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HEY ppl! Sorry this took so long. Technically, my internet wasn't working and I got it back yesterday and stuff. Anyway, this chapter is, like, PJO gang introducing themselves and stuff. Anyway, disclaimer to the characters...


Percy and Harry still duelling.

Voldemort egging them on.

Me- Ah, excellent (note the sarcasm). Now who'll disrupt this?

Kronos enters.


Voldemort- OOH! YAY! *claps hands*

Percy and Harry stop duelling.

Percy- What the-? I destroyed you didn't I?

Harry- Whoa! Just came to me, didn't I kill Voldy?

Kronos- Foolish mortal, you cannot destroy me. I am Kronos, an immortal, Titan Lord of Time, the Crooked one...*keeps ranting*

Percy- Uh, ego issues much? *turns to look at Harry* And you gave Voldemort a nickname?

Harry- know Voldemort is a mouthful and...

Voldemort- OOH! A NICKNAME!...WAIT! I'm dead?

Harry- *blinks*

Nico enters.

Nico- THERE YOU ARE! You aren't supposed to leave Underworld, you know that right? Now c'mon, c'mon.

Voldemort- WAAAHH! I wanna play with Harry and Percy and Krony!

Kronos- *stops his rant* Krony? Seriously? *starts a new rant*

Me- *facepalm*

Nico- *takes "Voldy"* Adios Amigos!

Nico leaves.

Harry- *looks at Percy questioningly*

Percy- He's italian.

Harry- Ah.

Me- *looks at clipboard* O-kay. Now, fast, tell me who's doing the disclaimer.

Harry- Uh. Voldy said he's not yet dead so I'll go and kill him. *takes out pieces of phoenix core wand and Elder wand* See ya.

Dumbledore enters.

Dumbledore- No, you don't. That wand belongs to me Mister! Now, give it back to me so that I can visit my dead gay best pal, Grindelwald.

Harry- YOU'RE DEAD! *looks at Percy* Run?

Percy- *agrees* Run.

Harry leaves running.

Dumbledore- Now, really. *indignantly*

Dumbledore leaves after Harry running.

Percy- Anyway, I'll do the disclaimer since Krony seems too busy with his rant...

Kronos- *stops old rant* OH FOR MY SAKE! MY NAME IS KRONOS! K-R-O-N-O-S! AN IMMORTAL! TITAN LORD OF TIME! THE CROOKED ONE! *starts new/old rant*

Me- *second facepalm, this time with the clipboard* Characters are annoying.

Percy- HEY! Anyway, I'll destroy him again. *grins evilly* *takes out Riptide and the cursed blade* AHAHAHAHA!

Annabeth enters.

Annabeth- No, you don't! That knife belongs to me Mister! Now give it back to me so that I can visit my dead crush Luke!

Percy- You still have a crush on him!?! *looks at me* Run?

Me- *agrees* Run.

Percy leaves running.

Annabeth- Now, really. *indignantly*

Annabeth leaves after Percy running.

Me- O-kaaayyy...*rolls eyes* Okay, Krony. You're the only one left. Do the disclaimer.

Kronos- MY NAME IS *BLEEEPING* KRONOS FOR *BLEEPING* MY SAKE. *BLEEEP* *BLEEP* *BLEEEP* *Krony starts swearing rant* (Insert choice swear words)

Me- Ooooh. Krony's got a potty mouth!


Me- Yeah, yeah. Krony, stop swearing. We have a shortage of ear plugs for the kids. Get outta here. Take him back to Tartarus! SECURITY!

Many buff guards come and drag "Krony" out of the studio kicking and screaming.

Me- I don't own PJO or HP. If I did, I would do the demise of Kronos like this and keep Voldemort's character like this too. And make him keep a girly-girl diary. HAH! So, technically I am not Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling so... DON'T. SUE. ME. PeAcE OuT! B)



There was an audible gasp among the girls in the school. Okay, so I had to admit this guy was a little muscular and had a good tan and was irritatingly good-looking but that didn’t mean I had to like the way Ginny and Hermione’s eyes widened when they looked at him. Even Ron looked resentful. Then a blonde girl walked forward and smacked his head. And it was time for us guys to gasp.

