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HEY! So yeah, heres the next chappie...basically explanations and stuff. Hope u like it peeps! Pleaaassssseeee vote n review n stuff. THANKS! Characters, diclaimer over to you...

PeAcE OuT!!! B)



Me- *rubbing spot where Rachel bonked me* Oh joy.

Rachel- *growls* Got a problem with that?

Me- Uh...yes?

Rachel- *growls* *bonks me again*

Me- OW! Seriously Rachel? I gotta put an end to this. And who else would be better to do that than...

Rachel- Who?

Me- Guess...

Annabeth enters.

Annabeth- ME!

Rachel- Aw...not HER! We got a personal rivalry!

Annabeth- Yeah, she can't accept the fact that Percy is MY boyfriend!

Rachel- Shut UP Wise girl!

Annabeth- HEY! Only Percy calls me that! *jumps on Rachel*

Rachel and Annabeth start wrestling.

Percy enters.

Percy- Oooh, Chick fight!

Me- Leave Percy.

Percy- Okay, Okay.

Percy leaves.

Me- Hm...who else should I get into the scene to do the disclaimer?

Voldemort enters.

Voldemort- Yay! Me! Oh em geee! I'm so excited!

Me- Are you a son of Aphrodite?

Harry enters.

Harry- Don't worry, I'll take him from here. *grins evilly*

Voldemort- Oh helloo Harry! *bats eyelashes* How are you?

Me- Jeez! Are you even straight?

Voldemort- Uh...

Me- OKAY! Enough of the randomness! Harry, do the disclaimer!

Harry- *salutes* Yes ma'am yes! She doesn't own PJO or HP. They are both property of RR AND J.K. Rowling. And Harry Potter, a.k.a me, is waaayy better! HEHEH! *winks at random fan girl who shrieks "I LOVE YOU HARRY!DUMP GINNY!" and swoons*

Percy enters.

Percy- Hey! I'm better!

Harry- No I am!

Percy- *takes out Riptide*

Harry- *takes out wand*

Both start duelling.

Me- *face palm* Oh boy.

Voldemort- Oh Em Gee!


Everybody in the Great hall widened their eyes, confused, and automatically turned to look at Hermione, even the Ravenclaw students. Well, mostly because she was the smartest and she was, like, supposed to know things. Feeling everyone’s gazes on her, Hermione blushed. “Uh…” she started uncertainly, “Greek myths had gods to explain various phenomena in nature. The Greek culture was very advanced, even at that period. They might have some sort of parts of magic left in pockets around the world. I’m not very sure. I didn’t touch this topic; I never thought we would learn it.”

“Anyway,” a voice shouted from the Hufflepuff table. Joseph Bridge, a fourth year. “Why are we talking about Greek myths professor? Are these guests Greek wizards or something?”

Professor McGonagall shook her head. “The guests’ powers are far more powerful than magic can conjure up. I am talking about control over a certain element on earth. Sound familiar, Ms.Granger?”

Hermione blinked like an invisible light bulb went over her head. “The gods. The Greek gods! They exist, right?”

The whole school started talking at once.

“This is impossible!”

“No way!”


Gods are visiting us!?”

“QUIET DOWN!” Professor McGonagall yelled and everyone fell silent. She turned towards Hermione. “Close, Ms. Granger but no. Greek gods definitely exist, yes. As long as the western civilization keeps running, Olympus keeps running. Where the fire of the West burns the most, the gods reside. They move from place to place, where the power of western civilization is the most. For some time they even stayed in England, you can see some evidence in our architecture. Now, however, Olympus rests in America over the Empire State building in New York City.” Professor smiled faintly at the shocked expressions on our faces. “The Greek gods aren’t going to visit us. Their children are.”

“WHAT!?” somebody yelled. Only later did I realize it was me.

