20. Cuddle

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It's the little things that make you love someone big.

Taehyung's POV

Holy, Moly!

I couldn't believe I gathered the courage to kiss Amy. I had performed so many kisses on screen, with so much tongue technology and multiple retakes and rehearsals too. But never once had I been so turned on. The whole moment felt surreal. I wished I had kissed her longer. I was still in a daze.

Wait, what is she thinking right now? Why are we so quiet?

I decided to break the silence and spoke in a low voice,
"Amy... what's on your mind?"

"Umm... nothing, Taehyung. I was daydreaming," she chuckled low.

"About me?" I asked, pulling her closer to me than she already was.

"Yeah..." she wrapped her arm over my chest and chuckled softly, and I inhaled the seductive smell of vanilla from her freshly shampooed hair.

"Tell me about it," I asked her, softly stroking her arm.

"You want to hear?" She cooed in a muffled voice.

"Yeah..." I kissed the top of her head.

"When we kissed, I felt as if we were in a magical world. Only we were there, and there was beautiful snow around us, and snowflakes were falling softly. It was just so beautiful," she spoke enthusiastically.

"Wow... and what were we doing in the snow?" I was eager to know.

"Keeping warm," she said, snuggling closer, my hands itching to touch and feel more of her.

"How?" I prodded her curiously.

Amy didn't reply; instead, she got up and briefly looked at me. That pair of seductive eyes were already doing things to me. And without another word, she leaned in and captured my lips in hers.

I couldn't hold it back. I pulled her closer to me and returned the kiss passionately, my fiery fingers impatient on her. She held my face in her hands, and we devoured each other's lips. This time it was more heated than our first kiss. I moved my hand to her waist while her hands were wrapped around my neck. My hand grazed against the skin on her waist as I let my hand slip inside her T-shirt, and I felt the heat building up inside my body.

The desire to touch her was so strong. I placed both my hands inside her T-shirt and on her waist, my thumb making delicate circles. Our tongues were involved in a love war, and we were absolutely enjoying it. She threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck. Our breaths were more ragged, and my pants were growing increasingly uncomfortable.

Amy slowly pulled away breaking the kiss, she looked straight into my eyes and said, "That's how we kept warm," she smiled teasingly.

I pulled her onto my lap, with her straddling my hips, and I did not remove my hands from her waist. She was lightweight and sitting right on top of me, and she surely felt the speed-bump beneath her.

I kept grinding my hips lightly against her bottom and spoke in a low voice,
"That's so beautiful, Amy," my eyes were refusing to look at anything else except her lips.

Amy was oblivious to my hip grinding and spoke sweetly,
"I love you, Taehyung. I wish we existed in our own little magical world forever."

"We shouldn't stop kissing then," I spoke as I put my forehead on hers and looked longingly at her lips, brushing the tip of my nose against hers.

"So naughty!" She tapped my shoulder and pulled away, trying to get off my lap.

I pulled her back again for a kiss—hotter and more intense this time.

Amy's POV

Hours felt like minutes, and we kept kissing, cuddling, and taking breaks in between to catch our breath. My lips felt sore, and I was panting and pleading with Taehyung.

"Ahh... Taehyung... let's stop. I can't breathe," I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away playfully.

His lips were brightly colored from all the activity, and I ogled at them longingly when they moved and,
"Can I stay tonight?" These were the words that came out of them.

My eyes widened in horror,
"Whatt? No, no... it's late already. You should leave now," I shook my head and replied in panic.

"Why are you chasing me away? Are you scared?" He winked and flashed a naughty smile.

I laughed nervously.
"Scared? Are you a monster or something? No... you're an angel, Taehyung."

Taehyung blushed and laughed.
"So then I can stay, right?" He looked at me with his cute puppy eyes that I just couldn't resist.

There he goes again! How can I turn him down? Those puppy eyes... I just can't!

I let out a long breath.
"Okay. I'll sleep on the couch, and you can sleep on the bed," I folded my arms across my stomach and spoke to him.

"We'll both sleep on the bed," Taehyung declared as he stood up tall and folded his hands across his stomach.

"That won't work," I huffed and snapped back.

"Why not? You don't trust me?" He raised his eyebrows, taking a step closer to me.

I shook my head.
"I can't trust me."

He was quick to reply,
"But I do. I trust you. We'll be fine. I will only cuddle up to you. I promise," he smiled sweetly.

"Fine," I laughed, defeated, and threw a cushion at him.

He laughed and did a little happy dance as we both turned off the lights in the living room and went to the bedroom. I picked up his cardigan and hung it inside my wardrobe. Taehyung was already in bed.

"Is the bed comfortable?" I asked him as I switched off the lights in the room.

Taehyung stretched himself out and said,
"It's perfect. Are you not going to lie down?"

"I am," I said and got into bed next to him and turned off the bedside lamp. As soon as the room turned dark, he immediately pulled the blanket over us and wrapped his limbs around me.

My body stiffened for a brief moment, and then my shoulders relaxed when he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"It's starting to get cold these days. I'll stay warm if I hug you like this," he spoke in his deep voice, his hot breath fanning my skin.

"I like it," I chuckled softly.

He bent over and lightly pecked my swollen lips and lay back down on his pillow.

"Amy, I missed you so much. You have no idea how much I missed you. I kept texting you and re-reading our texts many times. I wanted to meet you so bad," he mumbled near my ear, wrapping his leg over my legs.

"How have you been, Taehyung?" I spoke as I stroked his hand that was on top of me.

"I am so much better these days. Being with my parents and Tannie was so healing for me. I wrote a lot in my journal. I painted too and worked at my own speed. It was so refreshing," he said cheerfully, softly kissing along my jaw.

"I'm so happy to hear that, Taehyung," I said while softly stroking his fingers.

"My movie releases in two weeks, and I'm planning to create some content for my YouTube channel too. I'll work on it after the release," Taehyung spoke in his dangerously deep voice.

"That's such great news. I saw you talking about it in some interviews," I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it tenderly.

"You're lucky. You get to know what I'm up to. But I had no idea what you were up to," he sulked and pouted, softly tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear, his leg pulling me closer to him.

"I missed you so much, Taehyung. Missed you like crazy. I listened to your songs and binge watched so many of your movies and dramas, re-read our texts, and mentally prepared to tell you that I love you too. But the moment I met you, my mind just went blank. I only wanted to hug you tight," my hand moved to his thigh that was trapping my lower body against the mattress.

Taehyung hugged me tight and kissed my jaw, and slid his hand inside my T-shirt and caressed my stomach with his slim fingers first, and then he placed his palm firmly against my stomach.

I gasped lightly and froze. That touch definitely felt different when we were in bed.

"I like feeling your skin this way. Can I? Don't be nervous. I won't do anything more without your consent," he whispered and left a butterfly kiss on my jaw.

"Mmm..." I softly mumbled and turned around to face him. His face glowed softly in the dark room, and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him.

He stroked my waist and grasped it gently, slowly sliding his hand to the small of my back, pulling our bodies together.

"I never sleep with my shirt on, but I'm going to try tonight because I want to keep my word," Taehyung said in a whisper, tugging me closer to him.

I giggled and buried my face in his chest, and he held me tight. It was my first time listening to his heartbeat, yet it sounded so familiar—the heartbeat straight out from my dream sounded like music in my ears. I kissed his clothed chest and closed my eyes, his soft scent tranquilizing my senses.

"Good night, Amy," Taehyung whispered.

"Good night, baby," I whispered back, planting a few soft kisses on his chest.

We slept cuddled up the entire night.

»»————- ⚜ ————-««

Please, I'm in love with them!

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