She was really beautiful in that warm summer princessy way but tougher-looking and more intelligent. Her blonde hair was curly in that natural way and she had intelligent, analyzing grey eyes with a perfect tan. Ginny shouldered me and I averted my eyes.

I heard the girl mutter ‘Seaweed brain,’ to the dark-haired guy.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward and said, “Good morning demigods. Welcome to Hogwarts.”

There were some “Hi”s and “Hello”s  from the group. “Well, why don’t you introduce yourselves?” Professor McGonagall asked.

The dark-haired guy walked forward. “Eh, Hi,” he said cheerfully, but a little nervously, “My name’s Percy-,” “Perseus!” blonde-haired girl quipped in. ‘Perseus’ glared at her and continued, “Okay, okay. Perseus Jackson, but you can call me Percy. Son of Poseidon, god of the seas and savior of Olympus.” The students gasped. God of the seas? Savior of Olympus?

“You have powers?” a first-year from Ravenclaw asked.

“Um, yeah.”

“Could you demonstrate them?” an inquisitive girl from Hufflepuff asked excitedly.

“Sure.” Percy grinned. The others behind him rolled their eyes like they’d seen this a million times before. They probably had.

Percy took something out of his pocket. We waited anticipatedly. Finally, we saw that it was a…ballpoint pen? People raised their eyebrows and started to talk when he uncapped it. All that time I was thinking, what was he gonna do? Write on someone? But I was mistaken. Right when Percy uncapped the pen, it, right in front of my eyes, transformed into an awesome looking bronze sword! It looked deadly, like it had been more than once in huge bloody battles and it glowed with a faint bronze light. I knew one slice of that sword would cut me into pieces. “This is Anaklusmos a.k.a. Riptide, my trusty lethal ballpoint pen.” Percy smiled, “My dad kept this for me. Riptide is Ancient Greek for ‘a wave that takes one by surprise.’” He kept the cap of the pen at the tip of the blade and quickly it shrank back to pen form. It was really, really cool.

Then he walked up to the lake behind him and closed his eyes like he was concentrating on something. Then he lifted his hands up. It took me a second to realize what was happening.

Bit-by-bit, the whole of the huge lake lifted up: thousands of gallons of water in a swirling icy funnel cloud. It was amazing! For the first time, the students of Hogwarts took a good look at the abode of the merpeople who were sitting at the base, looking confused. Other aquatic creatures rested at the base too including the giant squid which stuck to the rocks at the bottom.

After some time, the Hogwarts students marveling and the half-bloods with their hands on their hips like they were getting bored, Percy got tired or lost his concentration and the water fell back in its place. He staggered back then straightened himself and turned to look at us.

There was a minute of awed silence… and then everybody burst into claps and cheers except for the demigods who rolled their eyes. A tall girl walked forward and smacked Percy’s head. “Show-off” I heard her say fondly. That’s when the boys looked at her closely. And gave their second gasp of the day.

This girl looked like the complete opposite of the blonde girl. She was pale with a splash of freckles across her nose. Her clothes were somewhere between punk and goth, a black T-shirt with the muggle band Green day written on it, black trousers, chain jewelry and strangely, a silvery parka, over a strong and lithe looking body. She had dark eyeliner around her electric blue eyes and spiky short jet-black hair. There was a, strangely, silver circlet on her head like a tiara which looked completely out of place with her attire. She was maybe fifteen…sixteen? It was hard to tell, her face looked timeless, it was glowing, like she took baths in liquid moonlight. All in all, she didn’t look like somebody you’d want to mess with. But she also shared some characteristics with the blonde girl. The same type of toughness and hard looks, like they wanted to gut you if you stepped even a little out of line.

