Into Hogwarts.

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HI PPL. I'm sooooo sorry 'bout the wait and stuff. I know. I suck. It's just this huge sick case of writer's block and I'm really busy. And guess what? I ran out of inspiration for my disclaimers! WAH! *bangs head on the table and groans* Plz gimme ideas for them in your comments. PUWWEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEE! *puppy dog face*?


Me- *looks at myself in the mirror* Hm. Hm. Am I Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling? I. don't. think. so. I don't own PJO or HP. Meh. How boring was that!? I mean seriously? I suck. *bangs head again on the table and groans. Again.* Gah!

Percy POV-

"Whoa...this place is...grand!" I muttered to Annabeth as all of us trailed after the strict looking lady who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, the headmistress of Hogwarts. "It's...beautiful!" Annabeth gasped. I resisted a groan. Now the architectural rant was going to start. "I love the curves on the building! Its genius! It would look lovely for the shrine of Zeus on Olympus. Actually, the windows should be higher up but the marble is very ingenious. The structural facades are brilliant! I wonder who the architect is...this castle looks so grand, it's almost worthy of Daedalus. But it could be magic..." and Annabeth carried on. I zoned out for some time as I took in the surroundings. The Hogwarts castle was majestic, perched upon a hill and it was made of brownstone. It had many turrets and towers and there were vast green grounds around it. There was a dark-looking forest to one side and it looked pretty scary. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stock full of monsters and such. Though I didn't have to worry much about that since I had the invulnerability. There were vegetable patches that led to few green-house looking places. Katie would feel quite at home there. There was a shack near the forest where I swear I saw this really big guy with a shaggy beard petting a scary hound. That made me feel a pang for Mrs. O'Leary. I hoped Chiron was taking care of her all right. We walked across the grounds but it was kinda disconcerting with all those black-robed kids ogling us wherever we were walking. It got to the extent where it was creepy.

Travis and Connor, however, took it in their stride and started waving at the kids like movie stars. I rolled my eyes. So like them to act like idiots in a place where we had to make a good impression.

We stopped in front of this huge oak door and Professor McGonagall flicked her fingers and the doors opened. We gasped. The insides were even more magnificent than the outsides! Annabeth went on full "architecture mode". "Excellent use of marble. Spacious staircases. Coats of armor are nice decoration. Tapestries are good for the wall..." blah, blah, blah. It was old-fashioned but still nice and authentic. It was really shiny too.

Professor McGonagall led us through the place and then we climbed a few staircases (once, I felt my eyes were playing tricks on me because the staircases kept moving and changing! Cool!) and stopped in front of a stone gargoyle.

"Everlasting Gobstoppers." Professor McGonagall said. We stared at her and she just gave a faint half-smile like she was amused at us. I really did NOT know what that was about. She was the one telling random old-fashioned candy names like they were important.

But to our surprise, the gargoyle leapt aside, showing a cool spiral staircase leading to the top. Wow. Just wow. I felt Annabeth beside me was going to die of excitement.

We walked up the staircase and into a nice, bright, circular and spacious room. To one side, there was a really big bookshelf with hundreds and hundreds of huge, heavily bound volumes. The room had scarlet and golden carpeting and the French windows overlooked the school grounds. There were comfortable looking couches and a table to the right had some strange, silver tinkering objects. The walls had some posters of I think. I gaped at them because a) My eyes must've been betraying me because the people in the posters were moving and waving at us and b) they were carrying broomsticks. The other side of the circular wall were full of paintings of old-looking people who were wearing wizard robes and waving at us.

"Sit down, demigods," Professor McGonagall said briskly. She was definitely one strict lady.

We quickly settled down onto the comfy arm-chairs and couches and then turned to the headmistress. "Well," she said and gave us a swift smile which I felt must be very rare, "I hope your journey over to here was alright...hungry?"

We muttered 'yes' and then she took out something from her robes. A...stick?

Of course, it didn't exactly seem normal. Professor McGonagall muttered something and flicked the stick. To our shock platters of sandwiches appeared out of nowhere and goblets of juice and lemonade on the round table in front of us. Professor smirked at our 'WOW! AWESOME!' expressions and gestured for us to start eating.

We boys started pigging out on delicious peanut butter and ham and Swiss-cheese sandwiches along with pumpkin juice, which was actually really tasty, and lemonade. The girls just rolled their eyes and called us 'idiots' and picked at their food. Crazy.

Finally, we finished and Professor McGonagall explained every single thing about Hogwarts. Like the portraits of people waving at us were previous, deceased headmasters, the evil-looking forest was the Forbidden forest, the posters of the people with broomsticks was a team of a wizarding game played on flying broomsticks called Quidditch and the school was recently under renovation (sure didn't look like it!) because of a great war against some evil dark wizard called Voldemort whose motives and intentions seemed a lot like Kronos to me, only more wizardy.

So then, she took us on a tour of the whole castle. She showed me the Astronomy tower, dungeons, Divination classrooms (one smelled greatly of cooking sherry while the other looked like a real forest, only in a classroom), the Great Hall (one word: G-R-A-N-D), Charms classroom (some small students were making feathers on their desks fly with their sticks), Transfiguration classroom (I learnt that Professor McGonagall taught the subject. The class was under substitution), Green houses (filled with strange exotic plants that bit, scratched and shrieked. Katie started a conversation with a short, plump and muddy teacher who was teaching the class and we had to drag her away), Care of Magical creatures (the huge guy petting the hound earlier was teaching this class. It seems his name was Rubeus Hagrid and he was part-giant. I almost uncapped Riptide right then but later learnt he was harmless), Defense against the Dark Arts classroom, the Quidditch grounds (with tall stands for the spectators and hoops on either side which rather reminded me of mortal bubble blowers, only magnified), the Library (it had more books than I could count...) and the tip of the Forbidden forest.

