know what, fine. But you're the one picking up the bill. Got it?

He answered back agreeing for a sigh to come out of me. "He better not be doing something stupid in order to get me in the same bed."

And that finishes this chapter. So All Might told Izuku mostly what the story behind OFA is and about AFO. But he did neglect to tell a few important pieces to anger Miruko. See how her date with Hawks turns out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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