The Start.

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HI, Suckish title, I know but anyway. A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover, maybe Twilight too in later chapters. Anyway, vote and review plz!! And I'll let my characters do the disclaimer.


Percy- Whoa! What the hades am I doing here!?!

Me- The disclaimer stupid. DO IT!

Percy- *blank expression*

Rachel enters.

Rachel- Oh, don't worry. He's an idiot. Let me do it!

Percy- HEY! I'm not an idiot!

Annabeth enters.

Annabeth- Yes you are Seaweed brain.

Annabeth leaves.

Percy- Well, I'm gonna do the disclaimer, not you Rachel!

Rachel- No I am. *evil grin*

Percy- *takes out Riptide* HA! Behold my great celestial bronze sword Anaklusmos or Riptide which killed so many monsters! AHAHAHAHA!

Rachel- *rolls eyes* *takes out blue plastic hairbrush* HAHA! Behold my great blue plastic hairbrush which hit the Titan Lord Kronos in the eye! AHAHAHAHA!

Percy- Uh...

Harry enters.

Harry- Why am I here?

Everyone shrug.

Harry- I'm going then.

Harry leaves.

Rachel- Well...*turns towards Percy and grins maniacally*

Percy- Uh-oh

Rachel- *jumps on Percy and bonks him in the head like a retard* AHAHAHAHHA!

Me- Ah, well. They seem busy so I'll do the disclaimer. I don't own PJO or HP. They both belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling.

Rachel- *finishing hitting Percy* HEY! I was supposed to do the disclaimer!

Me- *shrugs* Too bad.

Rachel- Grrrr! *jumps me* AHAHAHAHAH!

Me- Ow!

Rachel- She doesnt own PJO or HP!

Me- Ow.


“Hello Chiron.” Professor McGonagall smiled as the wise-looking centaur walked into the office. He was in wheel chair form which wasn’t a surprise as he wouldn’t fit inside the headmistress’s office then.

Chiron rolled his wheelchair forward and looked at Professor McGonagall who had become head mistress of Hogwarts ever since Dumbledore’s death. The school was still being restored after the Great War against Voldemort but the surroundings were relatively peaceful. The old students like Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and others were staying at the school too, overseeing the proceedings, reliving memories and finishing their final year.

“Professor McGonagall,” Chiron started, “I have this plan.”

She leaned forward interestedly. “What is it?”

“You know how both our worlds have been parallel except for us, the teachers, meeting,” Chiron said. Professor nodded. Chiron lived in the world of the Greek myths and monsters; he was the teacher of great half-bloods who saved the world from evil. Professor McGonagall lived in the world of witches and wizards who also fought evil but at a relatively lesser degree.

“I was thinking,” Chiron continued, “That we should join these worlds.”

Professor widened her eyes in shock.

“Not permanently of course,” Chiron said hastily, “Just enough to let each other know that the other exists. We’ve been separated far too long, Minerva. Our students have great power and are enjoying their new-found freedom and peace. Let’s share them with each other. I’m talking about a meeting of Camp Half-blood and Hogwarts.”

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and sighed.

She looked at Chiron and said, “You take some bold risks you know Chiron?” she sighed again, “Nevertheless, I’m with you. Let me contact the ministry.”

Harry POV-

I was having a great time. Ever since Voldemort was defeated, my life had been complete peace. No more war, no more killing and no more Voldemort. Ah…the freedom.

I was sitting at Gryffindor table in the Great hall eating breakfast when Ron came running up to me. “Harry, help! Please!” he cried as he tried to hide behind me.

“What did you do?” I asked amusedly.

“I got a dare from George to prank Ginny and Hermione.”

“What was it?”

“Eh…I kept honey on their face when they were sleeping?”

“God, Ron. You really are stupid. I can’t help you now. Hope you have a death wish.” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh please do something Harry. They’ll kill me. Ginny especially. Only you can talk her out of it.” Ron begged.

Suddenly there were deafening shrieks and I felt myself cower. Ron’s eyes widened.

“RON! YOU JERK!” two of the scariest girls (when they were mad) in Hogwarts echoed as they ran into the hall, honey smeared all over their face and hair. I would’ve laughed if I wasn’t so terrified. Everyone in the Great hall stopped their conversations. Ron started shivering behind me.

“THERE HE IS!” Hermione yelled and stalked over with Ginny, both clutching their wands.

“H-H-Hermione, G-Ginny. I’m s-so s-sorry. P-please forgive m-me.” Ron stammered, petrified.

“You’re sooo dead!” Ginny yelled, smirking evilly. She pointed her wand at Ron and yelled, “DENSSAUGEO!”

Immediately, Ron’s teeth started growing at an alarming rate. “Gah!” Ron said with a strangled sound.

I stifled a laugh but the others in the place weren’t doing a very good job. Everybody started sniggering.

Hermione glared at Ron and then smiled evilly. She pointed her wand at Ron’s face and yelled “ENGORGIO!”

The effect was immediate. Poor Ron’s face started swelling like Violet in Charlie and the chocolate factory.

I couldn’t help laughing at Ron’s predicament. He looked absolutely ridiculous. The whole school started snickering and finally they were guffawing like idiots. Ron’s overgrown head turned a wonderful assortment of colors- red, blue, green and red again. Even the Hogwarts staff at the head table couldn’t suppress their smiles.

Hermione grinned a satisfied smile and used some charm to remove the sticky honey from Ginny and her faces.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ron’s Brother George Weasley cracking up in the corner and I shook my head at him. He was here for the school’s rebuilding process I guess.

“Her-mio-ne! Pl-ease!” Ron pleaded. Hermione rolled her eyes and caught Ginny’s eye. “Fiiine.” Ginny said and used a reverse spell. Hermione did the same. Finally Ron was back to normal. He rubbed his jaw and cast a terrified glance at Hermione and Ginny then sat down, head bowed.

Then Professor McGonagall stood up and clapped her hands. Everyone quieted down.

“Students,” she said, “Good morning on this beautiful morning.” She paused for a moment, “I have an announcement to make. Well, Hogwarts is expecting some visitors who are like us, yet aren’t. They are to stay in our school and we learn each others methods. We’ve been kept apart for a long time and for the first time in many years, we meet.”

The whole school started buzzing. Well, this was unexpected. Suddenly, Hermione quipped up, “Who are they?”

Professor McGonagall paused for a moment and considered the question. Then she said, “How much do you know about Greek mythology?”

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