Chapter 1

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Union City was in shambles. A multitude of robots and large mechanoloids were seen attacking the city, with the heroes and students of Union seen trying their best to fend them off. Though they were being quickly overpowered. The students, teachers and headmasters of Union were being cornered by a group of mavericks being led by one who was in purple armor. He had a shoulder mounted cannon on his shoulder and had a V on his helmet. This was a maverick known as Vile.

Vile: Well, looks like the mighty Union weren't as mighty as they thought they were

Ozpin: Why the hell are you attacking us!?

Vile chuckled at this before it turned to full blown laughing freaking out Union at how insane he sounded. 

Vile: Trust me I don't give a damn about what happens to any of you. Hell, I don't care about anything that the big guy says. I only care about getting "his" attention

Midoriya: His...attention? Who's?

Vile just laughed at this again. With it this time infuriating Bakugou.

Bakugou: How about you shut up with all that damn laughing you piece of shit

He then launched forward using his explosions.

All Might: Young Bakugou wait!!

He didn't listen however and continued rushing towards Vile. Vile chuckled to himself seeing this and dodged out of the way when Bakugou got to him and tried to blast him with an explosion. He then punched him in the stomach causing Bakugou to cough up saliva from the impact of it. Vile then held the ash blonde teen there for a second before moving him to see his face. Bakugou glared at him in complete rage as Vile again chuckled.

Vile: You really are an idiot

After saying this he moved his shoulder cannon, so the barrel was right in the face of Bakugou. Bakugou's eyes widened at this as Vile laughed, he then tossed him up and blasted him in the chest with a shot from his shoulder cannon. This sent Bakugou flying back into a wall near the Union individuals. They all looked over seeing an injured Bakugou with blood coming from his mouth.

Class 1-A: Bakugou!!

Vile: That's what happens when you don't know your place. I might as well kill the rest of you while I wait for "Him" to show up

After he said that he heard most of the Mavericks and mechanoloids that he was with being destroyed behind him. He turned and chuckles at this.

Vile: Finally

After he said this someone in blue and white armor jumped down in front of the rest of the mavericks.

The Mavericks were about to attack him but were quickly stopped by two other males in armor. One wore red armor and had long blonde hair and the other wearing black armor and had a cross shape scar on his face.

Blue armor: You two take care of those Mavericks, I'll handle Vile

They both nod and began their fight with the Mavericks. Meanwhile the Blue armored male approached Vile. All the while Vile laughed to himself.

Vile: Took you long enough to get here X, I was beginning to think that you weren't going to show

X: Like I would let you harm people as you pleased. I'll take you down like I always do

X's hand then turned into what looked to be an arm cannon. He points it at Vile who points his shoulder cannon at him.

Vile: Well then let's see you try. Because this time things will turn out differently!!

After saying this the two rushed at each other while firing out shots at each other. Once they got close to each other Vile went for a punch that X dodged. X then threw his own punch connecting with Vile's helmet causing him to step back a bit rattled by it. Seeing this X then fired a couple of shots into Vile before dashing into him with a shoulder tackle knocking him away. Vile skids across the ground for a bit before stopping himself. He then switched his hand into a gatling gun and began firing at X. X quickly dashed around to avoid them but was soon caught by a another shot from Vile's shoulder cannon. He quickly dashed forward and jumped up above X, with a slot in his leg then opened up revealing a weapon within. Soon after a blast of flames then came out and attempted to burn X, though he quickly dodged out of the way. He jumped back and fired a couple of shots up at Vile before the color of his armor then changed.

X: Rolling Shield!!

He fired out a large blue energy ball towards Vile. Vile tried to fire at it to destroy it only to find that it did nothing. The rolling shield soon made contact with Vile knocking him out of the sky. As this went on all on Union were in amazement of how this X person was keeping up with Vile.

Rias: W-Who is this, he's able to keep up with him so easily

Snipe: Able to this with such ease, and not to mention his weapons

The headmasters looked on in silence as everyone else looked on. Bakugou growled a bit at this as he was having his wounds treated. X soon dashes up to Vile and delivered a hard punch to his sternum. Vile quickly counter with his own punch to X's face making him stumble back a bit. Vile then jumped above him and dropped a bomb from a slot on his ankle. X seeing this he jumped back avoiding the explosion. X then quickly jumped up to Vile and fired another rolling shield into him making him crash back down to the ground. X's armor color then changed again, and he pointed his arm cannon down at Vile.

X: Homing Torpedo!!

He then fired out a couple of torpedoes at the purple armored maverick. Vile quickly shielded himself as the torpedoes hit all around him and exploded kicking up dust and smoke. As Vile looked around him trying to see through the obstructing smoke. He soon heard a familiar sound that gave him dread. He quickly turned around seeing the smoke clear and sees X behind him with his arm cannon pointed straight at him. The arm cannon was charging energy within it, as X glared at Vile. Vile stepped back in fear.

