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It was one of these days when The Burrow was full of chaos and the screams could be heard since dawn. The plates were flying across the kitchen, laughter echoed throughout the whole house, bags were splattered on the floor and everyone awake was in rush. Only one person was sleeping, not aware of the chaos in the house. And that person was... Victoria Davis. The girl was sleeping peacefully in her bed, not caring about her surroundings. Since she could remember, it was hard to wake her up, there could be war outside the house and she still wouldn't wake up.

The door from her room slammed and two tall fingers came in, giggling to each other as they were slowly moving towards Victoria's bed with mischievous smiles on their faces. They were holding a bucket full of cold water, almost freezing. And without any hesitation, they poured the water on the sleeping girl, making her shriek and jump up. Their loud laughter echoed through the room as they ran out of her space, leaving her alone. She looked at the door furiously, before getting up from the bed and changing into a pair of black baggy jeans and a matching black hoodie.

"You fuckers! You will pay for that!" She shouted, grabbing her wand and with one swift movement of the piece of magic wood, her hair was dry. She stormed out of the room, her eyes searching for the two tall gingers who woke her up. "Fred! George! Where are you?" She looked around the kitchen and she saw them, but before she could do anything, somebody pulled her out of the burrow.

She groaned in annoyance as she saw a boy with pair of glasses and a signature mark on his forehead who passed her a small bag. "Finally you're awake, we thought about leaving without you," The boy said, smiling softly at her.

"Hello to you too, Harry," Victoria responded, rubbing her eyes and walking towards the family of gingers. "Good morning, Mr. Weasley," She smiled politely, sending a death glare at Fred and George, who were snickering in the background.

Mr. Weasley walked up to Victoria and patted her shoulder with  wide smile. "Are you ready for your first Quidditch World Cup?" He asked with joy in his eyes. The man loved Quidditch and he couldn't miss the opportunity to try and get Victoria more into the magic sport. "Oh! I almost forgot! Cedric Diggory and his father are joining our trip!" He turned around and started walking through the forest.

Victoria looked with a puzzled look at Harry, who just shrugged his arms and followed Mr. Weasley. Cedric Diggory? She hasn't heard about him or maybe she did, but just forgot. As Harry and Ron walked in front of her, the girl slowed down her steps to match Fred and George's pace. She looked at them with squinted eyes and hit the back of their heads. "You will pay for what you did in the morning," She exclaimed with a wicked smile.

The twins laughed, not believing her any bit. "And what is your revenge gonna be?" They asked, grinning at her. They were much taller than the girl so they had to bend down a little to look into her eyes. Victoria wasn't that short, she was 5'5, but Fred and George were giants.

She hummed and smirked maliciously. "You'll see," And with that she ran up to Harry and Ron, who were taking about a guy named Victor Krum. She furrowed her eyebrows, hearing the unfamiliar name. "Who's that? Victor Krum I mean," She asked Ron.

The ginger looked at her in disbelief, not believing what he just heard from her, but before he could say something, somebody jumped down from the tree next to them. A tall boy wearing a yellow sweater and a pair of jeans stood in front of her, smiling widely.

"What's up with everyone and smiling today?" Victoria thought in her mind, scanning the boy in front of her.

He stretched out his hand to her and looked into her eyes. "Cedric Diggory, nice to meet you," She hesitantly grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Uh... Victoria Davis, nice to meet you too," She said politely, letting go of his surprisingly warm and soft hand. Victoria looked at his sweater where a Hufflepuff logo was sewed. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at the boy, as they started walking again. "I haven't seen you before at Hogwarts," She exclaimed.

The boy chuckled, looking down at the ground. "I'm seventh year and that's why you probably haven't seen me," Cedric replied, fixing his backpack. "You're..." He looked at her, waiting for her to complete his sentence.

Victoria cleared her throat and looked up at the boy. "Oh, I'm fourth year," She told him, taking a deep breath, before glancing at Ron who was looking at her in curiosity. She just shook her head and went back to talking to the Hufflepuff boy.

