Chapter 2

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Thank you GabbyAnders for the idea!

Blaine's POV

Today, Aaron and I are going to have a baby shower for our little Quinny. We're inviting some of our friends and family. We'll also announce the gender at the event, but they don't know that. That's why if they bring a gift, it's gender neutral.

"Ready for this?" Aaron asks. "Why wouldn't I be?" I reply. Aaron shrugs. "Is little Quinn ready for it?" He asks. "Of course he is!" I say proudly. Aaron bends down and softly kisses my stomach. I giggle a little. Hey, I don't give a fuck if I'm a male, I'll giggle if I damn want to!

There's a knock at the door. Aaron answers it. In walks my mom and dad, Alex and Miranda, Wade and Molly, Bob and Mandy, Uncle Felix and Cry, and my friends Tyler, Robert, Blayne, Madison, Keegan, Erika, and Kylee. Yeah, I have a friend named Blayne. Only his name has a 'y' and mine has an 'I'.

"Welcome everyone! Whores and sluts of all ages!" Aaron greets. I should've deleted his Blood On The Dance Floor playlist on his phone when I had the chance. We're having a child in 5 months, we don't need it listening to that kind of music! (Miscal: shh! Say it's Beethoven!)

Everyone enters and sets their gifts on the table. Mom walks over to me and hugs me. My baby bump separates us a little. Quinn kicks. "They're active, aren't they?" Mom asks. "Yeah," I reply. "It's absolute hell at night." Mom chuckles. "I felt the same with you. It doesn't feel as bad when you have the second child." "Who said I was having another after this?" I ask. "Sorry! I just said um.....never mind." Mom replies. He walks to Dad. Does he want another grand kid after this? He's lucky he's getting one!

I talk with mom and the other females, while Aaron talks with dad and the other males. "So, how's it going, Blaine?" Molly asks. "Could be better," I reply. The group laughs quietly. Tyler gives us a "bitch, what the fuck?" look. "Inside joke!" I mouth to him. He shrugs and gets closer to his boyfriend, Blayne. Blayne with a 'y', not 'I'!

Later on, I give Aaron "the look." "The look" tells him it's time to tell the gender. He nods. "Attention!" He says. "Me and Blaine have something to say!" Me and him stand. Everyone looks at us. I walk over to Aaron. He wraps an arm around my waist and holds me close. "So me and Aaron found out the baby's gender," I pause. I'm going to make them suffer with suspense.

After like 30 seconds, Tyler cracks. "The damn suspense it killing me!" He exaggerates. "Watch your mouth!" Blayne reminds him. "There's a baby present." He says, covering Kylee's ears. Tyler groans and sits back down. Yeah, he jolted upright in his little freak out.

"The gender is..." I trail off. "A girl!" Aaron finishes. Everyone cheers. "Her name is Alex Michael Smith," I add. "That's so damn adorable!" Wade exclaims. "How many times do I have to tell you guys to watch your language?" Blayne asks. "Shut up, 'ya teen!" Wade growls. Molly slaps him in the back of the head. He shuts up and apologizes. Blayne accepts the apology.

"Time for gifts?" I ask Aaron, childishly. "Of course, little baby man," he replies. Everyone gathers around me while I open the gifts from them.

I got a baby monitor from mom and dad, a full season of Sesame Street from Wade and Molly, a blanket with Quinn's name stitched in it from Bob and Mandy, a cry mask similar to Cry's and mine from Felix and Cry, an album with music by Fetty Wap from Tyler and Blayne, baby shampoo and lotion from Robert, a onesie from Madison that says, "Hey Asshole! Watch your language, I'm a baby!", diapers from Erika, the album For Beginners by Sinners Are Winners from Keegan, and a Chica plushie from Kylee. "Thank you all so much guys!" I say to them all. "You're welcome!" They all reply.

All of a sudden, someone starts screaming lyrics to Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead. "Everywhere I go! Bitches always know, Charlie Scene has got a weenie that he really likes to show!" Keegan yelled. "Shut up! There is a baby present!" Aaron demanded. The room went silent till I burst out laughing. What? It was a serious moment! I laugh at serious moments!

Soon, it was time for everyone to go home. Mom and dad stayed and helped clean up. Aaron and I really needed the help. Of course, they didn't let me do much. Which was good I guess because I was tired. I dozed off on the couch a few times.

"Okay, sleepyhead, your parents went home. Time to got to bed!" Aaron says cheerfully ad he carries me to our room. I nod groggily. He put me down on the bed. I strip myself to my boxers myself. It takes forever because I am half asleep during this.

Finally, when I achieve my goal, Aaron puts the covers over us. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my shoulder. He then carefully puts one hand on my baby bump to feel the kicks. He smiles against my skin. "Goodnight, I love you," I say, just above a whisper. "Goodnight. I love you too," Aaron replies.

And with that, I fall into a peaceful sleep.

I'm not proud of this chapter. I can do better. Anyways, bye Aqualines!

Miscal: I know right. You can do waaaaay fucking better!

Anyways, who 100% supports the LGBTQ+ community? I do! Aqua though? She supports it about 100%, too.

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