18. Dinner

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Her heart will always believe like that little girl who knew that love could save us all.

Oh my God! Is Taehyung coming to spend time with me?

Relax, you've already spent time with him many times, so it's nothing new.

WHAT? NO! Of course, it's new now.

Fortunately, I cleaned up the house. But I look like a mess, and I should take a shower right away. I am mentally prepared to confess in case he initiates once again, but I wouldn't ever dare to do it first.

Placing the order for two meals, I rushed into the shower. After about fifteen minutes, I stepped out in my bathrobe with dripping wet hair. I quickly blow-dried my hair, and as I finished dressing up, I heard the sound of a parking car.

It must be him.

Okay, okay... relax. Be cool. He will eat the meal, spend time with you and leave. It's nothing. You can handle it, Amy.

The doorbell rang, and I quickly glanced through the house for a final check and rushed to open the door. Before I did, I let out a few short puffs of breath and opened the door calmly.

Taehyung stood at the doorstep, tall and handsome as ever. I was seeing him after more than a month, and I wanted to literally hug him tight since I missed being with him so much. He wore his trademark loose-fit trousers, a plain white T-shirt and a cardigan over it, and even with his mask and a bucket hat, he was unmistakably handsome.

My heartbeat quickened in a flash.

Taehyung waved at me in tiny, and I waved back with a smile, gesturing for him to enter the house. He bowed slightly and stepped in while taking off his slip-ons, mask and hat.

I followed him, closing and locking the door behind me.

"Wow... this place is so pretty. It smells great in here. And not small at all. It is perfect for two," he declared, looking around the house from where he stood.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile.

Taehyung went ahead and flopped down on the couch, and our eyes met and stayed on each other.

"I already ordered food for us. It should be here anytime now," I said, still unable to break eye contact.

"Sounds good" Taehyung smiled back, our gazes getting tangled magnetically with each passing second, causing a lightness within my stomach.

"Please be comfortable. I'll get you something to drink," I said, finally feeling the dire need to breathe in peace.

He nodded, and I went into the kitchen to get him a drink while trying to get my breathing and heartbeat under control. Opening the fridge, I scanned the bottles stacked inside.

Fruit cider? Okay!

I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and gave it to him.

"Thank you! Why don't you sit down?" He asked and leaned back on the couch.

"Okay..." I smiled foolishly and sat down at the other end of the couch farthest away from him as possible. He had spread his legs and taken up a lot of space on the couch, and so I sat uncomfortably at the other end. I was a broad sitter too, usually taking up the entire couch while sitting in the most un-lady-like manner. But today, I didn't mind sitting pretty since it was Kim Taehyung!

"So..." as I began speaking, the doorbell rang, and I got up to see.

"The food must be here," I announced and walked to the door.

Receiving the food, I locked the door behind me and turned around to find Taehyung taking off his cardigan and putting it to rest on the arm of the couch and running his fingers through his hair. His eyes moved to me as I stood there staring, attacked by his ethereal beauty.

"Amy? What happened? The food is here, right?" He asked, walking towards me.

"Uhh... yeah... I'll get us some water," I spoke in an almost hypnotized state, feeling my breathing getting heavier already.

"Okay... I'll set up the meal for us," he got the food from my hands with a smile, and I went into the kitchen to get us some water.

Taehyung's POV

Why does she look so damn attractive today? Is it because I'm seeing her after a long time? Last time, I confessed, and she hasn't responded yet, but she definitely seems a bit nervous today. Is she worried because we're alone at home?

To be honest, I'm nervous too. What if I say or do something she doesn't expect?

Just then, Amy walked back with the water bottles. I had set the food on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Can we eat now?" Amy asked, looking directly into my eyes.

My heart fluttered as I continued to look into her beautiful doe eyes and nodded as if in a trance.

Smiling, she set the bottles on the table and sat down a little away from me and started to eat. I couldn't take my eyes off her while I picked up my food and began eating.

We ate quietly for a while, and then I broke the silence.
"You seem a bit nervous today."

"Huh? Do I?" She asked with her eyes glued to her food.

When there was food, she never looked at me unless absolutely necessary.

"Yeah. Is it because of me?" I asked, and her eyes lifted to meet mine.

"I think it's because we're home alone for the first time. I'll be okay in some time," she smiled her pretty smile and continued to eat, diverting her eyes back to her meal.

Yeah...hopefully the first of many more to come.

Amy was perfectly built. She wasn't too short or too tall. She was perfect when she stood next to me, and reached right up to my chin. She always dressed elegantly and comfortably, and her makeup was there but not there, making her look so natural. With the biggest, prettiest doe-eyes I had ever seen on any woman, she also had the most beautiful honey skin. Her frame was lean, and she was perfectly proportioned. Perfect for me. Up until I met her, I always thought I had my restricted preferences when it came to women, but she just shattered all of that and proved me wrong.

As these thoughts crossed my mind, my eyes uncontrollably moved to her neck. I was thirsting over her as my eyes trailed down to her shoulders and chest.

She was wearing a simple T-shirt and nothing was revealed, yet I kept looking. She was eating busily and didn't notice me scanning her. Her breasts were the perfect size for her body. Amy's hands were so pretty. She never painted her nails, but her fingers still looked beautiful. I so wanted to slip my fingers right through her fingers and hold her hands tight in my hands and not let go ever.

As I ate, I kept observing the tiny details about her that I had memorized so well.

The little mole just below her left collarbone and the elephant moles that she had on her left arm just like the ones on my right arm, the tiny dimple that appeared on her right cheek when she smiled, that one slightly crooked and cute upper canine tooth that showed when she laughed, the way she always bit the inside of her lower lip when she was nervous, her habit of pushing her hair behind her ears once in every ten minutes, the way her tiny tummy folds when she sits down, the way she never wore closed shoes or high heels, the way she never bothered about anything around her while eating, the simple and delicate jewellery she wore, the soft smell of lavender that always surrounded her...was it her lotion? Or perfume? I loved everything about her.

She was wearing ankle-length pyjama pants. I bet she looked hot beneath those clothes. I moved my eyes back to her face. She had sauce near the corner of her mouth and she didn't seem to have noticed it. Setting my chopsticks down, I leaned towards her and wiped off the sauce smear with my finger.

Amy's eyes shot up at me because I probably surprised her. It was my first time touching her anywhere except her hands. She raised her eyebrows, her eyes drilling through me for an explanation for my act.

"Sauce," I replied and continued to eat.

"Oh... okay," she flashed a nervous smile and went back to eating.

Should I have licked the sauce off? That would've been sexy.

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