Chapter Six

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They didn't say anything during the party, and I'll give them credit for that. I also got to meet Maria, she was really nice. Wasn't homophobic, either.

Hell, Gabe was better with it than my parents. I don't why everyone's back from the dead, but they are. And so we got back to the apartment and Gabe was there and my sister was there and then Nico was helping me pack.

I went to get a drink and they just snapped at me.

Um... Let's be honest, I don't even remember what they said, I just fell into a panic attack and that was the end all. I remember they were yelling and my sister was freaking out because I was having a panic attack and Gabe and Nico we're actually trying to help me out and the most they could manage was getting me in my room and locking my doors so Mom and Paul couldn't get in.

"Hey," Nico whispered, knowing it's better to keep his voice down when things like this happen. He was rubbing my arm, Gabe was sitting on a chair by the desk I have in my room. Being patient. He was a shitty step dad, but he knew his limits when it came to my anxiety weirdly enough. After I tried to kill myself when I was younger he actually stopped a lot of stuff because it triggered anxiety and depression. "Are you okay?"

So in a weird way, he cared. He cared, but the alcohol messed him up.

I slowly nodded my head. I just need to breathe.

"Here," Gabe suggested because this isn't the first time he's sat through one of these. He handed me a little bottle of lavendar oil. "It should help."

"Th... Thanks..." I stuttered out and mentally slapped myself for stuttering. I took the lavendar bottle and put a little bit on my hands, breathing it in. I was suddenly really tired.

But I knew better. My parents are going to want me out tonight, as was the plan. Now instead of dreading it, they'll probably be pushing me out the door.

My birthday is a wonderful day, right?

•••a skip in time•••

I moved in with Percy that next summer, in June. Before then it was like weekly dates, sometimes twice a week if there was something special. Then of course we texted and called.

But we live together now, and it was kind of nice. Sure, sometimes I need some alone time, and so does he, but there's multiple rooms here. Go sit in another one for a little bit. Plus, both of us work.

Today was a big deal, though. His 19th birthday. We had our one year anniversary last month, and it was a fun day and all. But I was really excited for today, because it's been a year since he moved out. A year since he was emancipated, or really disowned. And over the year, he's gotten a lot better. I've lived with him for three months and he had one anxiety attack, which was at a party.

So it was a huge deal.

I got up early and figured I'd make him breakfast because it's his birthday and he deserves it. While I was making it, I got a call from Leo. I didn't go to camp this summer, neither did Percy. But we still keep in touch. Leo runs the place and I mean it's not ruined yet.

"Hey, man," I answered the call as I poured in the pancake mix. "What's up?"

"Nico!" He seemed pretty excited that I answered the door. "Hey! Not much, I just got done eating breakfast and like everyone left yesterday and this last week so I have nothing to do. It's Percy's birthday right?"

"Yeah," I confirmed for him. "He's 19. He'll be starting college in a few weeks. Being he like took a gap year and all."

"Okay, that's what I thought." The son of Hephaestus said as I heard the background get quieter. He must've gone inside. "Are you guys doing anything special or...? I heard last year turned for the worse."

"It did," I confirmed, nodding my head and flipping the pancake. "Sally and Paul just lost it and he had an anxiety attack. Could've been worse. He still got moved out. We went for a walk after his attack so he could breathe. But yeah. I'm hoping that, fingers crossed, this year is better."

"You better make it better,"he told me. "I know what he'd appreciate."


"Trying something new," at first I didn't get what he meant because it can mean a lot of things. But then he clarified. "You know, keep it hot and fresh."

I took out the pancake and almost dropped it before putting it on the plate.


My face turned red.

"What?"he asked me through the IM, which was set up so he could see me. "You guys have been together for like a year now, a little longer. It's not like you haven't done it tons of times. I once walked in on Jason and Piper, that was fucking weird. Because it was after they claimed to have broken up."

Yeah, it's been a year.

"Uh, one," I started off. "I didn't need to know that. And two, for your information, we haven't. As you know, Percy's got problems. He's gotten a lot better, but he still has problems. Because of those problems, we don't have sex. That is all you need to know."

At least he didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh," Leo commented, shrugging. "I suppose that makes sense. Shit happens and it messes you up. Messed things up for you. Where is he?"


