A touching reunion (not)

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*sneaks into the room trying to be inconspicious*

Me- Well, well looks like its safe now...*speaks in walkie talkie* You can keep the bazooka away, there doesn't seem to be any danger out here-

Readers- Not so fast, girlie! *march in in all pissed-off baseball hat holding reader glory* We need to TALK!

Me- I...I...I...*sighs hopelessly* *falls on knees* I am so damn sorry for uploading so freaking late! I plead for mercy! Please, forgive me!!! I beg you!

Readers- o.O (What's up with her?) Well...um...you better have good reasons for such a LATE upload! It's been what, a month? Two months?

Me- Okay, then. Explanations time. *claps hands and goes into business mode* Lemme explain. Technically, After I uploaded the previous chapter, I was glad that I didn't have to worry about uploading again very soon. So I relaxed. And relaxed. AND relaxed. Then, that horrible thing called EXAMS butted their nosey noses in my poor story (*cue gasp from random reader*). So...all the above ALONG with some AMAZING new anime shows coming up on TV, dear friends who call and talk for atleast 1 hour minimum and severe procrastination of school work (resulting in a HUGE pending pile) resulted in a very very VERY late chapter AND loads of death threats from you guys. I thank you a lot for that, I really do. -_- Now I can't go to school without worrying whether one of my PEACEFUL readers would send me to Tartarus...or fight me...or send nine-tails Naruto about me. Of course, I decided to get this chapter done this weekend. I hope it's long enough *crosses fingers* Also, to be in my disclaimers, I need to know some of your character traits, be sure to send them in your next comments. Anyway, bye for now and enjoy this chapter! *waves* This disclaimer will be short though...:( SORRY AGAIN! *sneaks out*


Me- Heyyo! And she's back!!! Wooo! 

Nico- Aw, damn. She's back. And I was getting used to the vacation. *changes from swimming togs and sunglasses into usual aviator-jacket-son-of-hades monotone*

Percy- My injuries were healing right then too...:'( Well, looks like all good things come to an end...

Me- Wow guys, I missed you too. Really. -_- Oh, did I mention, my dear reader BookPhreak101 is joining us today!?

Nico- Oh joy...is she like the previous one? -_-

Me- Maybe...*shifty eyes* Anyway, WELCOME HER!

BookPhreak101- Hey there! *waves* So are we torturing the characters here?

Nico and Percy- TORTURING!?

Me- No, no. She...she just meant er INTERACTING with you here!

Percy- Right...

Me- So today, we're gonna...READ BOOKS! WOOO!

Percy and Nico- BOOKS!?!

BookPhreak101- YES! Isn't that just GREAT!? Ah...*sighs* I looove being a book freak!

Me- Heh! That makes two of us!

*maniacal giggling ensues*

Nico- But...but...we're dyslexic!

Percy- Yeah! We can't read books!

Me- Well...*sly eyes* We do need to take revenge against Percy for kissing Rachel...

Percy- For the last time SHE kissed ME!

BookPhreak101- *ignores Percy* And we need to take revenge against Nico for turning against the gods...

Nico- I became good again!

Me- *ignores* And the makeover threat is getting kinda old sooo...

Me and BokkPhreak101 bring out truck load of books


Percy and Nico- What the-?

Me- Oh right, you need company *snaps fingers*

Enter Harry

Harry- Whoa whoa whoa. Why ME!?

Me- Because yours is the only name I could think of at the moment. Now GO! *shoves* And remember everybody...

BookPhreak101- ...TaruDemigod doesn't own ANYTHING!

Me & BookPhreak101- BYE FOR NOW! *waves*


 Harry POV-

They were all there. My dead parents, my dead godfather, my dead principal, my dead friends…they were all there for real.

And I was speechless. Right, everybody had come back to life and I was SPEECHLESS.


“Wotcher, Harry!” came a quirky and excited voice. Tonks?

Oh wow, she really was there. Though her eyes were pale and glassy, not as lively as usual.

In fact, everybody’s eyes were like that.

“Well, are you going to say something?” Tonks quirked an eyebrow.

All I could think to say was “Um…”

“Oh great…” Sirius held his hands up in the air, “He meets his dead summoned godfather, newly revived but only for a short period of time and all he says is ‘Um’”

“Well, what should he say?” Ron grinned, “ ‘Hey there! Wow, you’re back from the dead? That’s great news. I hope it didn’t hurt when you died. So are you staying for dinner?’”

