Chapter Nine

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I was worried, okay? When he didn't respond to texts or answer his phone, I got worried. Sometimes I couldn't eat or sleep or just function as a human.

Last time it wasn't this bad, and I don't know why it was so bad this them around. Or, I sort of knew. But it's dumb.

Sure, I like him and I care about him. But I shouldn't be losing my appetite for an entire day because he was taken away and I don't know what they're doing to him..

It took a lot. It was really hard and Lena was just working more and more so I don't know if she even really noticed it.

Eventually, though, I started to self harm..I was just in a lot of pain and I wanted to not feel like that so my dumbass figured cutting myself would make it so much better.

And I never got caught. Aside once. By Winona after school because I thought she had practice for whatever the fuck she does now. It changes a lot. So I assumed I had time to sulk and be depressing and just a fucking useless mess.

Of course, she brought me to the hospital and they diagnosed me with depression and I had to stay overnight. Lena wasn't very happy. She said I should be so worked up.

And she's right, I shouldn't be. But I am, and it hurts. I just want to know that he's okay.

All I want is to know that I'll get to see him.

She told me that he's one guy in my life that probably won't matter in ten years. I had to move on.

Like I didn't fucking try that already.

The only thing the meds did we're force me to eat once a day. Outside of that, they really didn't do shit. And after that, I was never caught again.

I had this nightmare where I watched him die and I woke up and I cried and I didn't sleep after that until I literally passed out after like two days.

It was shitty and I'd never go through it again.


The first thing they did was smash my phone so I couldn't use it.

But I was gone for about six months. Longer than I wanted to be. I was hoping like by Christmas. But it was almost Valentine's.

It was a Friday and it was the 13th. Usually I'd make a joke but I was high trailing it to Winston's place. I was going to see my fucking man.

When I got there, Lena was gone and Winona answered. She was ecstatic I was back and okay. Told me that Winston hasn't taken this situation very well. Whatsoever.

So I headed up to his room and he was up there. Just sitting at his desk. Not really doing anything. It reminded me of that one day on the ship. I was supposed to be doing something with Percy and we finished really. So he sat down and that was the first time I noticed something was off with him. The look in his eye wasn't right.

Turns out it was depression.

He's lost weight. I think a bit too much just based on what I remember him looking one vs what he looks like now. Looked like he hasn't slept in days.

I mean, it was heartbreaking. Now I understand why Nico was so worried about Percy in the hospital and why he was so keen on getting him back to a stable mindset.

"Winston?" I asked as I slowly made my way towards him, fucking terrified of his reaction to me. "Hey, what happened? You look like shit."

After he realized he was me he just turned around to face me and I hugged him because he really looked like he could use it.

He looked lost.

Winston just broke down after that. He had an emotional break down and it was fucking hard to help him through that. To tell him that it was okay. I'm here. He's a better person than he's giving himself credit for.

"Hey," I said as he had started to not like bawl. "Breathe. I'm right here. Did you develop depression while I was gone?"

He nodded his head, and instantly apologized because I'd have to put up with it.

"Don't apologize," I insisted, getting level and even with him. I grabbed his hand, slowly rubbing it with my thumb. "You have depression, that means we're going to work through it. I've watched people come back from being suicidal and right now he's happier than can be with his boyfriend of like over a year and a half. If he can do it, and he tried to kill himself, you can."

He sighed, nodding.

"Exactly," I responded. "Now, when was the last time you slept? Because I'm fucking tired, too. I could sleep for about 3 days."

"Um, that's a coma," Winston informed me very softly. "And uh... 2 days? I get nightmares from time to time or I can't sleep sometimes and yeah. I didn't go to bed last night. I probably should sleep. Can you uh... Can you grab my pajamas?"

"Of course," I insisted, kissing his forehead before standing up. He told me where they were and he let me borrow a pair because I have nothing now.

Laying down, I told him a little bit. I explained that my phone was shattered so that's why I never responded. Told him about a few fun moments we had out of the dozen that existed. He had passed out within 15 minutes of listening to me talk and rub his back to try and soothe him.

After that, I fell asleep not on a shitty bed and it felt fucking wonderful.

We both slept in the next morning, and it was Valentine's day. Winston was basically clinging to me when I woke up.

That's okay though. For now he's reliant on me. Eventually I'll ween him off of how heavily he relies on me and with that, his depression should get better. He should learn how to handle it.

I managed to sneak out of his grasp to go downstairs. Lena was out with some dude and Winona was out with friends, so we had the place to ourselves for a while. Meaning I got to do surprise #1 and make him breakfast in bed.

"Hm..." He started to move around as he heard me open the door, and probably smell the smell. "Mmm... Lena?"

I put the food on a small end table thing and moved it to the bed.

"Try again," I suggested and he smiled, half asleep. It was fucking cute.

"Leo?" Winston guessed, opening his eyes to see if it was me. "Shit babe, you didn't have to make me breakfast."

"To he fair I ate half of it because I figured you don't eat much."

He looked at me again.



I was kind of excited. I hadn't been to New York for a while. After I broke up with Percy, I got like a stress call from Magnus and was gone the rest of the summer and I started college this last call. I was on break until March, so I decided to take a trip to New York with my boyfriend. We met at school. He himself isn't a demigod, but his mom is so he knows.