"Aww," he remarked as I saw Jason and Piper go into the room he was in. Probably his room. "Is Nico being a gentleman and making his boyfriend breakfast in bed?"

"Yeah," I said. "Guess I'm doing something right, you've been single for what, two years? Longer?"

"Fuck you."

"You missed that chance, too."

"My gods, Nico's just a fucking savage and it's only 8:30," Jason commented. "Fuck Leo, step you game up."

"I might have to."Leo agreed. "Otherwise I'll probably be alone forever. You and Percy wouldn't do a three way would you?"

I almost fucking died at that moment.

"No," I responded very sternly. "We just had this talk, Leo. If we don't even have sex, why the fuck would we invite you? I'm not into polygamy, and I'm not sorry."

"Ooooh," Piper said. "You just got rejected by the gayest dude we know."

"It's official," Leo said as Bianca and Thalia joined them. They started going out a while ago. Thalia lost her position in the Hunt and didn't give a shit. "There's no hope for me."

"Hope for what?" Bianca asked.

"Getting a partner."Jason filled them in. "Leo's jealous that Nico has a boyfriend and he doesn't."

"I mean," Thalia was also a little bit savage this morning. "Was there really any hope in the first place?"

We just laughed.

But I finished making a few more pancakes for both of us because I was hungry, and once I finished I hung up and made my way or our room.

Yeah, you fucking heard me. We're not 5, we share a room and a bathroom. The other one is for guests.

I turned up the lights a little, being we had a dimmer switch thing, and put the plates on the end table, nudging his arm.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at me like he didn't want to get up.

"You can sleep all you want later." I insisted. "But I made us breakfast."

"You did?" He's a sucker for my breakfast and I knew it.

"I did," I told him as I grabbed his plate and he sat up. I handed it to him, giving him a good morning kiss. "Happy birthday."

He gave off a half assed smiled due to being half asleep and happily took the plate.

"Thanks," he accepted the food, basically drowning them in syrup. "You didn't have to get up early, though. I would've slept longer."

"I know," I insisted, grabbing my plate. "But I was up anyways and I figured you'd like a nice surprise for your birthday. I have others, of course, but I also benefit from this one."

He rolled his eyes, eating some of the pancake.

"Guess I'll just have to spoil you shitless for Christmas,"he told me. "I love you. And your cooking."

"I love you, too," I responded. "And your baking."

We ate breakfast together, and afterwards he found one of many presents I had in the house. Hidden.

The first one was just the card and gift card I got a while ago. That was one of the smaller gifts.

He found all but one of them before lunch. And it was kind of cute because he was frustrated that he couldn't find it.

"I've looked everywhere,"he insisted, because he basically did. "I don't...."

He looked at me.

"Do you have it?" Percy asked me, walking towards me.

"Aw, babe," I remarked, giving him a small kiss. "You know me so well."

I took out the little box and handed it to him. It was the gift that I thought meant the most, so I wanted to give it to him.

"Babe..." He remarked and unwrapped it, like he was little. It was really cute. I had my phone camera on in the background. I told Bianca about this and she wanted it on video.

I think he enjoyed the tiny little poem on the tiniest fucking paper I could find.

"Roses are red
Violets aren't fucking blue
I expected nothing
And I still ended up with you.

That's okay, though.
Cause you're pretty great.
You better not say no.
To another gods damn date."

He kind of chuckled and moved the paper, exposing the promise rings.

"Oh my gods, babe..." I don't know why he wasn't expecting it, because we went to the mall together recently. And I saw him eyeing up promise rings.

"I saw you looking at them at the mall," I told him as he put on one and I put the other on. "It was after our one year, though, so I figured your birthday would work just as well. Do you like it?"

"Like it?" He responded, placing his hands along my waist. "I love it, almost as much as I love you."

"Good, I love you, too."

We had lunch after that, and the cake showed up. I ordered one from a bakery down the road and it turned out really nice. It tasted really good.

Most of the afternoon was doesn't cuddling, and then we went out for dinner. A nice place down about a mile. We'd eaten there a few times before.

But when we got back, fuck.

He had already gotten into pajamas when I was half way there, in my underwear and so he walked over, and gave me a kiss behind my ear.