“Dinner sounds nice…”

“You’re a ghost…” Nico said in a matter-of-fact way.

“Yeah yeah. Don’t push it.”

“So…um…” I started, “I…don’t…really know what to say.”

“We can see that.”


“Oh my god.” George suddenly exclaimed, “Is that…FRED!?”

“Hey there dear bro!” the ghostly form of Fred Weasley waved, bright red hair (only…ghostlier…) and smile still the same as ever. Before I could start feeling all sad and guilty about his death again however, George yelled, “Is it just me or have you grown thinner!?”

“…I’m a ghost idiot…you’re still stupid I see…”

“Oh, no need to feel jealous Freddy. Everybody knows whose the more handsome and smarter twin here.”

“And that would be me.”

“Hell no!”





“Anyway,” Fred cut in, “How’s the joke shop running?”

“Excellent!” George exclaimed, “In fact better, since you aren’t there to scare the female customers away with your unsensational jokes.”

“That hurt Georgie…” Fred said sadly as he kept a hand over his heart.

“Don’t keep a hand over your nonexistent heart, Freddie. That always gets to me.”

“Oh? Then I’ll try the puppy dog eyes next!” Fred said happily.

“No!” George shielded his face with his hands frantically, “Do you have any idea how hard it is not to give in when its your own face going all big eyes and pouty face on you?!”

“Because…I am much better at it…”

“Nah, I think I’m the natural here.”

“Dream on!”

And…they continued arguing about whose puppy dog face was better.


How those two managed to make a touching reunion of a brother meeting his dead twin seem like Fred had just been away for a long time and was back to create more havoc with George was really beyond me.

I mean, Ginny and Hermione were soon asking Tonks to show them their favorite noses and I had to avert my eyes so as to not look at the ghost of female Dudley grinning at me (that would be in my nightmares later) and Ron, Sirius and Lupin were talking about Kreacher (Sirius was asking if we’d skewered him yet) (Ron obviously said no, but he had mentioned to me earlier that he was thinking about it since Kreacher’s cooking was getting nasty again, him working in Hogwarts and all, and going into ‘I hate mudbloods and blood traitors’ mode again)

I guess it ran in the family.

The demigods were all standing to the side with ‘WTF’ expressions.

I guess it was abnormal. I mean meeting some precious people of yours who were dead after a while and you are arguing about puppy eyes, requesting favorite noses and talking about skewering house elves?

Yep, definitely abnormal.

“Are these people for real?” I heard Percy mutter.

“They’re as bad as you and Travis and Connor,” Annabeth mumbled in a dazed voice, “Only…weirder…”

“Hey! I feel insulted!”

“Your point is…”


“See? No comebacks.”

“Hey! I’m good at comebacks!...I think…”

“Stop being such a seaweed brain and pay attention to the nice little weirdo wizards! It’ll be interesting!”

“They’re talking about skewering somebody called Kreacher. It might be interesting but not very reassuring.”

“Come of it. You’ve skewered your fair share of people. And tried on purpose to skewer some too.”

“Telekhines are NOT people. (Neither is Clarisse)” Cue dodge javelin thrown by annoyed Clarisse, “And that was not technically skewering.”

“You blew up Mt. St. Helens on the Telekhines and tried to get Clarisse’s head in the barbecue pit, Percy”

“Wimp couldn’t do it!” Clarisse called out,

“…You’re right. I have no comebacks to that.”


And they were calling us weird.

I turned back and saw the ghosts of my parents and Dumbledore right there, with those same funny happy/sad smiles, directed right at me.

“Enough with the…er…pleasantries now…” Nico said, glancing warily at the cat nose Tonks was now sporting and the girls were laughing their heads off at, “You said you needed advice, Harry, to defeat the Voldie-guy. Here it is, now. We haven’t got time to waste, I’m already very tired.”

I nodded then was interrupted by everybody’s yell of “What the hell do you mean, Voldie-guy!? Voldemort!? Isn’t he DEAD!?”

I gulped as I stared nervously at them, “I think…we need to talk. Now.”

Percy POV-

We most certainly did.

Okay, so some of you might be kinda annoyed about the lack of Percy POV but look up ^^^^^ I managed to squeeze it in pretty good eh? Heheh, I'm just that awesome. So yeah, COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN! Cmon, you know you want to! *eyebrow wiggle*


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