“Hey people!” she said cheerfully as she stepped forward, “My name’s Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus, Lord of the sky and ruler of the gods and coolest god ever with the coolest daughter ever and Lieutenant of Artemis.”

“Hey!” Percy said indignantly, “What do you-,”

‘Thalia’ cut him off, rolling her eyes, and took something out of her pocket. Everybody looked on excitedly about what it was. And then she took out…a mace canister?

Of course, we were mistaken again. Upon touch, the object morphed into a really huge spear. It looked lethal. Thalia touched something on her hand. A silver bracelet. I wondered what that would turn into. Like an answer to my question, the bracelet spiraled into a huge bronze shield. When Thalia turned towards us, we took a good look at the shield and the whole school took a step back. Most of the people started cowering at the sight of it. Because, moulded in the middle of the bronze shield was a horrible face of an ugly screaming woman with snake hair. Her eyes paralyzed me with fear, like they could turn me to stone. I had heard about this monster. A gorgon. Medusa wasn’t it? Her face was so horrible, people would turn to stone at the sight of it.

Thalia grinned wickedly. “This is Aegis, replica of the one dad has back at Olympus, gift from Athena.” Then she turned skywards and let out a battle cry, lifting her spear up. There was a terrifying blast of lightning which struck the spear Thalia was holding. She held up her other hand which sparkled with electricity. I was surprised she wasn’t fried and blasted up till now. Then I remembered. Daughter of the God of the sky. Ah, shouldn’t forget. Thalia’s powers were really scary, scarier even than Percy’s.

“Okay, so…” Thalia turned back towards her friends who had folded their arms, “Who’s next?”

“Me.” a young boy walked forward. And I knew I hadn’t seen scary yet.

He looked about twelve…thirteen? He had shaggy long-ish black hair and pale olive skin. He wore a ragged aviator’s jacket a few sizes too big over a black T-shirt, black jeans and a silver ring shaped like a skull. All these black clothes were unnecessary, he radiated a dark, evil aura that made people completely steer clear of him. A short, pitch black sword hung to his side. It didn’t look like Percy or Thalia’s weapons. Iron, maybe? When I saw his eyes, I felt the air around me turn cold. They were deathly black and I emphasise on deathly. He looked like a kid who’d been living on the streets. I suddenly caught sight of the spirits and ghosts that recided in the castle enter the grounds with wide eyes, hissing and whispering excitedly.

“Hey.” The boy said, “My name’s Nico di Angelo. Son of Hades, God of the dead. I’m the ghost king”

The spirits went out of control when he said that. They floated up to him, addressing him as “My Lord.” And bowing low in front of him.

Nico rolled his eyes and said, “Oh great.” He drew his black sword and the crowd of ghosts retreated with a collective hiss at the sight of it.

He turned towards us. “This is my Stygian Iron sword from the Underworld. My father presented it to me.” Then he snapped his fingers. The ground below us rumbled and it split apart and out climbed four gruesome ugly corpses.  

Some girls let out a few shrieks. These zombies were horrifying. And strangely, I realized with a start that they were wearing school house robes and had glassy eyes.

“Let me think…” Nico walked in front of the living dead corpses, “Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin isn’t it?”

Then it hit everybody. There were cries of shock and outrage from the school. Nico had summoned the bodies of our dead school founders!

“Okay now,” he said, “Go on, they are freaking out. Thank you.” The zombies bowed in front of him and the ground below them melted like butter and they crumpled and dissolved.

Nobody clapped. Everybody just stared, too creeped out to say anything. Even the Slytherin house looked scared.

Nico smirked like he was used to people being scared of him and stepped back. The blonde girl stepped forward and broke the ice.

“Me next.” She smirked and she took out a blue cap. A Yankees cap. What weapon was this? To everybody’s surprise, she kept the cap on her head. And turned…invisible!

Okay, so it was pretty neat. Neater than my invisibility cloak since she could fight while wearing that. But she couldn’t take other people with her invisibly could she?

There was a yelp from somebody in the Slytherin house. Malfoy! I couldn’t believe they let that coward back at school after what he did.

