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Hi hi! I'm back! Muahz! Thank you readers for your comments and votes and ideas! You rule people!'s the next chappie...and yeah- say "welcome back!" to the disclaimers and my wonderfully god awfully annoying yet awesome characters!


Me- Hi there, my wonderfully god awfully annoying yet awesome characters! Long time no see huh...?

Characters- HEY THERE!

Me- Okay so today, welcome special guest- George Weasley!

George- *looking around warily* Where am I?

Me- *brightly* In my story! Yay!

George- *blinks*

Me- *sighs* Guess I'll have to get him in to cheer you up...Nico!

Nico comes in dragging...Fred Weasley!

Fred- *standing up* *looking around* What is this place?

Me- *brightly. Again* My virtual world where I get characters to do the disclaimer for my story, start random fights and arguments and end up telling the disclaimer myself! Tee-hee. I am awesome, ain't I?

Fred- *suddenly spots George* *shock* George!

George- *suddenly spots Fred* *shock* Fred!

Fred- George!

George- Fred!

Fred- George!

George- Fred!

Me- ...

Both run towards each other, the sunset in the background, tears streaming from their faces.

Fred- George!

George- Fred!

Fred- George!

George- Fre-!

Me- Aw, cut it out already! Sorry to disrupt this "touching" (more like puke-worthy! Gah!) brotherly reunion but we got a disclaimer to do here!

George- *ignoring me* Fred! I thought you were dead! (believe me, the rhyme was unnecessary)

Fred- I thought you weren't! But anyway...

Voldemort enters.

Voldemort- Hey guys? Wazzup?

George and Fred- YOU!

Voldemort- YOU!

Me- *random* ME!

Everyone- *sigh*

Voldemort- You were supposed to be dead!

Fred- So were you!

Voldemort- Naw, I'm coming alive in this story. Tee-hee.

Me- Oi, it's only because I need a bad guy with Gaea, that's all.

Voldemort- Aw man, really? I don't even like the dirt woman.

Gaea enters.

Gaea- What did you say you murderous horcrux-making killer gay snake-like joke! I will incinerate you!

Does something which makes Voldy spontaneously combust.

Gaea- Hee-hee.

Everyone- *throws confetti* Yay! He's gone!

Jason enters.

Jason- *takes out gladius* Now the dirt woman will be gone!

Me- Hey! Wait a minute! You aren't in my story yet! Get outta here!

Jason-, noooooo!

Jason dissolves into white light. Why? I don't know.

Percy enters.

Percy- Heh. I'm the greatest hero over here! *shows a thumbs-up and grins, teeth sparkling*

Me- *eye twitch*


Me- Freddie, time to go!

Fred- *pouts* Aw c'mon.

Me- Dude, you're dead. Nico!

Nico- *ties Fred up in chains* *grumbling* I don't get paid enough for this job...

Me- Stop grumbling or I'll make your character in this story keep a pink diary.

Nico- How did you know!? *panicked expression*

Crickets chirping.

Me- *blinks* Ew.

Nico- *looks around suspiciously* I'll go now.

Poofs away with Fred. Why? I really don't know.

Percy- It's just you and me now, dirt woman!

Gaea- Yes, demigod. Lets fight!

Percy- The ultimate battle now...

Gaea- The greatest fight ever...

Both keep fighting stances.

Both- 1,2,3... ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!

Me- *anime sweat drop*

George- Is it always like this?

Me- Always. *sigh* I don't own PJO or HP, property of Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. I just make the characters act like fools in my disclaimer. After all, what is Fanfiction for?

George- HEY! I was right here! I could've done the disclaimer!

Me- *taps chin thoughtfully* Oh, right! *giggles nervously* Usually, none of the characters are left in the end so...uh, buh-bye! *waves*

George- *eye twitch* *suddenly* But,!

George dissolves into yellow light. Why not white? I really, really don't know.

Percy POV-

The helicopter soon landed not so smoothly on the soft grass of Hogwarts grounds. It kept teetering and looked a little out of control.

By then, all the students and teachers in the school had begun to arrive, wondering what the commotion was all about. The younger students stood there with their mouths agape. Harry and his friends eyes had widened to the size of saucers. It didn't take me long to realize that no mortal (or "muggle" for them) thing had ever entered the school, much less a helicopter. Hogwarts really, really reminded me of Camp Half-blood.

