Chapter 1: The heart of Darkwood

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POV: Brian

The sun's rays hit my eyes as started to wake. I groggily moved shuffled around. Quickly I realized my mistake as I fell out of the tree I was sleeping in. "Oh dang" I said to myself. Quickly I was falling and instead of hitting the ground hard, I did a combat roll into a handspring and perfectly landed 5 feet in front of the tree. "Wowzers, now that's one amazing wake up call me! That easily top 3 on the board" I said to myself feeling really excited.

Today was another great day as usual. And fortunately and unfortunately for some, it meant I was going to do some antics. "Welp me, myself and I. Let's go have some good ol' Oran berries and have some fun!" I exclaimed to myself suddenly realizing I'm literally talking to myself. "Dang I'm lonely" I sad sarcastically yet sadly.

Deciding to utilize this vigor within himself, he used two vine whips and wrapped them around two trees. Thankfully due to the tension and elasticity of the whips, he is able to perform interesting stunts. After setting them up he slowly moves backwards with all his might while holding the vine whips coming from arms.

"Man this never gets old" I say to myself with joy as I let go, causing the whips to launch me into the air. "WOOOOOOOOOOO" I yell in pure unfiltered happiness as I soar through the sky.

"Arceus Brian one of these days this is going to bite you in the back" Someone said. I look to my left and see one of my buddies.

Skylar is a Staraptor that I met awhile back. He travels from place to place but we become good friends quickly ever since the first time I launched myself into the air.

"Howdy Skylar, what brings you to my nick of the woods" I say playfully while still soaring through the sky. "Felt like stopping by. Also brace yourself"

I look at him with a smile. "Good to have ya buddy! Feel free to stick arou- wait a minute what was that last part?" I asked him confusedly.

"I warned you Brian" Skylar said with a tinge of disappointment and joy. I then realized what he said and noticed I was incredibly close to hitting the ground. "OH DANG! DANG! DAAAANG!" I yell in fear. Out of pure instinct I wrap a vine along a tree branch and swing g from one to another.

"HAH, you really thought I was going to fall that easily Skylar!" I yelled at him with a smirk on myself face. "I didn't but I do think you're gonna hit that tree right there" he said in a calm voice.

"HAH watch me you'll be sorely mist- wait a minute you said a tree?" I said but quickly realizing my fatal flaw as I was going to crash into a giant tree. Once again letting my instincts take over, right before hitting the tree I put my back paw in front of me, then once I hit the tree, I swiftly used my momentum to push off the tree and then handspring away from it when my body curved back towards it.

Landing on my my two paws with my arms up I say " And Brian sticks the landing!". "Props for dramatic timing Brian" Skylar said walking up to me. " I would give you a high five but, you know, I don't have hands" Skylar said jokingly.

"But we do got that secret handshake I talked about!" I exclaimed a little loudly. "Oh arceus no!" He said loudly and dramatically. "Come on just this once, I'm going to be leaving soon, pleeeeeeeeeease" I plead to him. "Ok fine but just this once" He said.

We slapped wing and paws forwards and backwards, then kicking each others shins and then doing a chest bump and finishing it off with a silly little yet very loud turkey gobble.

We bursted out laughing at how silly it was but truthfully we thought it was awesome. "I told you it was going to be fun!" I said to him. " Yeah yeah I know, you were right, rub it in" He said.

"Well I gotta go get some berries, you coming with?" I asked him, honestly hoping he'd say yes so I could have some more company. "As much as I'd enjoy the chitchat, I gotta go, I'm supposed to be starting my new job soon and I need to fly over there."

Intrigued by this I asked him "Awesome! Where is it?". "Kalos" he said with pride. "WAIT KALOS!?!?!" I yelled in pure shock and surprise. "The one and only. I'm working as a global mailman, figured considering the fact I can fly pretty fast and I get to travel a lot." Skylar said with even more pride than before.

"Hey I might see you there! I'm moving there too!" I say with glee. "Oh cool! Maybe I will, well I gotta get going, see you around buddy!" He said after building up a gust of wind and soaring upwards. "SEE YOU AROUND BUDDY!!!! TAKE CARE!!!!" I yell very loudly.

Continuing on my way I find the berry gardens and pick a few Oran berries. Once I pick them off, I find a good tree and enjoy the scenery as I slowly eat them. "It's a beautiful day outside, Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these, kids like me. Should be pranking people for fun" I say in a mysterious way so I sound really cool to anyone stalking me.

Deciding to do my usual routine of tomfoolery, I use dig and tunnel through the ground until I hear footsteps. Hearing the voices, I can tell they are young kids. Deciding this is the perfect time to scare the daylights out of them I burst from the ground. Yelps and shrieks erupt from the kids when I do.

"NOT FUNNY BRIAN!!!" Another familiar voice says to me. I look over to the sound and smiled. "You've gotta admit it was pretty funny Kai" I said back to her.