The whole school turned to look at him. To my surprise, there was a knife at his throat, courtesy of the blonde girl. She had gone there invisibly!

Malfoy looked freaked out. Even I would’ve been, if some stranger had suddenly kept a knife at your throat out of thin air. The demigods laughed and Malfoy glared, still scared the blonde would stab him.

She took off her invisibility cap and said, “My name’s Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, war strategies and other useful arts. I am the official architect of Olympus. This invisibility Yankees cap was given to me by my mother.”

Annabeth lowered her knife and Malfoy looked relieved that she did that. He started rubbing at his neck as she walked back to her friends. Yep. I was definitely right about her not being someone to cross.

“Me next.” A girl with a tough voice said. A huge buff girl walked forward. She had muscle, like she spent all her spare time working out, and stringy brown hair tied back with a bandana. Her eyes were reddish brown. This girl seemed like the natural-born bully and she seemed like she would be serious about killing you if you annoyed her.

“My name’s Clarisse la Rue,” she said as she unsheathed a dangerous looking sword, “Daughter of Ares, god of war and battle. I’m wielder of the blessing of Ares and Drakon slayer.” She sheathed her sword and stepped back. I was glad. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see this girl fighting. I wasn’t a big fan of blood for one thing.

“We next!” two boys shouted. The whole school turned to look at them. They looked about the same age as Annabeth and Percy. They almost looked like twins except one boy was taller than the other. They were both tall and skinny with some orange T-hirts untucked over baggy shorts, mops of brown hair that hung in their sky-blue eyes and elfish, mischievous features like they were waiting for the next chance to prank you. I had a feeling these two would get along excellently with George. I wished sadly that Fred was here too.

The two boys happily and quickly wore some dirty blue converse shoes. They didn’t look anything special but of course, I was wrong again.

They stood up and grinned cheekily at each other. Together they yelled, “MAIA!”

To my surprise, the converse shoes sprouted wings! The boys rose upwards and crossed each other using their flying shoes. “I’m Connor Stoll.” Said the shorter boy. “I’m Travis Stoll” the taller boy said. “We’re sons of Hermes, god of messengers, thieves, roadways, travelers and merchants.” Both of them said ‘Maia.’ Again and descended. “These shoes,” Connor said, “Were given to Travis and me by dad when we pranked the Aphrodite cabin.”

“Oh man.” Travis chuckled, “That was a good prank wasn’t it? The golden mango one? But I still think the chocolate Easter bunnies on Demeter cabin’s roof was funnier!”

“No it wasn’t! It was hilarious that time when we stole Chiron’s tail curlers!” Connor said.

“Yeah! Who knew Percy was right? And remember that time, we stole Ares cabin’s armor and-,”

A girl cut them off, “Will you idiots just shut up already? They are getting bored!”

The Stoll brothers protested, “Our pranks aren’t boring! You are!”

The girl rolled her eyes and turned to look at us. She was pretty in that naturistic way. Deep brown hair and tanned skin with leaf-green eyes.

“Hey!” she smiled, “My name’s Katie Gardner. Daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest and agriculture.”

Katie snapped her fingers and the grass around the place started moving. The forest’s trees in the distance extended their branches towards her. She gestured with her hand and a wheat plant grew straight next to the place where she was standing. It was really, really cool.                                                         

Katie stepped back, smiling at our shocked gazes.

“Who’s next?” she asked.

“Me, of course.” A sweet, drawling voice came from behind. The Hogwarts boys caught their breaths.

This girl was seriously, really pretty. She was Asian with spangly pink clothes and dark hair that curled like ringlets. Her eyes changed colors, like a kaleidoscope. Once they were brown, then blue, then green. She had lots of makeup and jewelry which made her look a little too glamorous. But, she just wasn’t…natural.

“Hello.” She said charmingly, “My name’s Drew Rosette. Daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love. Only charmspeaker back at camp.”

She batted her eyelids and I couldn’t help staring. The demigods behind looked annoyed with her, especially the girls.

