A 4th-Year Anniversary!

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Throughout the remainder of the week, F/n was busy getting things ready for something special. He never told any of his family what it was because he wanted to keep at surprise. Then by Saturday, he gathered his family in the living room.

F/n:Well, you all are probably wondering why I've been busy the whole week right?

Weiss:Actually, F/n...we obviously were. Why were you in and out the mansion all the time this week?

Yang:You're not...cheating, are you? *narrows her eyes at him*

F/n:*chuckles and rolls his eyes* Why would I be cheating if the only lovers I had were you four? No, I wasn't. I was just getting things ready for today, which is a special day.


F/n:Go get dressed in your swimsuits.

Weiss:What? Why?

F/n:Just do it. It's part of the surprise.

His girlfriends just shrugged and went upstairs. F/n was just making his kids go in the other room with User and his girlfriends' humanized weapons just as his girlfriends came down.




Yang(no robot arm):

F/n:There are the hot bods I like to see.

Yang:So...*strikes a pose* this is what you wanted to see, huh babe? *winks at him*

F/n:*nods once* And as a bonus...

F/n stood in front of Ruby.

F/n:You've really grown a lot, Red. Not only in age and a bit in height, but also right here.

F/n placed his hand on Ruby's chest, making her as red as the tips of her hair.


F/n:Calm down, Ruby. I'm just making a point. Anyway, you've grown a lot. *whispers to her* From an A-cup to a C-cup.

Ruby, of course, was really flustered by that, judging from how red her face was.

F/n then went over to Weiss.

F/n:Weiss Schnee. Age:21. Chest size:C.

Weiss:I was never flat to begin with, F/n!

F/n:*chuckles* Yeah, keep lying to yourself Weiss. See where that gets you.

Weiss just rolled her eyes as F/n went over to Blake.

F/n:Hmm, grew up just like the others Blake. Grown to age 21 from being in my Dad's academy and you still look like yourself when you were 17. And this seemed to have kept its look.

F/n slapped Blake's ass as he walked past her, making her red as a tomato. Then, he walked to Yang.

Yang:Well? *smirks* Came to inspect my lovely body as well, babe?

F/n:Yeah. Same large bust, curvy waist, and considerable butt.

Yang:Hehe. *winks at him* It's my body you can't get enough of out of all of us, isn't it?

RWB(in unison):Yang!

F/n:I can't get enough of either of you. Anyway, let's go.

F/n took out his portal device and went through a portal to the beach with his four girlfriends.

Ruby:What are we doing here?

F/n:We never gone to the beach in a while, have we?

RWBY(in unison):No.

F/n:Well, me, you four, and the kids are gonna spend the rest of the day here together...and there'll be a surprise for you all at the end.

RWBY(in unison):Really? What is it?

F/n:*chuckles* You'll have to wait and see.


For the remainder of the day up to sunset, F/n spent his time eating with his family (and enjoying some Strawberry Sunrises with Yang), teaching his kids how to swim, and playing in the sand with Sapphire. Then, they were all sitting around a campfire, which provided warmth and light.

Weiss:Today's been really great, F/n.

F/n:*smiles* Yep, sure was.

Yang:Yeah, who knew spending all day at the beach was this much fun?

F/n:Well, it was just an idea. Spend all day at the beach with your loved ones, just a way to show how much you love them. Food and confectionery included, created by yours truly.

Ruby:We should do this again something, don't you guys think?

F/n+WBY(in unison):Yeah.

F/n:Anyway, I also had these made for you four.


F/n took these four necklaces out.





F/n:Happy anniversary, girls!

RWBY(in unison):*gasps* Oh, my Oum!

Lily:Ooh, those look pretty.

F/n:*pets her ears* They sure are, Lily. *to his kids* Each one is based on each of your individual mother's own emblem.

S+L+J+S(in unison):Oooh~.

F/n then put the respective necklaces around each of his girlfriends' necks.

They all then hugged and kissed him in return.

Ruby:Thanks, F/n!

F/n:No problem.

Weiss:I really wish we could have gotten you a gift.

F/n:No, no, no. I've got exactly what I need right here:four lovely girls and four beautiful children.

F/n then had his kids join the hug, kissing their foreheads as a sign of love.

In the end, RWBY was really happy to have a friend-turned boyfriend who truly cared for them and would do anything to make them feel happy and warm. Then when they thought about all F/n and his parents have done for them when they were younger...

They decided they were glad that their "families" did what they've done to them in the first place because if they hadn't, they wouldn't be living the way they were right now and would've turned out way differently if that hadn't happened.

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