Kai is a young female eevee to whom Brian has seen grow up since the day she was born. She is a little jumpy but nonetheless still fun to be around, she considers Brian to be like another parent to her as he is always looking out for her.

"Ok it kind of was, BUT STILL, I'm still mad" Kai says while pouting. "Ok I'm sorry Kai and to you guys as well. Bring it in guys and gals" I say giving them all a big giant hug.

"Ok mon's I gotta go but have fun! Remember, you can find joy in every corner of your life even if it's a circle!" I say to them. This has become my own quote I've been doing and while it sounds and is pretty stupid, it packs a lot of meaning to those who need it.

"Byeeeee Uncle Brian!!!" They all say to me happily. "Bye kiddos!" I yell back at them while running. I start to smile, appreciating the fact the all look up to me like that.

"They are so young and talented, I'm excited to see them grow up" I say to myself while zooming around the forest. Another smirk appears on my face as I approach my family's den. I turn the corner and sneak up on a certain Umbreon who raised me.

"BOO!" I yell. Scaring the living daylights out of the Umbreon. "BRIAN!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO DO THAT TO ME!!!" My mom yells

My mom who was named Echelon, is an amazing yet clueless Umbreon. She has virtually no special awareness but is very kind and wholesome.

"Fineeeeee I won't mom" I say sarcastically. "YOU SAID THAT THE LAST 57 TIMES!!!" She yells back louder this time. "And I intend to go to 60" I say with confidence and a smile, enjoying our banter.

"I BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD AND I CAN TAKE YOU OUT OF IT!!!" She yells again. While kind, she is strong, REEEEEALLLLLY strong, she was the one who taught me to fight. "Ok I'm sorry mom I promise to not do it again" I say while bowing my head in respect.

"You also said that the last 57 times but fine!" She says but a little calmer than the last time. Noticing she was in a fighting stance and never batted an eye at him, I asked her "Watcha try'na do there?" With confusion and curiosity. "Training, son, I need to be at my best." She said calmly while still shadow boxing. Understanding she'd rather be left alone I left that area of the den.

Moving on I decided to visit my dad. He was also a Leafeon and he was my role model. I looked up to my dad, he acted like a mom but he also had fun. He taught me almost all that I know about being a Leafeon. He was humble yet fun and he was a the one who took care of the home while my mother went to fight around the globe competitively.

Moving throughout the den I saw him lazily sleeping on the ground despite having a bed. He always said it was because he liked being close to the ground. Moving closer to him, I gently nudged him to wake him up.

"Oh hey buster, what brings you here?" He said groggily from waking up. Giving him a hug I say "just wanted to see my dad" with a smile on my face. We continue to embrace each other for an entire 3 minutes without speaking. It was something that needed no words. This was their bond with each other, they would hug for minutes and on that tragic day, they hugged each other for 5 hours straight.

To Brian this was his role model and parent. This was his ying to his mother's yang. He taught him peace while his mother taught him fury. And while they had their bad days with each other, at the end of it, he knew he was loved.

"So son, up to the usual" He said in a way that could put any soul at ease. "Yep, managed to see one of my buddies on the way" I told him with the same mellow and calm vibes he had. "Well son, you leave in, what is it?, 3 days?" He asked. "Yep, 3 days" I said back to him.

He then broke the hug and looked at me directly in the eyes. "Son it's about time I showed you something" he spoke to him with a sense of responsibility completely foreign to me. Rarely has he ever been serious about anything.

"I think it about time I showed you my final ace in my sleeve" he said with a smirk. "Come with me son, let's see if your old man still got it" he said walking back to the entrance to the den. Following him to the entrance to the den and out into a small clearing near our den. Even though the forest was dense, the locals have made small clearings in order to meet each other easily.

"Ok son, it's about time I taught you to solar beam" Dad said with a smile on his face while doing little stretches to warm up. "WAIT SOLAR BEAM!!!! THANK YOU!" I yelled outloud to the point the whole world could've heard my excitement. A few small bird pokemon started flying out of trees because of the commotion. "OH DANG SORRY GUYS!" I yell again, not helping with the original problem.

"Heh heh, that's my boy. Well shall we get started?" Dad said again with that same smile adorned on his face. He was happy to see his little sunshine grow up to be such a good mon. I nodded and observed his movements. "First thing you want to do is breath in" Dad said, taking a huge breathe of air. "Then feel the sun's energy around you" he then started to glow a little bit. "And finally, once you have enough, focus, concentrate, and release it" as he spoke, a giant beam releasing from his hands fired directly into the sky, the green beam of energy stood there proudly for awhile until it subsided.

"You try son" He said, sitting himself up against a tree a few feet away from his original standing point. Heeding his advice, I took a big breathe of air. Then feeling the life force around me, I started to gather it, realizing it was kind of like using energy ball. Gathering all of this energy around me, it started to swirl around me, making a mini vortex of pure energy. Then focusing on my hands, I put both of my hands together, and yelled. "KAMEEEEEE-" my dad quickly looked up and started to laugh at what I was doing. "HAMEEEEE-" I yelled again. My dad still laughing yelled "DO IT BRIAAAAAAAN!!!!". With one final yell I say "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Shooting the beam directly into the sky.

