21. The Gentleman's Cardigan

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She was never asking for too much... she was just asking the wrong people.

Oct 21, 2019
Amy's POV

I woke up this morning and found myself lying turned to one side, and Taehyung was hugging me tightly from the back, spooning me. Looking inside the blanket, I saw his hand was wrapped right over my waist, my T-shirt rolled up to beneath my breasts, and our bodies were stuck together. I smiled to myself and pulled the blanket back over us and decided to lay in his hold for a little longer.

He really kept his word and only cuddled up. I love how genuine and sweet he is

Squinting at the bright light on my phone screen, I checked the time, and it was 7 am, time for me to start getting ready for work.

But I didn't feel like moving a muscle, and I didn't want to wake Taehyung up since he was sleeping so peacefully, his calm breath hitting against the back of my neck at a uniform rhythm.

After contemplating it for exactly two seconds, I decided to call in sick. Quietly grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I texted in the group chat and also sent out an e-mail telling that I was sick with a stomach bug, and that I would come back the next day. Mondays anyway were relatively free, so I put my phone aside and went back to sleep.

Taehyung's POV

Waking up from what seemed like the best slumber in ages, I found myself stuck to Amy. My hand didn't leave her slender waist, and I slowly moved my fingers to her perfectly round bellybutton, making soft circles around it with my fingertips. She was fast asleep.

I felt the urge to touch her more, and my hand slowly moved against her warm and smooth skin, traveling upward under her clothes.

Should I touch her more? Ahh... no... but I promised not to. I had been hasty to get physical in the past, but with Amy it all feels different. I'm getting hard down below. What if she knows since I'm lying so close to her body? It'll be embarrassing. I want more only with her consent.

I slightly raised my head and looked outside; my eyes were still half closed. It was still dark, probably early in the morning.

After using the bathroom, I got back into bed with Amy. Snuggling close to her, I sniffed her soft hair and went back to sleep in a jiffy.

Waking up after much longer, I saw Amy lying facing me, her eyes wide open.

"Morning," I spoke softly.

"Morning," she whispered to me, and I pecked her lips a few times, pulling her closer to me.

"Did you sleep well, Taehyung?" She asked, her index finger gently tracing my jawline.

"I slept so well, Amy... I think your tummy has magical powers," I kissed her cheek and mumbled.

She laughed, "What?"

"I kept my word. I didn't touch you anywhere else," I announced proudly and leaned back to meet her eyes.

And how hard it was for me...she'll never know

"I know, Taehyung. You're the best," she ruffled my hair and smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked her, moving aside a few stray hair strands from her face and tucking them behind her ear.

"Almost 12," she giggled.

I was surprised.
"Ohh... really? Wait! You didn't go to work today?"

"I couldn't," she giggled again, her face literally glowing.

"Aww... I'm sorry," I pouted, internally smirking victoriously that I could spend another day with her.

"I called in sick," she stroked my hair and said with a sweet smile.

I chuckled.
"Thank you for letting me stay. I wish I could move in here with you," I spoke as I played with strands of her hair.

"Then what about Jay?" Amy asked as she walked her fingers over my hand and arm.

"Or maybe you could move in with me?" I suggested.

"Taehyung... distance brings us closer, you know?" She said and blinked her beautiful big eyes.

I pulled her closer, "You mean, like this?"

She blushed and smiled, shaking her head, and I locked my lips with hers, kissing her rough and hard. My hands travelled to her back and hugged her tight as I tasted her sweet lips, letting our tongues tangle, leaving us both gasping for breath.

We got out of bed after a while and cooked together and spent some time cuddling and kissing on the couch while some shows were playing uselessly on TV. I had no plans of leaving any time soon. I wished I could be with her forever.

Just then, my phone rang and interrupted my thoughts. It was manager hyung, and I showed my phone to Amy, who was lying on my lap, before answering the call.

"Hyung... what's up?" I asked as I combed my hair with my fingers and leaned back on the sofa.

"Taehyung-ah, are you not at home?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I'm not. What happened?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I dropped by on my way to the agency. But the house was locked. Where are you?" He was curious.

I let out a breath and my shoulders relaxed.
"Ahh... you should have called me first. I stayed over with a friend last night," I lied casually.

"Okay. When are you coming over? We've got a schedule ahead of us for promotions," he informed me, and instantly my face and heart sported sadness.

"I'll be there in an hour." I sighed sadly.

"Okay... see you!"

"Yeah," I said and ended the call and looked at Amy.

She got up and asked me, "Work?"

"Yeah..." I replied with a sad smile.

She held my face in her hands and spoke comfortingly,
"Baby... don't be sad. I'm always here. You need to take care of work first. Call me or text me any time. Okay? I'll wait for you."

"I love you, baby," I said and kissed her.

I was already getting addicted to kissing her, and I panicked not knowing how I'd survive without these kisses for the next few weeks or maybe even a little more than a month.

"Taehyung..." she spoke softly and looked at my watch, her fingertips delicately caressing my scalp.

"Mm... I know. I'll miss you so much, Amy," my eyes moistened as I held her hands and let my head drop.

"Baby, it'll be okay. You'll be busy, and we'll get through this soon. Okay?" She caressed my face with her soft, warm fingers and kissed my lips tenderly, and I was sure that she liked it as much as I did.

We both got up, and I put on my mask and hat and left. Amy came outside to see me off, and as I drove away, I looked at her through the rear-view mirror, and my heart ached. I regretted the existence of every brain cell that told me to stop last night.

I should've just gone with my instincts and we would've done a lot more than kissing and cuddling. I could have survived with those memories. But CONSENT IS KING and this is probably how my life will be - being away from her for long periods. I need to get used to missing her. As Amy said, distance will bring us closer. I will wait patiently to meet her once again.

Amy's POV

Taehyung just left, and the house felt empty once again. I got into bed, and the familiar smell got me. I smelled the sheets and the pillow he slept on, and they screamed 'Kim Taehyung'. Wrapping myself in the sheets, I hugged his pillow tight and lay in silence. My mind replayed every second we spent together. The confession, the kisses, cuddling and sleeping on the same bed... everything.

I literally 'felt' his desire for more, but he didn't force himself, and I wanted to take it slow too.

I smiled to myself as I missed everything about him so much already.

But is this not how his life is supposed to be? He would, in fact, be busier with schedules and other shoots. I should be thankful for his time.

I decided to take a warm shower and go to bed. After a long shower, I dried my hair and picked out clothes to wear when I noticed Taehyung's cardigan was still inside my wardrobe. He left without it. I took it out and inhaled its scent, and it made my skin bristle as I suddenly felt as if he was right next to me.

Dropping my towel to the floor, I wore his cardigan onto my bare body and let it hug all my curves. It was huge on me, but it felt warm, and the smell was addictive. I wrapped it close around my body and got into bed under the blanket and finally slept after a long time.

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