The wizards and witches didn't even bother to do any magic with their sticks, I think they were too shocked to do that.

As for us? We just stood there, rooted to the spot having a familiar sense of déjà vu. Well, at least the helicopter's pilot wasn't asleep and Annabeth didn't again have to go and save the day again but still...what was she doing here!?

"What's she doing here!?" Annabeth yelled above the noise, speaking my thoughts. I shrugged.

The helicopter finally stopped teetering and stayed silent for some time. Then a happy girl with flaming red hair like the Weasleys got out.

"RACHEL!" We yelled.

Harry POV-

"RACHEL!" Percy and his friends yelled. Every head turned towards their direction. We weren't paying attention to them. We were far too busy staring at the muggle helicopter. How on earth did it get into Hogwarts!?

Meanwhile, the girl to whom they'd shouted "Rachel" was walking forward. We backed up a few meters, not knowing what to do. The girl had flaming red hair that exactly matched the Weasleys and bright emerald green eyes...just like mine. With a splash of freckles under her nose and some type of classy school uniform which completely seemed worn out since it had marker doodles and tiny holes which looked like they'd been done by her on the uniform, the girl, presumably "Rachel" looked cute. And she didn't look anything very special except that type of mystic quality which usually hung around Professor Trelawney, only this feeling was much, much stronger and more uncomfortable.

Behind her, a young guy got out. He looked scrawny and had acne along with a Rasta cap over curly brown hair and a blue T-shirt that read Pan lives!. He even had jeans and converse shoes and crutches; he seemed to have some sort of problem with his legs.

"GROVER!" Percy and his friends yelled loudly, again, pointing frantically at the boy. Okay, Atleast we knew his name was 'Grover'.

"Perrrrrcy!" 'Grover' bleated and gave Percy a high five. Was it just me or did he just sound remarkably and exactly like a goat?

Rachel held up her hand in greeting coolly at her friends. "Sup people."

They didn't answer and just stared at her, eyes bugging out. Even we stared in confusion.

Feeling everybody's stares on her, Rachel flinched. "Jeez. What is today? Stare-at-Rachel-even-though-she-didn't-do-anything day?"

Annabeth pointed her finger at her. "What. The. Hades. Are. You. Doing. Here!?" she said slowly.

"Hey!" Nico quipped in irritably, "What did I say about using my dad's name in slang? It pisses him off. A lot. And believe me, you don't want any of his friends hiding under your bed at night. Just a warning."

All the demigods shuddered and I didn't get it at first. Then it clicked.

Ah... Hades- god of the dead- ghosts- corpses...creepy!

"Anyway..." Annabeth turned towards Rachel and looked at her questioningly.

"Wait!" a voice from our crowd said, "Demigods, what is this? What's going on!?" Professor McGonagall!

"Oh, right!" Annabeth said and turned towards Rachel, "Why don't you introduce yourselves to them, then?"

"Okay!" Rachel said brightly and stepped forward. "Yo people! My name's Rachel Elizabeth Dare, R.E.D in short. CHB's official mortal holder of the spirit of the oracle of Delphi, oracle of Phoebus Apollo- slayer of the mighty python..." she paused for a moment, " know, I just love that last part! Don't you? Anyway, remember this people- my predictions...are never wrong!"

The last part was a little dramatic but of had it's effect among us. We stood there in stunned silence while the demigods scoffed and pouted. The only ones among us who didn't show awe was Professor McGonagall (who despised the subject of divination anyway so no big deal), Professor Trelawney (who looked absolutely miffed that she had competition for her wonderful *cough cough* fake *cough cough* predictions) and...Hermione! She was pouting. "Great!" she whispered, "Excellent! Another fake 'oracle' with wonderful predictions which strangely results in everybody dying. Hmph. I bet she's just like Trelawney."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." a voice close to us suddenly said. We looked up to see...Rachel!

Of course, we jumped. The girl was smiling knowingly. "The spirit I hold," Rachel continued, "is aeons old. Back in the time where the Greek gods were worshipped and their fire burnt in Greece. It passed on from maiden to maiden in the generations up till now. The predictions are sometimes nasty but they are always the truth. And they are always correct." She sighed, "I don't really care if you doubt me or anything but in the end, you'll always be proved wrong."

Rachel walked back forward, leaving a very red and embarrassed Hermione.

"I don't know why they need to know about me..." Grover shuffled around uncomfortably. Thalia Grace walked forward and gave him a huge thump on his back which made him almost buckle over and tumble down.