Vile: Not a charge shot

X then lets out a scream as he fired a large orb of blue energy at Vile. The orb makes contact with Vile and detonates on contact blast him back. Vile's armor was now cracked, and his arm was sparking with electricity. Vile slowly picked himself up, holding his now damaged arm. X pointed his arm cannon at Vile ready to fire again.

X: It's over Vile, you've lost

Vile scoffs at this and looks to his side seeing the other Mavericks and mechanoloids had been defeated by X's teammates and was making their way back over. Seeing this Vile sneered a bit and looked back to X.

Vile: Well X you may managed to defeat me this time but...

Energy began to surround Vile shocking X.

Vile: This isn't the last you'll see of me

X quickly tried to fire at Vile but before it could hit him, he teleported away. X looks at where Vile was and sighed his arm cannon transforming back to his hand. His teammates finally got back to him with him looking over to them.

X: He got away

Blonde: It's fine X, he can't keep running away forever

X nods to him.

X: Thanks, Zero

Black Armor: Yeah, that guy won't know what hit 'em

X smiles at this.

X: Alright, Axl. Lets head back to base

The three were about to leave but were stopped by the Union headmasters.

Sirzechs: Wait just a moment!

They look over to and see the headmasters approaching them along with the other students and teachers. X tenses up at this with Zero taking notice.

Ozpin: We'd like to see your licenses

Zero: Licenses? Is that how you say thanks to people who just saved your lives?

Sirzechs: It makes no difference if it's a criminal who uses their power without proper licenses. Now where are your licenses!?

The three stay silent as he Zero looked like he was about to blow a fuse. Before he could lash out at them however X stepped up.

X: We're Maverick hunters, a group that is exempted from that license rule

The headmasters growled and glared at X. Though after hearing his voice now under a calmer situation Jiro's eyes widened.

Jiro: That voice

X looks at her.

Jiro: Is that you....(Y/N)

Everyone's eyes widened upon hearing this and looked to X or now (Y/N) who was shaking his head at this.

Ozpin: Mr. Tensyu  is that you?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's me surprise

Everyone had a different reaction to this. His friends were all happy upon hearing this, the teachers had reactions from shock to hate. While the bullies were all pissed upon seeing the person, they used to bully still alive.

Issei: How the hell are you still alive!

(Y/N): Lets just I had some help. Now if you can excuse us, we need to report back to base

He turns and was about to leave alongside Zero and Axl.

Bakugou: You aren't going anywhere you bastard!

Bakugou now healed from Vile's attack launched at towards (Y/N). With (Y/N) quickly turning and ducking underneath Bakugou's explosion. His armor color then changed again as he lifted his hand that turns into his buster again.

(Y/N): Shotgun Ice

He fired a blast of ice into Bakugou and sent him flying back. Everyone looked over at him seeing his body slightly frozen over from the attack. Everyone looked on in shock before they look over to (Y/N), Zero and Axl seeing them surrounded by an energy field. (Y/N) gave them a small smirk waving at them as the three were teleported away leaving Union there in the destroyed city. The three were now standing in what looked to be a teleportation room. (Y/N) lets out a small sigh as Zero put a hand on his shoulder. (Y/N) looks to him.

Zero: How you feeling?

(Y/N) smirked a bit at this.

(Y/N): Never better Cole, never better

Axl laughed a bit.

Axl: Yeah, you really showed that pomegranate a thing or two

Cole: Don't get too excited David

The three laughed a bit at this until they heard footsteps heading their way. Looking to the entrance of the room they see their commander, Signas.

Signas: I see you three are back safe and sound

(Y/N): Yes sir, unfortunately Vile got away again

Signas: That's a pity but don't get distraught about it we'll catch him eventually. So, for right now you three get some rest

The three nods and began to leave. Though (Y/N) was stopped by Signas.

Signas: And (Y/N), I'd suggest you head to the cafeteria. Your sisters are there waiting for you

(Y/N) gives a bit of a surprise look before nodding and immediately heading there in a hurry with Signas smiling as he watched. (Y/N) soon makes it to the cafeteria and enters seeing two little girls in there on with long blue hair and the other with orange.

(Blue: Shion/ Orange: Joon)

He approached them with Shion immediately bringing him into a hug.

Shion: What took you so long?

(Y/N): Sorry Shion, I just ran into a little snag is all

Joon: Well, hurry up and sit down. Lets eat!

(Y/N) chuckled a bit at these two smiling shortly afterwards.

(Y/N): Alright

With that he sits down with them with the camera then cutting to black.

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