Chapter Two

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It kind of sucked that he refused to come out. He told me, being I asked. But I wish he would come out.

Nico started spending a lot of time at the Big House. Which just proved my theory that he likes Percy.

But it started to upset most rest of the group. Everyone that didn't know. So everyone aside Jason and I were kind if frustrated that he was down there so often, visiting Percy.

"I mean, it's dumb." Piper remarked. "The dude lived, he'll be fine."

"It is," Hazel agreed. "My gods, it's not like he's Annabeth. I'm starting think he might be a fag with how worried he is."

Leo glanced down. Hazel has yet to bash Leo, but he just knows that she doesn't approve of it. Mainly because of things like this.

"So what if he is?" Jason probably should've kept his mouth shut.

"I'm sorry," Hazel started. "What? My brother isn't a fucking faggot, Jason. If he was, he wouldn't even be staying in the cabin. He can rot on the streets. Faggots deserve to rot. They're good for nothing."


"Nico," Percy said as it was like day 8 of me visiting him. He's been here for 8 days. I'm here a lot. I know the other don't like it, but I really don't care.

"Hm?" I asked.

We've been slowly building our friendship again. Starting new. I liked it.

"Why do you visit so much?" He asked me, looking up at the ceiling. "I mean, you said it kind of pissed off everyone else that you're here with me and not them."

"Yeah," I agreed. "It does. But I mean there's five of them and there's on you. You're also more important to me than they are. I want to help you get better. I don't know if I've helped at all. But..."

"No, you have," Percy insisted as he turned to face me. "It's nice being able to talk to you and you don't lecture me. Most of the time. But it's nice having a friend again. I uh... I appreciate it a lot."

"It's why I'm here."

He nodded his head and started to just kind of think for a moment.

"Hey Nico," he remarked. "do you uh... Like anyone?"

"I'm sorry," I responded. "Do I what?"

He laughed for the first time in over a week.

After sitting up, he sat on the edge of his bed and patted the spot next to him.

"I'm putting on the Big Brother Pants," Percy told me as I sat down next to him. And then he sighed. "And breaking the news to you."


"You're gay," Percy didn't even ask me, he told me I was gay. "And people are starting to figure it out. Frank managed to figure it out. So don't even try giving me some chicks name. I know you like someone. Frank says he knows but his dumb ass won't tell me."

"Oh," I remarked and just sat there for a moment. "Uh... Yeah, you don't want that answer."

"You can like Grover and I'll still try to hook you guys up." He insisted, which was good to know. "Now spit it out. Who is he?"

"Well I mean," I decided it was better if he guessed. "He was on the ship and he's single."

He gave me the most deadpan look.

"You like Leo?"


"Nobody else...." And then he remembered that he was single and things started to make sense. "Oh..."

"So that's why Frank wouldn't tell me," Percy remarked. "Wow, I'm dumb. That was fucking obvious."


He thought for a moment.

"Well I might as well tell you."

"What?" I asked, facing him. And he didn't even bother telling me.

Suddenly, we we're kissing. And you'd expect him to like smell like chlorine or the ocean or something. But he didn't. He actually smelled like a bakery.

At first I thought he was messing with me, but then I remembered that he was bi.

Smiling into the kiss, I was overwhelmed with a lot of emotions. A lot of good emotions.

Giving him a small peck, I was really just... Wow.

For a moment we just sat there, taking the moment in, holding hands. And of course, the conch for dinner had to go off.

Of course, he didn't want me to to.

"I'll come back," I promised him as I started to get up. "And once you're out of here, I'll take you out on a date. Is that fair?"

He thought for a second.

"I guess so," he joked. "Go eat food or whatever."

I rolled my eyes, giving him a kiss on the forehead before going.

The emotions still going about 90 miles an hour, I basically ran when I saw Jason walking to dinner alone. Kind of scared him.

"Oh my gods, relax," he insisted, catching his breath. "What happened? Did he get released?"

I shook my head.

"Not yet, no," I remarked. "Soon, though! I don't know when exactly."

"So what happened?"

"We kissed," I was having a really hard time containing myself right now. "I ended up having to tell him about my crush because I guess he figured out that I was gay and then we kissed and we're going out on a date when he's like released."


I nodded my head.

"Oh my gods!" He's been invested in getting Percy and myself together for a good year or so now. "That great, Nico! What are you going to do for it?"

"I have no fucking clue!" I was too happy to plan this out logically right now. "I've never been on a date before. I'll figure it out like after dinner."