"Oi, goat boy. I'm getting bored over here!" she said with irritation evident in her electric blue eyes which almost exactly reminded me of Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore's eyes.

I didn't understand why she called Grover 'goat boy' though.

"Okay, okay," he sighed. "My name is Grover Underwood, satyr keeper and searcher from Camp Half-blood and the new lord of the Wild."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Did he just say satyr!? What the hell is that!? And 'new lord of the Wild'? What's up with that?

Grover laughed nervously at our blank and confused expressions as he scratched his cheek. "A satyr means a part-man, part-goat but that doesn't matter right now."

Wait a minute...WTF!?

"Part goat!?" Ron echoed.

Grover smirked and then...started taking his pants off!

We just stood there in shocked silence.

But underneath was something none of us expected. Because from under Grover's waist weren't legs. There were brown furry hindquarters and HOOVES under the converse shoes!

"Part-donkey!" Ron yelled without thinking. If I weren't so shocked, I would have smacked the idiot's forehead. Didn't he tell that he was part-goat!? But then Ginny beat me to it.

The demigods started sniggering at a very annoyed looking Grover.

"Blaa-ha-haha!" Grover bleated angrily.

"What?" Ron questioned.

"Part-goat! I'm part-goat! NOT donkey! Many satyrs would trample you underfoot for such an insult!"

"You just said it doesn't matter!"

"Yeah but...argh!" Grover held up his hands in frustration and turned towards his friends.

"We're done now, aren't we? Now, we need to talk!"

Before the half-bloods could say anything, Professor McGonagall said, "Fine, then. Students, back to the castle. No talking!"

The students grumbled, but walked back, still peeking glances at the newcomers. McGonagall headed over to the group of half-bloods and to our surprise, so did Hermione!

"Hermione? What-?" I called out.

She stopped. "I want to know what's going on. It seems serious. Also, I'm head girl anyway. And Ron's head boy. You're a Quidditch captain and, well, you are involved in anything serious anyway. Ginny's a prefect. It just seems right."

We didn't argue. To tell the truth, I was a little curious too.

We reached the group. Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at us but didn't say anything. "So, half-bloods," she said, "What's going on to make your friends come all the way to Hogwarts?"

We all stared questioningly at the said two. Rachel and Grover's faces turned grim. They gave each other a serious look and then both said, their tone unhappy, "Olympus has closed down!"

Percy POV-

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" all of us yelled together. All except Thalia. She went up to Grover, kept her hands on his shoulders and started shaking him hard. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!? YOU'RE JOKING!? HOW CAN OLYMPUS CLOSE DOWN!? HOW!? HOOWWW!? LADY ARTEMIS! I HAVE TO CONTACT HER! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? HUH!?"

Rachel hastened to explain as Grover was on the ground, having been shook so hard by Thalia. "Chiron just got the news from somewhere. Olympus has been closed down from us! We can't go in or anything! Zeus ordered all the other gods to prevent any sorts of contact with their children! Our connection with them has been stopped!"

I touched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "What's going on with them NOW?" I sighed.

We all turned to look at Annabeth who looked horrified. We all asked, fearing the worst, "What's wrong Annabeth?"


All of us face palmed.

"No...uh...we meant what's going on..." I said. Annabeth's face turned into an 'Ohhhhhhhh' expression and she turned a little pink. "Oh, right. I really, really don't know. But it seems very, very fishy."

We all nodded. Then Annabeth's expression turned thoughtful as she stared at Rachel. "Hey, Rachel. If you just had to tell this to us then why didn't you Iris Message us?"

We stared, suddenly realizing that she was right and turned to look at Rachel.

" never came to me..."

All of us face palmed again, all except for the Stoll brothers who ran forward and gave Rachel high-fives ("your level of thinking is worthy of us! We're proud of you our dear un-mummified oracle!"). Annabeth looked at Grover who was sitting on the ground now.

"And it didn't come to you either, Grover?" Annabeth asked/sighed.


We all sighed. I have such wonderfully smart best friends don't I?

"Yeah, but," Grover defended, "We wanted to visit you anyway! I mean, I didn't ask for it. Rachel flying..." he shuddered, "...horrifying experience!"

Rachel walked up and smacked his head. "Shut up, goat boy! Atleast we didn't crash land!"

"That's what you think...I'm glad we didn't blow up." Grover muttered under his breath but of course everyone caught it.

