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One month passed since Cedric's death and everyone seemed to forget about everything that had happened. People were living their best lives, not knowing that just dark shadows, Voldemort waited for them. Victoria spend the first month of summer at her house with her parents. When her mother heard about the news from Dumbledore, she didn't want to let her out of the house, but somehow her father managed to convince her mother. It was a long fight, but in the end she agreed to let her daughter out of the house.

"Mom, I promise I will be careful!" Victoria pleaded her mom, who was leaning against the kitchen counter. She had a frown on her face, but after a moment she sighed.

"Fine, but..." She stopped, walking up to her daughter and putting her hands on her shoulder. "If you see something strange, run."

She rolled her eyes and nodded, before turning around and putting on her black hoodie. She put her wand in her pocket and with one last look at her mom, she walked out of the house. The girl sighed and started walking towards the place where Diagon Alley was. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what is gonna happen this year at Hogwarts? She thought about every possible scenario that involved Voldemort in it, but these thoughts disappeared as soon as she stood in front of the wall that led to the Diagon Alley. She tapped her wand on the bricks two times and after a few seconds she was able to walk in.

She hid her wand in her pocket and slowly made her way to Sugarplum's sweet shop. The inside of the shop smells sweet, like cotton candy and lollipops. She stepped towards the counter with chocolates, deciding to pick some for Ron, since he loved candy. The girl grabbed two Chocolate Frogs and Exploding Bon Bons, before moving onto Chocolate Cauldrons for Harry.

The girl walked up to the cashier and waited for them to wrap up the box of her goods. After a minute she paid and left the shop, hoping her friends would like their small gifts. The second place she decided to visit was Flourish and Blotts, a bookstore.

As soon as she walked in, the aroma of parchment and old books filled her nose. She wandered around the shelves, looking for a book for Hermione. Suddenly her eye caught a very interesting title, she picked up the book and smiled softly. Without a second thought she stepped towards the cashier and placed the book on the counter. As she waited for them to wrap up her gift in a paper, she saw a familiar face walk in the store. She sighed and turned around, hoping that he wouldn't notice her.

"What a surprise," The boy grinned, leaning against the counter, scanning her figure. "Didn't think I'd see you here."

She paid the cashier and turned around to leave, the boy following her closely. "Why?" She asked, walking out of the shop.

"I thought you preferred muggle books," He put his hands in the pockets of his black coat. The boy snatched the book from her hands, reading the title. "Curses and Counter-Courses, huh? Who are you going to curse?" He gave the book back to her.

Victoria grinned and patted his back playfully. "Maybe you, maybe someone else... Who knows?" She laughed quietly.

The boy rolled his eyes with a soft smile on his face. "Seriously... are you really going to curse someone?" He asked.

"No, this book is for Hermione," She waved her gift in front of his face. "And these..." She showed him the bag with sweets. "Are for Ron and Harry."

"And what did you get for me?" The boy asked, turning his head around so he could look at her.

Victoria looked puzzled for a second, but she quickly got back to her usual self. "You're not that special, Nott." She rolled her eyes playfully.

Theodore gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "Hey! That's my line!"

She shrugged her arms and walked in the Quality Quidditch Supplies. Theodore followed her closely, looking around the store in awe and before he could say something, the girl disappeared somewhere. She was wandering around the store, searching for Harry's birthday present. After a few minutes of looking, her eyes caught a pair of black leather gloves.

She reached for them, but a tall frame hovered over her and grabbed the gloves from the shelf, passing them to the girl. Theodore looked down at her and smirked.

She gulped nervously and nodded. "Uh... thanks, Nott." She said, before turning around and walking up to the counter and the cashier.

"Who are these for?" He pointed his fingers at the gloves. "Do you play quidditch?" The boy questioned, curiosity lacing his voice.

"No, these are for Harry." Victoria replied, pulling out money and paying for her things. She grabbed the bag and the two of them walked out of the store.

Nott hummed, nodding slowly, but after a few seconds he stopped and started scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Hey, uh..." He started, looking away from her. "Do you want to go to the Leaky Cauldron with me?" He asked slowly, a slight hint of blush creeping onto his cheeks.

She raised her eyebrows, thinking about his proposition for a minute. "Yeah, sure," She shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't have better things to do, anyway."

His eyes widened for a second, but he quickly hid it by his usual cocky expression. He nodded and they started walking towards the direction of Leaky Cauldron. Soon they walked in the pub and sat in the nearest corner, before the waiter came and asked for their order.

"Two butter beers please," Victoria said to the waiter with a polite smile. The witch nodded and turned around to fill the mugs with their beer. "So why aren't you with your friends?"

Theodore froze for a second, before replying. "... I needed to do something," He muttered, looking away from her, taking a sip of his beer. Victoria squinted her eyes at him suspiciously and decided not to ask about it anymore. "Plus, they're probably busy with getting ready for the next year."

She knew he was lying, but she acted like she believed him. The girl took a sip of her beer, noticing that the pub was starting to get more crowded. "Right... there's only one week left," She stated, before moving her gaze from the table to his face. "It feels weird to drink beer with my enemy."

Nott raised an eyebrow at her and scoffed. "Enemy? We're not enemies," The boy spoke to her, keeping his voice low. "We just don't like each other." He bit the inside of his cheek.

"Whatever you say..." She muttered, slowly sipping on her beer.

He put down his mug and looked at her with a smug expression. "Besides, you're really fun to annoy." He confessed to her.

Victoria let out a short laugh, taking a sip of her beer. "I noticed you take every chance to annoy me, but sometimes it's working and sometimes it's not." She said to him, leaning her head on the palm of her hand.

Theodore cleared his throat and reached out his hand, his thumb brushing over her top lip. Her eyes widened slightly, seeing him touch her. "Uh... you had foam on your lips." He cleared his throat, wiping off the rest, before licking it off his thumb, causing her heart to almost stop.

"Thanks..." She muttered, looking away from him.

The boy nodded, but before he could add something, three tall figures came in the Leaky Cauldron, searching for Theodore. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo came up to them and briefly glanced at Victoria, before focusing their gaze on Nott.

"Let's go, Nott," Malfoy spoke to the boy in a low tone of voice. "We have things to do."

Theodore nodded and with a small wave at Victoria walked up to the counter and paid for their beers. After a minute he walked out of the pub with his friends, leaving the girl alone. She raised an eyebrow, but after a while she got up, gathered her things and left the table, heading to the exit.

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