"That explains why," Cedric said and sent her a charming smile, ruffling his messy hair. "So... uh... Do you play quidditch?" He asked nervously.

Victoria snickered and shook her head. "Nah, I'm just going to see the World Cup, because of Ron and Harry," She shrugged her arms and pointed to her friends. "I'm not a fan of Quidditch,"

Cedric stopped in his tracks and turned his face to look at the girl. "Wait... you're not from here, are you?" He asked her with a slight hint of confusion on his face. "You don't sound British."

The girl let out a small laugh and shook her head. "No, no, I'm from America," She explained to him with a small smile. "Philadelphia to be specific."

The boy nodded slowly, taking in the information. "So... how did you end up here? At Hogwarts?" He cleared his throat, keeping his eyes on the surroundings.

"Oh, my parents are good friends with The Weasleys and we moved here five years ago," She shrugged, but before she could add anything, they stopped in front of an old and worn out shoe. "What is this?" She furrowed her eyebrows, examining the shoe and her surroundings.

Cedric smirked and pulled her with him. "You'll see," He said as he grabbed the shoe.

Mr. Weasley clapped his hands, gaining everyone's attention. He pointed to the worn out shoe on the ground and started speaking. "This is Portkey," He simply said, making Fred and George snicker.

"Portkey?" Victoria raised an eyebrow, looking at Mr. Weasley with amusement. "What kind of objects are Portkeys? It's just an worn out shoe,"

Cedric Diggory's father chimed in. "It's not just a worn out shoe, my dear," He said walking up to her. "Portkeys can be anything... Unobtrusive things, obviously, so Muggles don't go picking them up and playing with them." He explained to her and motioned for everyone to come closer.

The girl glanced at puzzled Ron and Harry, but eventually went with Cedric's father. Everyone laid on the ground and Victoria with a confused Harry and Ron did the same, they grabbed the shoe and looked at each other with fear and excitement.

And after a few seconds Victoria felt like she was being lifted off the ground, she yelped and everyone started screaming as their stomaches turned around. She felt like she was going to throw up and she was sure when they landed she would. She couldn't feel her body and as she heard Cedric's and Mr. Weasley's laughter she opened her eyes just to see everyone spinning in the air.

"We're here!" Cedric's father shouted. "Let go!"

And with a shriek she let go of the shoe, closing her eyes and getting ready to face the ground. A few seconds passed and they were spat out by the magic tornado, landing on the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh, fuck," Victoria groaned as her back hit the ground. She got up slowly and looked around to see Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George next to her, while Cedric, his father and Mr. Weasley slowly approached them with wide smiles. "Never again." She mumbled and got up, her back aching from the fall.

"I'm gonna puke," Ron moaned out and closed his eyes as Harry and Fred helped him up.

Victoria winced as she started walking towards the loud noise of people flying in the air on their brooms. "Please don't puke, cause if you do, I will too," She mumbled, earning a snicker from Hermione.

Mr. Weasley turned around to them and opened his arms with visible joy on his face. "Kids! Welcome to your first Quidditch World Cup!" He laughed.

The girl frowned and followed the group, taking in every object. She was surrounded by many tents, wizards and animals. People were dancing, singing and having fun of their lives. And out of sudden a hand pulled her to a small tent and she landed inside of it with a thud.

"Not again," She whined, looking at her hands. "Now I'm sure my butt is bruised," She mumbled and got up from the ground as Fred and George were laughing at her.

The tent was small but the inside of it was massive and beautiful. Her eyes widened at the sight of her surroundings, it was simple but breathtaking. She quickly walked up to Hermione and a ginger girl.

"I'm with you girls," She smirked and set her bag on the empty bed, before sitting on it and pulling out her wand.

Hermione giggled and grabbed her hands. "We'll have a girls night!" She said excitedly.

"Oh yeah, this night is going to be unforgettable!" The ginger clapped her hands.

She wasn't wrong, this is the night nobody would forget.

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