I saw how happy Nico was when he was talking with Jason. And I kind of assumed things.

"Hey, Frank," I remarked as Hazel wasn't here. She was doing something for Hades for like a week or two. She left this morning.


Piper sensed something weird, and it threw her off as Nico came into range. I could see him. I couldn't hear him.

"Do you know if Nico's gay?"

He looked over at Nico and Jason. And oh my gods, I haven't seen anyone smile that wide at this camp ever.

"Um... Not for Jason." He instantly clarified that he didn't like Jason. Which relieved Piper instantly. "But he is. I'm not supposed to tell you, but you figured it out. Just tell him you figured it out."

"It's not a lie," I agreed. "Do you know who he likes then?"

He just smiled.

"What!?" Piper remarked as Nico and Jason sat down. "I'm sorry."

She turned to Nico.

"Who do you like?"

"What?" He asked, just sounding like he was in a really good mood overall. Which was nice. I wanted to know why.

"Oh, come on, stop acting like it isn't obvious," I started off, looking at the son of Hades. "We know you're gay, Nico. It wasn't hard to figure out. I'm pretty sure Hazel is the only one that doesn't know at this point."


"So who do you like?"

Nico sighed.

"I said I wouldn't out them," Nico let us down, of course. "Sorry."

"Telling us who—"

And then Frank realized something.

"You guys are a thing now!?"

That being established, Nico of course takes off after Nico and we pegged Jason and Frank about this because Jason knew most of what was going on. He was the first to find out Nico was gay. By accident, of course.

"Seriously, though," Piper said as we got into Jason's cabin. "Who is it?"

They shared a look.

"Look," Jason explained this to us. "You guys weren't even supposed to know Nico's gay. I still don't know how you found out, Frank. But we'll let you guys guess. I don't think the other guy really wants to be out, either."

"Well he obvious isn't in the group," I responded. "So that leaves us a limited number of guys."

"Will?" Piper guessed first. "There's something weird when Will's around."

They shook their heads.

Let me tell you, we went through a list of men. Will, all of us, Jake, Austin, Malcolm, Chris, Mitchell, Clovis, Butch, and Cecil.

"There's legit like two Greek kids you haven't listed."Jason remarked.

"Do we know him?"

"Yes," Frank assured us.

"I mean, who else is there?" Piper repsonded and then I remembered that a certain son of Poseidon still goes to camp here, he just hasn't been eating with everyone else because he's in the Big House.

My eyes went wide, because wow that's fucking obvious. We said he liked Annabeth for a reason.

If he's gay, it just works the other way. And I could bet money that Percy was gay when I first saw him.

"Oh..." I responded. "That... Shit, man. I assumed they were together last summer. Annabeth fucked it up."

That's when Piper realized we were talking about Percy.

"Oh..." She realized and thought about it for a moment. "Oh."



They uh... Well, Percy was released a few days later and he seemed okay. I think Nico helped him out a lot.

But they put on this play. Because I've even been asked shout the dude who like rules camp before Percy. Because nobody talks about it. Why did he leave? Who was he?

They made a fucking musical.

And they exposed a lot of things in this musical.

Percy's recruiting. Thalia, Annabeth, and this Luke dude. Like their entire situation. Grover's non-existent family. And there was a lot of Demigods. That we just didn't know.

And at first it's like nothing too special. They went on a quest and this guy betrays the gods and camp.

And then we realized this was 2005. Before their birthdays.

They were 12.

We're not even allowed to fucking ask for a quest until we're 13. Hazel is the youngest demigod to go on a quest from Camp Jupiter.

Percy had no training.

No wonder he was highly expected. Nobody should survive a fight with a god, much less win. With no training.

And we just kind of looked at Percy afterwards, amazed by this. I guess Nico knew all of this. Or at least most of it. He wasn't too surprised. He said that's just Percy. He's the gods' wild card for a reason.

"What?" Percy asked us.

"Why the fuck?" Leo asked. "Aren't you a god?"

Percy laughed as if we weren't surious about it. He legit should be a god.

"Because," he told us. "I didn't want to be one."


"He was offered a throne after the Second Titan War," Nico filled us in. "He turned it down."

I smacked him.

"Are you dumb?"

"What the fuck?" Percy questioned. "No, In not dumb. I don't see the appeal in being immortal. Watching all or you die? Not having like any emotions? No thank, we had just gotten out of war. I wanted to, you know, relax. I mean, I don't get to. Two month later I woke up with amnesia, but still."

I just sighed.

He's hopeless.

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