And you know, I almost didn't visit Percy. But I started thinking about it, and I know he was doing not the best the last time I saw him and I wanted to make sure he was okay. Plus, Jacob wanted to meet him because I have told him many stories about him and Grover.

Of course, I stopped at Sally's house. I had a feeling he wasn't there, but I needed to know where he was.

They gave me his address and I was actually more nervous seeing him than his parents.

"Can I—" Percy said as he opened the door and was definitely surprised. "Annabeth? What are you doing here? It's been... It's been a while, for sure."

"Almost two years," I agreed. "I'm on break from classes this month so I decided to come to New York for a while."

He invited us in, and I was kind of surprised at how nice the place was. Percy just always kind of seemed like a messy person, but this place wasn't messy. Like a Sims apartment when you have the maid there every day. It's never dirty for longer than a few hours.

It was nice. And he told me he would be back, he was going to throw something half way decent on because he wasn't expecting visitors so he was still in his sweats and baggy t-shirt.

So I started to look around and I noticed that there were family photos. And there were photos that weren't Percy's family.

Not really looking at the photos themselves, I assumed it was a girlfriend. It would make sense. I mean, it's been like 2 years since broke up. Almost. We broke up in the summer, but whatever. Close enough. I've been with Josh for about 6 months now. We met at orientation at the end of July. Started dating in August. Closer to the end of August.

So if he started going out with some chick, it's whatever, right? At least he moved on.

"Hey, ba—"

Nico comes into the living room, wearing a nice red shirt and biege pants. The classic Target look. And he just stops when he sees us.

"Annabeth, hi...." Now, of course, he's confused. "Where's Percy? He was out here a minute ago. Also, why are you here? You live on the other side of the country."

"I'm visiting," I insisted and he nodded his head. "And he went to change."

"Oh, okay," he remarked and grabbed a glass and put some apple juice in it. And I figured I might as well ask. He asked me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. "I mean, I guess you're 18 now, but shouldn't you be at camp?"

He laughed.

"Hell no," Nico told me, putting the juice bottle away. "It's been like... 8 months since I've actually stayed there. I live here."

"I thought Percy lived here."

"Yeah, he does."

"Is it for college?" I went on, because there's no reason for them to live together when they're collectively the straightest people to be at camp. "Like to save money or...?"

He gave me this weird look..


"Like if you start college in the spring or whatever," I tried to make it sound smart and it wasn't working. "Moving in to like save money so you only pay half of the dues for living in an apartment. Rent and stuff."

Nico thought about it.

"I mean..." He started off. "I guess it helps, but that really wasn't the reason."

"You just wanted out of camp?"


"Sorta?" I responded, "why else would you move in?"

He looked at me for about 3 seconds, like I was dumb.

"What?" I defended my cluelessness. "There's no other reasonable reason. You're both straight so it's not like you're dating so you wouldn't move in because of that. If you were, than after like a year or right around a year that'd be understandable but..."



"I'm gay," he corrected me and I just kind of didn't process that for a few seconds. "And Percy's bi. I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm sorry," I stated, kind of shocked that I didn't know about Percy. Nico is understandable, he probably wasn't out yet. He had yet to date anyone the last time I saw him. "Percy's what? I dated him for a year, Nico. I feel like I'd know that."

"He wasn't out, are you crazy?" Nico told me, filling in the things I missed. "Sally and Paul are kind of homphobic so he did everything he could to like not be out and I don't remember exactly why he told me. I think it was because he kind of pressure me into telling him and whatever. But after he came out to me, he was out at camp. And then they had parents day and we didn't know so uh... They found out. Kicked him out and they weren't very happy. He's doing fine, though. Now he is."

"That sucks," I said, feeling kind of bad for Percy. I feel bad for Magnus a lot, but he didn't have a choice to be on the streets. At least Percy has a place. "So like... I don't want to get this wrong, I'm sorry. What are you guys? Because I don't want to assume and be wrong and make things weird."

"It's not weird unless you assume we're brother, then that's just creepy." Nico assured me. "Some dude did that once in like... It was a restaurant. We were on a date and it wasn't fancy, but the waiter asked where our girlfriends we're assumed it was a double date and we we're brothers. It was weird when she watched us leave."

He paused for a moment.

"So to answer your question, we're dating," Nico answered, taking a drink of apple juice and I was curious. So I asked how long it had been. "we started going out... It was long after you left camp. Um... It was when he was in the Big House or like right after he got out... July. It'll be 2 years in July."

Holy shit. They've been together almost as long as Percy and I were when we were together. He don't fuck around when he dates someone's. He's loyal. That wasn't just because of me.

"Oh shit, nice." I responded, because at first I did think that Nico was gay and then shit happened and I heard he liked me and I figured it made sense. He like hated Percy and what not. But I think I knew that Percy like him. It was obvious, looking back. "I mean, looking back, it's kind of obvious that he was bi. Not so much you, though. That's cute. Keep that shit up. Propose. It's almost been 2 years, that's a long time."

He nodded his head, saying he might talk to Leo soon about making rings for like their 2 year or something. Even if it's not an engagement ring, because he hasn't decided yet if it's too soon.

Which is understandable. It's February. Their 2 year anniversary is in July.

But now I was excited to talk to Percy. 

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