House Sorting

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*Walks in and hides behind a curtain*

*Calls out* This isn’t TaruDemigod this is her…um…twin! Yeah, twin!

Nico enters, wearing a pink tutu and those sparkly tiaras, plus loads of girly makeup.

Nico- *smiles evilly* Consider this payback. For the pink dress, pink monstrosity and pink makeup (Why’s every form of torture pink? Me- *innocently* Isn’t that your favorite color Nico? Nico- No, its NOT! *blushes* Me- Hah! Nico loves pink, Nico loves pink, Nico loves pin- mfffpphhh! *mouth clogged by gag*) *kicks me out from behind the curtain*


Me- Oh no! No, they’ll kill me out here!

Backs away from murderous looking readers holding baseball bats (@Rhiann1997: please don’t get Hades to me! I beg of you! Rhiann1997:*sweat drop*)

Look, lets not be hasty. I can explain *baseball bat crashes inches from my head* HEAR ME OUT WILL YOU!?

Okay, so I really, really have to apologize for the lateness. I’m sorry okay!? I blame school! And internet! And good old case of writers block. But you also have to take in the fact that my dad took away my internet (waa!), I’m filling up a record for my sister as a favor, I lost my iPod (I’m still recovering from the trauma) and I’ve got tests to study for. So all this adds up to a very late chapter which really, really…um…sucks.

Please bear with me, my writing muse is not being good to me. I personally hate this chapter. It practically has nothing in it. I’m sorry. The next one will be better, I promise. So uh…yeah, this chappie is dedicated to Hestia for supporting Worlds Meet from the start. Wish I had a better chapter to dedicate to you but anyway *hugs* *thumbs up* THANKS!




Me- *walks into the room and sighs*

Why you ask? Because the studio is a temporary war zone. There is a wall made of chocolate pies in the middle (Mmm…chocolate pies…). The Stoll brothers are hiding on one side of the wall and the Weasley twins are hiding on the other side, both parties throwing deadly projectiles (leather boxing gloves, puking pastilles, baseball bats, nosebleed nougats…-.-) at each other.

Me- *walks up to the Stolls (surprisingly, nothing hit me. Why you ask? Because I’m the Me. ^_^)* Why is this continuing?

Travis- Because this..

Connor- …is a…


Me- Uh-huh…-.-…closing time is 7:30. If you aren’t gone by then, Bill the security guy will come and you know him…*shudders* he’s creepy…

Travis- I know…*shudders* he has those mutant clown heads…

Connor- And silly string! Don’t forget the silly string!

*Group shudder*

Me- *walks over to Fred and George* Oi Fred, you’re dead right?

Fred- Yes, yes I am.

Me- Uh…not to be rude or anything but WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?

Fred- I struck a deal with Hades *winks* I get to come back on earth every weekend while I supply him with adequate supply of pink underwear.

Me- Hades…wears… pink underwear…? O.O

Fred- *nods*

George- With sunflowers on them. ^_^

Me- o.O What’s it with Hades demigods and the color pink? And sunflowers?

Nico- *calls out from inside room where Umbridge is doing a serious makeover on him* That was a one time thing! My pink diary is replaced with red roses now! Okay!?

Me- -.- Why am I making fun of him? He’s already a joke…-.-

George- Hey, isn’t Hitler a son of Hades?

Fred- And the trend among Hades demigods is that they wear pink underwear with sunflowers…

Nico- Roses!

Me- So Hitler…wears…ah creepy! 

*Group shudder*

So uh yeah…enjoy! (or not -.- (why is it that I’m always making that face? *shrugs*) ) and remember I do NOT own any of these awesomely creepy awesome characters.*sad sigh*

Percy POV-

The Great Hall which we’d visited earlier looked grander than before. In fact, it looked magnificent.

But nothing was more beautiful than the ceiling. Professor McGonagall had earlier told us that the ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky outside. But now…wow. Just wow.

The ceilings opened up to the heavens. There were stars, galaxies, planets all swirling around in a multi-colored group around the midnight blue sky. At the centre stood a mighty empire, standing up on a cloud. Rebuilt from glistening marble and elegant arches, the view from the bottom itself was really, really cool. There was also thunder swirling around the golden gates.


“That…is the single most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…” Annabeth murmured softly. I agreed. This was AWESOME!

“They’ve upgraded on the decorations, haven’t they?” Ron chuckled behind us.

“Flitwick and McGonagall have been busy…” Hermione mused, “That is a very advanced enchantment…its Olympus isn’t it? Residence of the gods?”

All of us demigods nodded together.

“And look,” Ginny pointed out, “The tapestries are different too!”

 We looked around. Ginny was right. There were different tapestries on the walls. I realized with a start that each tapestry represented one of the Olympians!

Above the head table in the middle was an electric blue tapestry with a dark blue lightning bolt embroidered on it, crossed with an eagle which was moving.

“Zeus…” I heard Thalia whisper beside me.

To its left was a deathly black tapestry with a skull embroidered on it along with a deadly beautiful helm of darkness which I’d seen many times before. “Hades…” Nico murmured.

But to its right was the most beautiful tapestry of all…well, in my eyes anyway.

“Poseidon…” I breathed out, staring at the giant sea green cloth which seemed to be made of some smooth silky material, seeming like water. An elegant black silhouette of a horse galloped around the tapestry and in the centre stood a magnificent jet-black trident, its ends glistening with watery blue energy.

The others all around me were examining the other tapestries of their godly parents.




“They’re good.”

“Beautifully done.”