"What was that?" Rachel said, her voice precariously calm.

Grover jumped about ten feet, scared for his life. "N-Nothing!" he stammered.

"LIAR!" Rachel sprang up and pointed at Grover. "YOU'RE DEAD, GOAT BOY!"

But before she could lunge at the poor satyr, much to the disappointment of Clarisse and the Stolls who were chanting "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight...", she was held back by me and Nico.

The wizards to the side, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Professor McGonagall looked quite confused. Annabeth hastened to explain whatever she could about the matter. Finally, all of them nodded in understanding.

"So..." I continued, staring at Rachel who had given up trying to break free of our grasp, "Anything else you can tell us?"

Harry POV-

"So..." Percy asked of Rachel, "Anything else you can tell us?"

Rachel's expression suddenly turned grim.

She nodded. "Lots. Chiron keeps telling something very bad is going to happen. Soon. And it concerns you, Percy." Everybody visibly tensed at that. Annabeth, who looked like Percy's girlfriend, held onto him tight. Rachel sighed. "He's being evasive, Chiron I mean. Every time, his expression turns dark. He knows something we don't, Percy. I...I think it's the new prophecy..."

All the demigods groaned aloud at that. "They said it wouldn't take place in our generation!" Nico cried out. We stared. What exactly were they talking about!? A prophecy? I'd had my fit share of them, and I didn't necessarily like them. The half-bloods seemed to have realized we were here because Annabeth hastened to explain, "At the end of the Great war," we nodded, indicating that we understood. Professor Flitwick had briefed us about the war of the demigods and it sounded really impressive, and very sad. Almost as bad as the war against Voldemort. "When we got our new oracle, Rachel, she made a prediction. It went like this- Seven shall answer the call,"

"By storm or fire the world must fall," Percy said the supposed next line.

"An oath to keep with a final breath," Grover said.

"And foes bear arms to the doors of death...," Rachel finished.

There was silence for a while. Because this didn't exactly seem like a happy prophecy...

"It's not Kronos again, is it!?" Katie Gardner suddenly exclaimed, panic evident in her eyes. Kronos? Who was HE exactly? Some other crazed killing machine like Voldemort?

"No way! Percy defeated him last year, and made sure of it. Definitely not that psycho again. If it is him, we'll make sure he is blown back to a million pieces, or spread so thin he can't possess anyone like...last time..." I didn't know why but Thalia staggered a bit at the last word. What happened last time?

Rachel shook her head. "Definitely not Kronos. He was defeated, that's the end of it. It's a whole different enemy we're dealing with. And the last line..." she was cut of by a startled yelp by...Nico!

He clapped his hand over his mouth. "The doors of death!" he exclaimed, a mortified expression on his face. "It's in the underworld!"

"Hm...I do remember reading about that somewhere..." Annabeth's expression turned thoughtful.

"I know something about them!" Nico said, "They are present in the far corners of the underworld and they are used to unleash dead and long lost, maybe even evil spirits!"

Okay, not a happy thought...

"That's...pleasant..." Ginny said. "Don't be sarcastic!" Professor McGonagall admonished. "This is serious, for both our worlds!"

"That's right, Nico." Rachel said, "I-I've been having visions actually. I came in a hurry to Camp from Clarion because of them only. I keep picturing a man...he-he's rising from the ground of a dark cave and he-he's pale...his features don't seem...human..." No way. NO WAY. "...with slits for nostrils and red eyes..." I'd turned pale by then, "...he looks a bit like a snake..." I was on the verge of screaming by then. This can't be happening. Absolutely can't! "...he's being brought back from the dead by our enemy!"

"NO!" for a moment, everybody were startled by Ginny's sudden outburst. I stared at my friends, who'd turned pale and held horrified faces.

"This can't be happening..." Professor McGonagall said with an expression similar to that of being clubbed over the head.

"No...not again!" Hermione moaned. She'd buried her face in her hands and with a start, I realized she was crying!

Ron kept his arms comfortingly around Hermione and looked up. "But how...Harry?"

All of them stared at me, their faces showing shock, horror and most of all...fear...

I focused on the grass as I swallowed- my throat felt dry.

"Voldemort's back."

So....its done! *throws confetti* Yay! Comment and vote and get free virtual cookies! And chocolate! Yeah, chocolate. Why? I really, really, really don't know. Tee-hee.

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