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We see Izuku waking up as a Naked Momo is clung to him and he smiles patting her head as she Yawns and see's Izuku Kissing him 

Momo: Morning Darling

Izuku: Morning Momo

Momo: Wanna Go do it in the Shower 

Izuku: Do I have a Choice

Momo: Nope 

They went and Took a shower but Fucked in the Shower and once they were all cleaned up they changed and walked downstairs to see Yor and Alastor Cooking as Eri was Watching Cartoons

Izuku: Morning Princess


They hugged Eri as Izuku saw the Class Looking scared

Izuku: what 

Denki: Momo's Father's a Psycho

Alastor: Hahaha That's Because I'm a Demon The Only Sinner allowed on Earth 

Yor: and The Only one that can reproduce 

Alastor: Why dear that's just the Power of fanfiction *Looks at audience* don't question it 

Izuku: and he's Insane 

Momo: so am I 

Izuku: that's why I love you

Momo Smiled and Kissed Izuku

ALastor: Breakfast is done 

Eri: Chocolate Chip Pancakes 

Izuku: ooo Sunny Side up eggs

Mineta: ooo Sausage 


Denki: What size do you like 

Mineta; The Small ones 

All: Mineta Stop Talking 

Mineta: what Their Bite size and dri-


Mineta: WHAT *realizes* oh 

Alastor: it'll be a Joy to see him in hell 

Momo: Hell's a Nice Place

Izuku: I wouldn't say it isn't or that it is it's kinda both

Mina: so what Are we Going to do today 

Kyouka: We can watch TV 

Alastor: *Eye Twitch* 

Momo: Lets Not

Eri: Ooo Oo We can go to the Mall 

Denki: but it's Closed for Renovations 

Kyouka: hmm

Izuku: How about just Hanging out in The Dorms 

Momo: sounds Great to me 

They all Ate Breakfast which Tasted Great as they sat around the dorms Talking and Enjoying company as Momo sat on Izuku's Lap

Kyouka; so Momo How's it Feel to have your man 

Momo: Great and if any whore tries to take him I'll slit their Fucking Throats 

Denki: Holy Shit

Izuku: funny I took one of those an Hour ago 

Kirishima: That is Funny

Iida: so Midoriya are you an Angel 

Izuku: Yea my Dad's Lucifer's Brother 

All: WHAT 

Izuku: WHat

Alastor: well this just got Interesting do you Know the bIg Man upstairs 

Izuku: yes actually he snuck into my room when I was a Baby I actually have them Memory


We see a Baby Izuku sleeping as a Light envelops his room and he wakes up yawning as someone looks into his crib 

God: Awww Your so Cute and I didn't Think Hisashi could make something this Cute *Picks Izuku up*

Izuku: *Curious Baby Noises*

God: Aww Your cute I'm your Grandpa God 

Izuku: *Happy Baby Laughter*

God: Awwww Your so happy to see me listen I can't stay long but I'm giving you a special Power *forms small sun in hands and puts it in Izuku* That will be Your Power sunshine Use it for good and please don't break the Rules like Luci 

Izuku: *laughter*

God: *Smiles & Puts Izuku Down* Bye bye 

Izuku: bye bye 

God: Awwww *Disappears*


All: Your lying

Izuku: No actually I'm not 

Momo: what were your parents reaction

Izuku: I think dad was Scared shitless 

Tsuyu: have you been to Heaven

Izuku: Yes actually HEY We can take a field trip There 

Alastor: OF COURSE You should Contact Your Grandpa 

Izuku: You Know there not gonna let you In right

Alastor: Understandable 

Momo: what about me the Only thing I Killed was Toga 

Izuku: Yeaaaa I'm not sure how that works 

Just then They saw Eri flying

Momo: Eri How are you doing that

Eri: I don't know Mommy I just thought about it and I started to fly

Izuku: She is half Demon Half Angel 

Momo: True

Eri Came down and Hugged Izuku and Momo as they smiled and we see God looking down

God: I have a Great Granddaughter Huh well I want to Meet her 

Nezu: Field trip up here 

God: SURE After all some of your students will be up here soon

Nezu: You mean some of them are gonna die 

God; speciffically 4 of them one of which is Embarrassing

Nezu: How 

God: well lets just say kaminari is trapped in an Unclean Chipotle Bathroom over night

Nezu; That's Cruel

God: That's fate now back to chess

nezu: check Mate 

God: *Restarts board* I swear I went a Little to heavy on the Intelligence for you

Nezu: hahahahaha yes yes you did





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