"Hey," I said, turning around to face him. Percy sleeps in a shirt and briefs that suited him well. "Did you have a good day?"

"It was amazing,"he insisted, snaking his arms around me. The look on his face was one I didn't see that often. I wasn't sure what it actually was. "I loved it. Thank you for making my nineteenth birthday amazing."

"Your 20th will be better," I insisted.

"Eh that's a year away." Percy remarked as I put my arms around him. It was nice, him being in a good mood and all. "I'm not too worried about it yet."

Smiling, he leaned in and gave me a kiss, which started something.

Slipping his tongue into my mouth, that was pretty normal. We still make out on a fairly regular basis.

But suddenly we started to move, and my back was to the wall, and I had a split second thought.

We we're gonna do shit.

For a moment our lips separated and we shared a look, both a little out of breath from not expecting that to happen.

"Is this okay?" Percy asked me, as if he wasn't the one I was trying to stay in limits with.

"Of course," I insisted, smiling. "As long as you're not uncomfortable."

He smiled back at me. "I never could be."

Our lips met once again, but only momentarily before he started for my jaw, tilting my chin up until he found a spot that made me melt. I wouldn't doubt if there was hickey there tomorrow.

Moving to the bed, which really was right by where we were, I fell back into the bed and got to watch that sexy man of my boyfriend take off his shirt before coming back down on me.

Returning his lips to mine, he tasted like heaven as his one his rubbed over my now enlarged bulge and the other kept my hair out of my place.

Moving in, I felt bulge as he moved his hand behind me, grinding up against me.

"Ahhh..." A moan just barely escaped my leaps, and he fucking enjoyed that.

"You like that?" He responded in a hot manner and I nodded, feeling his fingers go under the seam of my underwear. "huh? What about that?"

"Ah..." I let off a dumb smile as he slid part of my underwear down, letting my dick hang out.

His hand massaged my dick as we made out, the occasional moan stifling out until his lips left mine and found my thighs.

Fuck yeah I spread my legs.

"Ah.... Per..." His tongue hit my base and suddenly I felt his mouth move up on me, and it put me in a state of elation. "Fu... Fuck..."

It was hard to believe that he was a 'virgin', or that he had never given anyone pleasure like this before.

I am not a member of the small dick club by a long shot. But fuck me, which he was, he was able to deep throat me.

When he returned his attention back to my lips, I kicked my underwear out of the way and stripped him of his while we were at it.

Was I a little nervous? Fuck yeah. But was I so far into it that all of my worries were gone? Fuck yeah.

He was ginormous.

But I'm not a piece of shit, so I stepped up my fucking game and I managed to get all of him and hearing him moan my name, that was fucking magic.

When that ended, I went back to his sweet lips and we returned to making out as I noticed his hand drift towards the drawers where we keep all the condoms our friends bought us for our one year that we had yet to use. That, and the lube.

Finally, we can use them.

Knowing he'd have to move a bit more, Percy actually got up and grabbed a condom, slipping it on him. Slipping some lube on, he flipped me over on the bed so I was on my stomach.

Suddenly, there we're fingers in my ass. Moving in and out, it felt real nice.

Two, three, four, and when I was loosed up good, Percy leaned down and kissed me behind my ear. My sweet spot.

"Do you want me in?" My boyfriend asked, which I found super sweet of him because he knew that sometimes shit happens and you don't want something. But I did. So I nodded my head, muttering a yes.

Slowly, I felt his dick slide into my ass and it hurt. But it wasn't bad. It was a sort of addicting pain, I just wanted more of it.

Pushing in and out, Percy stood me up with him and, as he was a good 6 inches and not all the way in deep, proceeded to also give me a hand job.

I was weak.

When he started to pick up the pace, I started to pant.

"Oh my g.... Percy..." I said after he was all the way in my ass and I could feel it coming. "I... I... Fu..."

He slowly pulled out and got down on his knees, now blowing me.

Pulling at his hair, I was there.

"Percy..." I moaned out, pulling at his beautiful hair. "I'm going... Fuck..."

This beautiful ass bitch swallowed.

It felt fucking amazing.

I finished him off after he threw out the condom and we laid down. My ass hurt, and I knew it'd be sore tomorrow, but fuck I felt amazing.

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