People were staring strangely at me. Professor McGonagall went on, ignoring my outburst, “Their children are half god and half muggle or mortal for them. They are known as half-bloods or demigods. Very powerful, even than us wizards and witches. Our race was also started when the Greek goddess of magic, Hecate, blessed some muggles to start our kind. The start of our civilization is also linked to the mythical world of Greek gods. They just fought a war, greater than any war known to humans, greater even than our war against the dark lord. I leave the details to you. They will stay here for a month and in this month you should befriend them and share each other’s knowledge.”

    “Why didn’t we ever learn about them up till now?” that was Hermione of course.

“Ah, actually both our worlds were kept parallel from each other for few millennia because, well, the demigods are a little unpredictable you see. They lose their temper and suddenly the Trojan War starts up. They have a camp called Camp Half-blood in Long Island, New York where they train to fight monsters and prepare for wars. Their Camp director is Lord Dionysus, the god of wine and their camp activities director is Chiron, a centaur. In fact, he was the same Chiron who taught Heracles and Achilles and other great heroes. Chiron, I and the ministry of magic organized this meeting. Few of the most powerful demigods from Camp Half-blood will be visiting us.”

There was silence as we all took this in. This was the most startling thing that ever happened to us, we were shocked. My mind was reeling with questions. The only thing I could blurt out was, “When are they coming?”

“Umm...” Professor muttered, “About right now.”

Percy POV-

It was a typical day at Camp Half-blood. Or at least as typical as it can get at a training camp for Greek demigods. The Hephaestus kids were banging away in the forge, Demeter and Dionysus’s kids were in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow healthy, the Apollo kids were practicing Archery, Aphrodite’s kids were checking their reflections in the canoe lake, the Ares and Athena campers were fighting a huge slithery serpent in the canoe lake and the other gods children were in various other activities. And me? Well, I was sparring with my awesome girlfriend of a few months but best friend of more than five years, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. As I said, a typical day at camp.

Annabeth was the only person I trusted enough to know my Achilles spot. Yes, I had bathed in the River Styx. Annabeth had also saved my life numerous times and so had I, we’d been together in a lot of stuff, ever since I came to Camp and just the other year on my birthday when we’d saved Olympus and defeated Kronos, that’s when I revealed my feelings for her. Turns out she felt the same. The typical happy ending. That didn’t usually happen to demigods though.

The only problem with having your girlfriend know your mortal point was that she knew your weak spots and would try to hurt it to gain the upper hand in the fight. And that was what was happening now.

“Quit it, Seaweed brain!” Annabeth said smugly as she slashed her knife expertly, “You can’t win over me!”

“We’ll see about that, wise girl.” I smiled as I deflected her knife with my lethal ballpoint pen in sword form, Anaklusmos or Riptide.

Annabeth frowned and started pushing me harder and her knife barely missed the small part on the back of my neck, my Achilles spot. We went on for another ten minutes until I finally decided what the heck? I swung my leg forward and gave a disarming blow to her knife which skittered out of her hands as she landed on the ground.

“I win.” I smiled as I kept Riptide against her neck.

“Hmph.” Annabeth pouted as I gave her my hand.

“C’mon Wise girl. Big deal.” I bumped my shoulder against hers.

“Whatever. Evening. Capture-the-flag. You’re sooo dead.” Annabeth grinned as we crowded the drinks cooler.

“We’ll see, Annabeth” I rolled my eyes. Just then, the conch horn rang from the dining pavilion signaling everyone to go for lunch.

Annabeth and I walked over to the dining pavilion and there, Annabeth waved and went to join her half-siblings from the Athena cabin. I walked over to the lonely Poseidon table and the wood nymphs came up. I loaded my plate with barbecue and went to stand in line with everyone else for the burnt offerings to the gods.

I threw a slice of big smoked brisket into the flames and said “Poseidon.” The smoke ruffled my hair as it passed, smelling like a pleasant mixture of a soft, salty sea breeze, wildflowers, hot chocolate and brownies. I loved the smell.

Suddenly I realized there was a cabin addition to the dining pavilion. The Hunters of Artemis!