“Next.” Annabeth said through gritted teeth.

A good-looking guy stepped forward. “Me!” he said cheerfully. He had sandy hair and bright gleaming eyes. His smile could have blinded me. He looked so happy and cheerful and…well, bright.

“Hey guys!” he said happily, “My names Will Solace, son of Apollo, god of the sun, poetry, music, drama and prophecies. Cool, huh?” he threw something really high into the sky. A red rubber ball. Will took a golden bow and shot an arrow. His aim was perfect, the ball burst into bits. Will happily smiled his blinding smile again.

“Hmph.” Thalia grumbled, “The hunters are better than that. You should see their shots.”

“Aw, c’mon Thalia. Just because you joined that boy-hater group doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate a boy for once.” Will said.

Thalia growled. “The Hunters are better!” she yelled.

“Naw. I don’t think so.” Will said.

“They are!”

“They aren’t!”

“They are!”

“They aren’t!”

Percy stood in between both of them. All that time I was wondering who the hunters were.

“Jeez, guys.” Percy separated the quarreling teenagers, “Calm down. Settle your fights later okay? We are confusing them.”

Thalia grumbled and walked back, folding her arms. Will shrugged and walked back too. “Now,” Percy said, “Who’s next?”

“I’ll go.” A gruff voice said. A big guy walked forward. He had hands the size of catcher’s mitts and a hard and squinty face but he looked nice enough. His hands had many pieces of bronze metal. “Hey,” he said, “I’m Jake Mason. My father is Hephaestus, god of fire and the forges.” He started tinkering with the metal scraps. In a few minutes, he had created a really neat metal pigeon. It actually flew! It sat on Jake’s shoulder and nipped his ear affectionately. He took out a feather and the whole metal bird dissembled. It was very impressive. We started clapping and Jake smiled.

He turned back. “Who’s left?” he asked.

A young, maybe 16-year-old, girl stepped forward. “I am.”

She was really pretty, in the cold sense. Her long dark hair was braided to one side and she had pale skin and piercing green eyes. Her dark black robes had shapes that seemed to move in the fabric: animal shadows, people’s faces, black upon black.

“I’m Lou Ellen,” the girl said, “Daughter of Hecate, goddess of magic.”

The students gasped. The goddess of magic? Wasn’t she the one who started our civilization?

Lou held up her hand and a purple flame danced on her fingertips. “I’m a sorceress. To become that, I had to work very hard to earn my mother’s favor. I’m not a witch, yet I know how to do all the spells that you do. I perform more ancient forms of magic than you.” She closed her hand, extinguishing the flame. She muttered some incantation under her breath in a language I didn’t know and pointed quickly at the first person in front of her. A poor Hufflepuff second-year girl.

Immediately, the poor girl morphed into a…rat! There were squeals of shock and fear from the students. Polymorphing real people were one of the most complex forms of magic. Indeed, nobody had been able to do this (only Polyjuice potion was able to do this) and to our surprise, Lou hadn’t even used a wand!

The heads of houses walked forward. Professor Sprout, the head of house of Hufflepuff, looked really jumpy. “What happened to her!?” she squealed, panicking. “Oh, don’t worry. It is quite harmless. I’ll just turn her back. Though this form is quite nice to tell you the truth.” Lou said calmly. Nobody knew whether she was joking or not. The rat/girl squealed to catch our attention. Professor McGonagall looked annoyed. “Ms. Ellen! Please!”

“Oh sorry.” Lou said mysteriously, “Here. I’ll do it.” An orange flame came in Lou’s hand this time and she, muttering her incantations, pointed at the rat. Slowly, the girl transformed back to her original body. She didn’t look very pleased that she was used as a demonstration.

“Well,” Professor McGonagall said as she clapped her hands, “That was wonderful. You demigods have some excellent powers which the students of Hogwarts would love to discover more. Now, the rest of the students to go back to their classes. Half-bloods come with me; we have to give you a tour of the school.”





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