The beam stood there and soon died out. Feeling a little exhausted I kneel down. The energy around me subsided from around my body. "That............... was amazing dad........... Thank you." I said to him while breathing heavily due to exhaustion. "I'm proud of you son. You did great for your first time" he said, proud of his son. Recomposing myself after breathing in and out I say "Thanks, it's like using energy ball" I tell him with a smile. "Told you it was going to help you with something big one day" he said with a smile on his face knowing he was right once again. "Well I'm happy you did." I tell him before hugging him once more. Embracing each other once more, we stayed like that for another 3 minutes before letting go.

"I'm still surprised that you remember that show you watched when we stayed in the town for a few days" Dad said happy I didn't forget it. Reminiscing on that fateful day, I was just a little eevee. We were visiting a family friend who doesn't normally stay in one place. They at that point were visiting their parents and decided to meet up with us there to talk again. Though I had no idea who they were, when we got there we had a blast. He was named Torpedo and was a Cramorant. He eventually put on a show to watch, which I have never even heard of such a thing. But even though I had no idea what was going on or what the show was called, it was love at first sight.

The moment was when there were these two people on some rocks. One was higher than the other and was blue while the other was orange. They fought and fought until they shot out these weird beams at each other. And to me it was the coolest thing ever. Ever since I've been yelling that when I could use energy ball.

"Well kiddo you best be off, I know you're going to prank some more more folks." Dad said to me with a smile. "Will do dad. I love you." I said to him with a big smile on my face. "I love you too" Dad said, returning back to his den to sleep once more.

Deciding to continue his shenanigans, he started to walk around. Eventually he came across his target. A random forest fella as he liked to call them. Walking in front of them and stopping the very second the other mon stopped, they stared at each other awkwardly. He tried to step aside to pass me, but that's when I activated my trap card. COPYCAT. Using it we awkwardly tried to sidestep each other but kept "accidentally" moving into each other. Eventually he said "Can you please mo-"before being interrupted by me booping his nose. Quickly I grabbed his hand and spun him around in place a few times before stopping him and booping him again. I quickly fled the scene to find more shenanigans to enact.

Deciding to enact another prank on my fellow forest friends, I used leaf storm on myself and using vine whip, threaded them around my body with the several vine whips on my body. While taking a lot of focus and strength, there technically isn't a real limit to the amount of whips one can use, or where to place them, but they are still able to feel pain but it is dulled a lot. Once I have the whips threaded around the leaves on my body, I use vibe whip and swing through the trees. Watching as younger mons ranging from little poochyena's to baby treeko's, point at me in amazement. Utilizing this disguise I pull one last prank. Using substitute, I leap straight towards a group of poochyena, shocking them and instinctively bracing themselves.............. but nothing happened.

Looking up they seen me again, leaping at them.........nothing again. This left them confused and when another came they just stood there. This was the power of substitute. While technically not able to be touched, it made for great scares. Dropping down from the tree I was in and unthreading the vines I walk up to the pooches and they say "BRIAN! YOU SCARED US!" Very loudly. I kneel down to them and say "But you got to admit it was awesome though right!" I say with a smile. I give them all a giant hug and close my eyes. Slowly I let the energy around me flow through me and into them using synthesis. While typically only working on the user, if in contact with another it can give them more energy.

"I'm sorry young ones for scaring you. There is nothing to be afraid of." I tell them wholeheartedly. "Remember young ones, the only true fear one has, is within themselves, conquer it, and there is nothing stopping you" I tell them before breaking the group hug. "I've gotta go kids, have fun!" I yelled to them before swinging away using vibe whip. But before I was able to fully leave I heard a faint "BYE UNCLE BRIAN!" from the little pooches.

I loved being called uncle. It made me feel connected to everyone here, like I was able to help all of those in need, and I could. I decided to take a nap at my favorite spot in the forest. It was this big tree in the thickest part of the forest. I loved to climb to the top of it and just appreciate all that was around me. Deciding to do exactly that I started to vine whip my way through the trees all the way over to that tree, unfortunately do to the denseness of the forest, I'm not able to swing through it, instead I have to walk through the denseness. Once I arrived I walked through the brush and leaves. Thankfully because I'm a grass type I'm able to move it out of the way.

Once I saw the tree I climbed up it slowly and carefully. Upon reaching my favorite spot I laid my back against the tree and relaxed, relishing the peace and tranquility of the area. Closing my eyes I remembered all the fun times I've had. I laughed to myself for awhile just thinking about it. And soon I'm going to enact my masterpiece. One final prank so spectacular that nobody will forget it. Something to keep people's hopes and dreams up. Arceus knows what happens when you lose it. "Well I should hit the hay, goodnight Arceus, goodnight everyone, goodnight mom and dad and goodnight me." I say to myself hoping that everyone in the forest could feel just how much I cared about each of them.

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