It was all wicked cool and seriously...magical... but the only bad factor was that wherever we went, kids stared at us like we were the most interesting things in the world. Some tiny kids in Care of Magical creatures actually bowed low to me, Thalia and Nico. Ugh. Talk about awkward.

Finally, we stopped at the same huge oak entrance door and McGonagall said, "I've got to go take my classes. I've showed you around pretty much everywhere, I think. Do you think you can roam around the place and get acquainted?" We nodded. "Well, then, lunch is in the Great hall at 1 o'clock. Don't get lost and be there." She informed. She nodded curtly at us and disappeared briskly behind the door.

For sometime, we just stood there and stared at each other and the door.

And stared.




Which was weird since we were all ADHD. How we stayed so silent and unmoving for so long, don't ask me.

Finally, I decided to break the silence. "So...what now?"

I got eleven different answers.

"Lets go to the library!" (Annabeth, of course)

"Lets go to the Astronomy tower! (but not look down of course...)" (That was Thalia)

"Lets go train!" (Clarisse...)

"Lets go prank somebody!" (Travis and Connor)

"Lets go to Divination...I wonder if they'll do my dad justice with their predictions..."(Will)

"I need to straighten my makeup and hair and my index finger is chipped slightly and..." (Drew...)

"I want to see Transfiguration. It seems...interesting..." (That was Lou)

"The ghosts invited me for some kind of party..." (Nico muttered while rolling his eyes)

"Lets go to the Green houses!" (Katie...)

"Anywhere metal scraps are there...?" (That was definitely Jake Mason)

I just stood there, my eye twitching with annoyance, and stared at them.

They stared back.

And stared.




"Let's just walk around the grounds!" I suggested.

"Good idea!"

" place huh?" I struck up a conversation while we were strolling on the grounds. "Yeah!" Clarisse said enthusiastically, "The forest will be excellent for Capture-the-flag. Can't wait!" We rolled our eyes at her. Couldn't she not talk about fighting for once?

"These people are pretty advanced in their magic..." Lou said quietly. "Yeah?" Annabeth asked.

Lou nodded. "They are pretty good but they aren't practicing some of the forgotten magic in fear of death." We all stopped in our tracks and turned to look at her.


Lou sighed. "It's complicated." We left it at that.

"Well, we both are going to have some wicked fun in this place!" Travis and Connor yelled in synch.

Katie and Annabeth whipped around angrily and started scolding the two. "We are here to make a good impression! How can you even think that? Do you think this is a joke? Do you want to put us and our parents to shame!? Do you-," blah, blah, blah. We all sighed and quickly walked forward, not wanting to listen to their stupid rant.

I walked forward and casually closed my eyes with my arms around my head. Closing my eyes was a big mistake as I soon ran into somebody.

We both fell to the ground. "OW!" I heard the boy mutter. Uh-oh. I almost forgot that my body was as hard as steel now and it would hurt the other person. Bad.

I got up and held out my hand to the boy. He took it and stood up.

"Sorry 'bout that." I apologized.

"Naw. It's okay." He muttered as he brushed his black robes.

I slowly took in his appearance. He was almost my height, pretty good-looking and had messy, jet-black hair just like mine. In fact, he even had green eyes though I had sea-green and he had emerald green with glasses over them. He was a little pale but he had this really cool scar on his forehead. It looked like lightning. Like I said. Really cool.

Behind him, two girls and a guy trailed. One girl was pretty with chocolaty brown eyes and long, wavy brown hair. The other two looked like brother and sister. They were both really tall with flaming red hair to match Rachel Elizabeth Dare's (our mortal oracle). The guy had blue eyes while the girl had deep brown eyes and was quite pretty.

I looked behind me. I had walked ahead of the others but they were hurrying over here, probably wondering what was going on.

I turned back forward. "Um...I'm Percy Jackson," I said and held out my hand.

The boy shook it. "Yeah, I know. I'm Potter. Harry Potter."

"Oh. 'Bond. James Bond' style huh?" I joked.

They looked at me like I had gone psycho. I sighed.

"You are?" I gestured towards the red-head.

He took a lanky stride, shook my hand and said in a British accent, "I'm Ron Weasley!"

The red-head girl shook my hand too. "Ginny Weasley" she said with a friendly smile.

The brown-haired girl said, "I'm Hermione Granger."

I said "Hey" to all of them. Then my friends arrived.

And the introductions and explanations started all over again. I zoned out.

I started thinking about random stuff. Like what was going to be there for lunch. What we would do after lunch? Where we would stay in the castle? Were we even going to stay in the castle? And-

"PERCY!" I heard Annabeth shriek suddenly and I snapped back to reality. She poked my head. "What is wrong with you!? Were you even listening to us!?" she cried.

"Um...what...?" I scratched my head in confusion. Annabeth held up her hands in exasperation.

"Listen around you." She ordered.



"Um..." I squinted into the sunlight and strained my ears. I heard the sound of an approaching helicopter. Wait...what!?

Everybody looked around in confusion. "Helicopter!" I yelled.

Ron started, "What the-?"

But, sure enough, in the distance the distant sound of helicopter blades beating and they were actually nearing.




Then it came into view. Now, with the sound of blades beating, there was also the sound of a freaked out goat bleating anxiously. I squinted and made out Dare enterprises Ltd. On the Helicopter's side.

Oh-kaaaaaayyyyyy...what's going on?

'Kay...I guess that was short...*shields face with arms* DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE! .....!




I suck. *bangs head on the table again and groans. *sigh*. Again*

A/N: Hey, so like I'm already getting Twilight into this (tell me in your comments if you want Twilight bashing or not...XD) but should I even get Naruto? Tell me in your comments pleaassseee! I kinda need these two for comment!

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