I waved at my friend Thalia, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis who was leading the stern group of middle-school girls wearing silvery parkas and bows hung over their shoulders into the pavilion. Thalia waved back and ran forward to hug Annabeth.

“Hey Thalia, what are you doing here?” I asked as I walked forward. “Summons from Chiron. He was all ‘its important’ and stuff.” Thalia said. “What’s important?” Annabeth asked interestedly. “Said he’ll inform us when we get here.” Thalia replied.

“’Kay then. See you later.” We said as we walked back to our respective tables.

After the whole camp had finished eating, our centaur activities director Chiron came forward, clopping his hooves on the marble floor. “Good afternoon campers. I’ve got an announcement to make.” Chiron said, “We are organizing a meeting between two different worlds. Our world and another one which earned its roots from our civilization.”

Immediately the whole camp started buzzing. A different world?

“They have sent us an invitation to their school,” Chiron continued. “School!?” Annabeth said loudly.

“Yes, school. The Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.” Chiron announced.

“Wizardry!? We children of Hecate are the only ones with power over magic don’t we?” a girl from the Hecate table said.

“Actually,” Chiron continued, “Their civilization was started a few millennia ago when your mother Hecate blessed some mortals or muggles for them with power over magic. This school teaches young wizards and witches to control their magical powers. As I was saying, we have stayed away from them for a lot of time in fear of a war, you demigods are a little unpredictable after all, but now their headmistress and ministry of Magic, in England, invited us over for a month so that we get to know each other. I have selected a few of our best demigods to go.”

Everyone leaned forward expectantly. “They are Percy Jackson,” I smiled as there was a smattering of applause. Even if I wasn’t selected, I would go anyway. Nobody could keep me back, “Annabeth Chase,” The Athena table cheered for a grinning Annabeth, “Thalia Grace,” No surprise there. The Artemis table clapped their lieutenant’s back, “Clarisse la Rue,” Again, no surprise. Clarisse would kill if she wasn’t allowed to go. The Ares table erupted in ugly cheering, “Travis and Connor Stoll,” The said two gave each other high-fives while the huge Hermes table clapped, “Katie Gardiner,” Katie smiled tentatively. The Demeter table cheered and the plants around the place started going crazy, “Drew Rosette,” Drew smirked prettily as her cabin gave some half-hearted applause. Nobody really liked her, “Will Solace,” The Apollo cabin started flashing their blinding smiles like their father, “Lou Ellen,” It was obvious that she should go. I mean, her mother was the goddess of magic, “Jake Mason,” Jake wasn’t even listening. He was tinkering with some metal scraps, “and…Nico di Angelo.”

Everyone looked around. Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen the son of Hades at camp recently. Suddenly, there was a yelp and a young dark-clad boy fell from the shadows of a tall tree onto the marble floor of the pavilion. “Ow!” he rubbed his shoulder as he stood up, all eyes on him, “Shadow traveling hurts.” Then he noticed all of us looking at him. “Hey!” he said brightly, or at least as bright as you can get for a son of Hades, “Uh…did I miss something?”

Some time later, the group of demigods were assembled near the Pegasus stables carrying their provisions. My faded backpack had few changes of clothes, a canteen of nectar, a ziplock bag full of ambrosia squares, some Greek books, Riptide, a new watch which turned into a shield, my second one which Tyson recently made and some Greek books. I patted my pure black Pegasus Blackjack as I fed him some sugar cubes.

“Hey, Blackjack. We’re going to England.”

England? Ah, nice. I heard the hay there is de-elicious. But boss, what for? Will there be any bad guys to trample?

“Maybe, I don’t know. Its some school of magic. Yeah, and don’t call me boss.”

Blackjack whinnied like he was laughing. Anyway, boss. Need any transportation, just whistle for Blackjack and his buddies. We’ll carry you and your friends anywhere.

He turned his head somewhere and said Whoa, boss. We supposed to transport her too!?

I turned to see whom he was looking at and groaned. There was Drew, fully decked out in spangly pink clothes and sunglasses along with her pink and glittery luggage. I counted it and couldn’t believe my eyes. There were 7 huge bags in all.