“The edges are a teensy bit frayed, only about a millimeter I think. Also, my favorite color is a different shade of hot pink than that one…and I hope the dove wont poop…”

We sighed. Drew was being an idiot like always.

All the students were chatting at these four house tables but when we entered, all the chatting died down. The staring was uncomfortable to say the least.

Professor McGonagall who was standing at the head at the center of the head table walked forward regally and beckoned us forward.

Harry and gang nodded at us before they stalked off to a table at the far end full of cheerful and nice-looking kids who were decent enough not to ogle like the others.

Our group slowly walked forward nervously, afraid what was awaiting us. It couldn’t be something really major, could it?

We reached the head table and McGonagall gave a faint half-smile to us.

Then a black pointed witch’s hat was brought in.


But this didn’t look like a very ordinary hat. Even though it looked very old, patched and frayed with an extra emphasis on old, this hat had this faint aura around it. I couldn’t explain it, it was like the aura was emanating from it, but the hat was definitely something special. I didn’t know if my half-blood reflexes were kicking in but I was sure.

After assessing the hat, my next question aroused. What on Gaea were we supposed to do with the hat? Pull a rabbit from it or something?

Which didn’t seem like the best task for me since we weren’t wizards.

McGonagall then conjured up this parchment out of nowhere with her wand and then unfurled it.

“This is the Hogwarts sorting hat.” She explained, “I will call out your names. You’ll step forward and… try on this hat.”

What the heck? That’s it!?


There was some silence on our part and a lot of staring but finally we shrugged. I mean, it could’ve been worse. And weirder.

Professor McGonagall stared at the parchment in her hand and called out, “Chase, Annabeth!”

Annabeth next to me tensed a little. Then she slowly walked forward and nervously assessed the hat on the tool as if waiting for it to start talking or tap dancing or something. That would be cool.

She went and sat down and carefully kept the hat on her head. For a few seconds nothing happened and then the hat started twitching. To our shock, a rip near the rim opened wide like a mouth, and the hat yelled,

“Ah! A daughter of Lady Athena I see!”

Our jaws dropped open.

Thalia next to me whispered, “It’s talking. The hat is talking...”

Annabeth face was scrunched up, like she seemed to be having some sort of

mental argument.

Finally, the hat yelled out, “RAVEN- No! No, you’re a special case. Ravenclaw would be kind of obvious but…GRYFFINDOR!”

Harry’s table erupted into whole hearted cheers and claps. Annabeth took off the hat and made her way to the table, looking a little frazzled but smiling slightly.

McGonagall called out, “Di Angelo, Nico!”

Nico walked up and kept the hat on his head. It took a few seconds to decide.


The table to the far other right side of the hall filled with kind of mean and unpleasant looking kids erupted into claps.

Nico made his way there,  smirking at their wary expressions.

“Ellen, Lou!” McGonagall yelled.


If possible, many of the Slytherins had even more scared expressions than when Nico had been sorted.

“Gardner, Katie!”


The table next to Gryffindor started cheering. Professor Sprout, who seemed like the Head of the House, beamed.

“Grace, Thalia!”


The table next to Slytherin clapped. They had intelligent expressions and their eyes had the same glint that the Athena kids sometimes had.

“Jackson, Percy!”

I gulped as there was a pause. I made my way up to the stool, kind of nervous.

I wore the hat and the black rim was the only thing I saw.

“Ah, a son of Poseidon I see…” a voice whispered in my ear.

If I wasn’t so nervous, I would’ve jumped a few feet.

“Hm…this will be a tough choice. Brave yes but should Gryffindor be the right choice? After all, you could even be a Slytherin…they have a nice connection to water. Their common room is under the lake you know…”

I thought of the mean looking kids whose faces reminded me so much of the faces of all the school bullies I faced. I thought of being with Annabeth and Harry and the others. And I immediately knew what I wanted.

Not Slytherin! Not Slytherin!

“Not Slytherin is it?”

Yes, not Slytherin! Or are you deaf? Heh, a deaf hat.

“Shut up boy. And I’m not deaf. Fine then…GRYFFINDOR!”

I slowly took off the hat as Gryffindor table started clapping and cheering loudly. Annabeth was smiling.

I took a seat between her and Ron and looked on as our friends got called upon one by one.

“La Rue, Clarisse!”

“GRYFFINDOR!” (Clarisse cracked her knuckles and smirked at some timid looking first years who shrank away from her.)

“Mason, Jake!”

“GRYFFINDOR!” (Jake was hardly paying attention, he was tinkering with his metal again)

“Rosette, Drew!”

“HUFFLEPUFF!” (That choice displeased Drew the most from what we saw. She’d scrunched up her nose at some second year who was picking his nose. Eugh)

“Solace, Will!”

“HUFFLEPUFF!” (Will just flashed his million dollar smile and was accepted immediately.)

“Stoll, Connor!”

“RAVENCLAW!” (Connor had rammed the hat on his head eagerly and it clashed messily with his sandy hair. I think he was a bit surprised about the choice. Even I was. Ravenclaw seemed like the smart people and Connor didn’t really seem…well, smart.)

“Stoll, Travis!”

“RAVENCLAW!” (Again, a surprise.)

Finally, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment.

“Students and demigods, today is a special day. It’s the day where our world met the world of Greek mythology. Therefore, the house elves have outdone themselves in the dishes this time around. Demigods, hope you enjoy your first meal here. Now,” Professor McGonagall clapped her hands, “Dig in!”

 Uh...just one more thing *screams* PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!

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