Seriously. She’s pretty hot but needs a reality check, boss. I don’t think even Guido can carry all…that! And Guido carried Tyson!

I nodded. Drew was seriously crazy! Annabeth came skipping up to me. “Hey Seaweed Brain.” She said and patted Blackjack’s mane. “Hello Blackjack.”

Why, hello hot wisdom girl. Looking good. You take care of boss all right?

I told Annabeth what Blackjack said and she laughed. Then she followed my gaze to Drew who was now applying lipgloss and groaned. “Drew is ridiculous! 7 bags!?” she muttered then glanced at me, “You tell her or should I?”. I sighed. “I’ll break it to her.”

I walked up to Drew.

“Drew?” I asked. She looked up. “Percy!” she drawled and tried to keep her hand on my shoulder but I backed away. “I haven’t seen you in a while, honey.” She batted her pink glittery eyelids and tried to come forward but I shrank back. I gave Annabeth, who was standing in the distance with eyes narrowed, a terrified gaze. Thank the gods she understood and strode over to where we were standing.

“Hi Drew!” Annabeth said cheerily and slightly stood in front of me. “Annabeth.” Drew said curtly as she stepped back. “What is that?” Annabeth asked, pointing towards Drew’s luggage. “Oh, my bags of course. Never seen bags before, honey?” Drew sneered. Drew was one annoying girl. I wished Silena Beauregard was here she was so much nicer. Atleast she was in Elysium, with Beckendorf.

Instead of punching Drew, Annabeth laughed coldly and said, “You want to take all of those bags, Drew? Then be prepared to walk all the way to Hogwarts. Your Pegasus will die on the way trying to carry all that crap and you.” Drew scowled but didn’t say anything. No amount of her charmspeaking would change anything. “One bag, Drew.” Annabeth said menacingly. Drew opened her mouth in dismay but decided not to argue. “Two?” she pleaded. Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Whatever”.

While walking away with me, Annabeth turned back and said, “And Drew?” Drew looked up, pouting, “Stay away from my boyfriend.”

Finally, everybody were seated on their pegasi after lots of tantrums. Porkpie didn’t want to carry Nico and Thalia was scared her Pegasus would drop her. Drew tried to cram some more stuff into her assigned two bags and that took, well, a lot of time.

After all that mess, we finally started. “Lets go guys.”

Harry POV-

After Professor McGonagall said that they were coming right then, all hell broke loose. Students started asking questions, many started yelling, Hermione starting writing something on a piece of parchment and Peeves started throwing pancakes at everyone.

Finally, Professor McGonagall had enough of it. “SHUT UP!” she yelled and everyone immediately fell silent. “We have to make a good first impression. So please. Behave. Yourselves.”

She took a deep breath. “House teachers and prefects, herd  the students into the grounds where our visitors will be coming. And points will be deducted from any house which misbehaves.”

The students quietly went out into the grounds, whispering amongst each other. “How do you reckon they’ll arrive?” Ron asked. Hermione shrugged. “They must have lots of types of transport, right?” I couldn’t help feeling a little excited. This was a nice development in my crazy life. I hoped the visitors were good.

Everybody waited for some time, chatting with each other. That’s when I heard the flapping of wings. “Hear!” I yelled. Everybody quieted down and looked skywards.

 First, they were just dots but as they got closer, they were seen more clearly. There was an audible gasp from the students. Because in front of us were twelve…winged horses?!

“They’re beautiful! Winged horses, Pegasi!” Hermione said. There were people riding on the horses. Teenagers by the looks of it. Twelve people in all, one on each Pegasus. One pure black Pegasus (all the others were pure white) had a young guy riding on, probably my age. He seemed like the leader.

The winged horses all landed softly on the grass on the grounds and the people on them got down. The leader guy walked forward. He had jet black hair and really deep twinkling sea-green eyes and looking into them, I swear, I saw the ocean. The other people joined him. He looked towards us and grinned sheepishly. “Err…Hi?”

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