42. Promise

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It's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind. The clouds rain too when things get heavy.

July 19, 2020
Amy's POV

I lived not knowing what day or date it was; I existed, that was it. I felt exhausted and lifeless.

Taehyung and I kissed slowly and sensually. We closed our eyes and let the magical feeling engulf us. His lips tasted like Heaven. I didn't want to let go. I hugged him tighter. My tears fell. His hands touched my face as he stroked my cheek with his thumb...

I woke up with a start because it all felt so real.

Was he here? Did we kiss?

Looking around, I saw that I was still in my bed and realized that it was a dream.

A goddamned dream.

Getting out of bed, I went to the kitchen and noticed that Jay had left a note on the fridge door.

'Rice and seaweed soup on the table. Eat up and rest well, babe. I'll see you soon.'

I checked my phone and saw that it was a Sunday, and Jay had gone out to spend the day with Allan since she had spent the last few Sundays with me at home, handling all of my drama.

She had a life, unlike me.

Stepping into the bathroom, I decided to shower first. Every time I touched myself, my body tingled imagining the way Taehyung always touched me. His fingers so long and slender grazed every inch of my body. The way he made love to me, uttering sweet words into my ears, made me miss him so much more now. We cuddled under the same shower one day, and now I was all alone, crying and hoping that the pouring water would wash away my grief and misery.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw that all the love marks had faded.

Only those have faded. Nothing else ever did and ever will.

I looked slightly pathetic and except for my hair, I actually resembled Frankenstein.

Sighing, I got dressed in my pyjamas and dried my hair, watered the plants, ate the rice and soup, and sat down to watch some random movie which would not remind me of him. A few minutes into the movie, I dozed off on the couch, and I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell piercing through my ears that made me sit up with a jolt.

I wondered who it could be because Jay had just left an hour ago.

Dragging my feet to the door, I opened it, and my heart stopped, and my mind went totally blank.

Taehyung stood at the door, dressed in a pair of loose pants and an oversized shirt that wasn't properly buttoned up or tucked in. He wore his mask, glasses, a ball cap and slip-ons. Although I couldn't see his face clearly, he still looked handsome as ever. I missed him so much that I just wanted to pounce on him and kiss him breathless. But I controlled my inner demons and stood there looking at him for a while before I weakly tried to close the door on his face. He stopped the door with his hand and pushed his way into the house, closing and locking the door behind him.

I didn't rebel; I couldn't.

He took off his slippers, mask, cap and glasses, revealing his beautiful face—the one that I missed like hell and dreamed of every day and night. I gulped lightly seeing him. He looked sad, and his eyes were puffy and red.

Clearly, he had been crying too, and I knew I looked worse.

Taehyung stepped closer to me and spoke in a soft yet deep voice,
"Amy, why are you doing this? You've been crying too. I know you missed me. Because I missed you more than I could ever express. I can't do this anymore. Please come back to me, baby. Let's be happy once again. I don't like living life like this. I don't want our lives to be this way." His eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Taehyung..." I spoke back fighting my own tears. "Yes, I have been missing you like crazy. I don't know how I survived. Every day was a living hell, and I don't like it this way too. But this is how it's meant to be." My tears streamed down my cheeks, one retracing the path of the other.

Taehyung spoke irritatedly in a louder voice,
"What are you talking about? If you miss me, and I miss you, and we love each other, shouldn't we be together? Why do you want it this way?" Taehyung's voice turned shaky and his tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Taehyung, please don't do this to me. I can't explain..." I choked as I broke down, burying my face in my hands.

He shook me by my shoulders, holding onto them firmly.
"Baby, please don't do this to me. This is torture. I can't exist without you," and he kneeled down crying and held my feet.

My heart stopped, and I instantly dropped down on the floor, hugging him tight. We both cried as I spoke,
"Taehyung, I love you, baby. I love you so much. I love you more than I love my own self. You mean the world to me..."

"Baby, I love you so much. I trusted our love more than anything. I knew we would be back together. Please don't ever leave me again. It was so hard for me," Taehyung cried hard, his whole body shaking as did mine when he hugged me tighter.

"Taehyung.... it was so hard for me too. I didn't know why I lived this way. I wished my life would end. I'm so glad it didn't. I'm so glad I met you today," I sniffled on his shoulder, my hands tightly clutching onto the fabric of his shirt.

"Baby," Taehyung held my face in his hands and spoke looking straight into my eyes,
"Tell me the truth. Why did you do this when you knew you would miss me so much? You knew so well that you mean everything to me. But still, why?"

"I can't tell you, Taehyung... I was only trying to do good for you," I sniffed, my eyes dropping to the floor beneath us.

Taehyung lifted my face up, forcing my eyes to look at him.
"Good for me by leaving me? What does that mean? Please tell me the truth now!" He demanded impatiently.

There was no other way now, and I just had to tell him.

I paused for a while and took a deep breath and finally spoke,
"Taehyung, Ah Ra met me."

His eyes widened in disbelief when I told him everything that happened and why I decided to do this to us.

"So Jungkook and Jimin were right," he declared, nodding. "It was her," his hands balled into fists as he bit his lips, his chest heaving and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Yeah, do you still think I did wrong?" I asked and stroked his cheeks, wiping away the tear streaks from his beautiful face.

His shoulders slumped and his entire demeanor softened at once.
"Yeah, you should've told me earlier. I would've dealt with her the right way."

"And then? She would have released all the pictures on the internet and media and ruined your life. Would I ever want that to happen to you, Taehyung? I've loved you as a fan for so long. This life of yours is all because of your hard work and your blood, sweat and tears. Would I let it go to waste just because I want you in my life as my boyfriend? I'll be able to live seeing you live successfully. That's all that I want, Taehyung," I spoke holding his hands in mine.

His tears streamed down his cheeks again.
"Amy, your love is so pure. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I will make this right. I'm not letting go of you for anyone or anything. Trust me, and I will take care of it, okay?" He said, planting a lingering kiss on the back of my hand.

But my anxiety was through the roof.
"Taehyung, you'll be putting everything at risk. Please don't do anything impulsively," I shook my head as I spoke.

He held my shoulders once again.
"Baby, you promise not to leave me again, and I can win the world. I mean it. Will you promise?" Taehyung's stare stripped off every last ounce of doubt and fear that was shrouding my mind.

I wiped off my tears and promised him, as he pulled me closer, and we kissed each other hard amongst the flowing salty tears. I missed this so much. I missed him so much. Holding tight onto each other, we kissed for a long time, kneeling on the floor.

Ah Ra's POV

Taehyung seemed to be stuck with that useless doctor. I hadn't heard of anything happening between the two of them recently. So, she did mark my words and give up on him. What a silly female! She gave up so easily and Taehyung fell for her? I couldn't believe he did!

She was definitely one of those obsessed fans who went out of their way to win him. She surely must have used some kind of hypnosis on him. I wondered if they were physical too. I did not have any proof for that, but Taehyung might not have spared her. He was hormonal, and which female would be able to resist him?

I needed to think of how to get him to text me back and get along with me. Amy was out of the way now, but I still had to work on finding my way back to him.

My phone buzzed with an incoming message. It was a photo and a text message from the detective.

Taehyung left his home today after a long time.

*pic of Taehyung driving out of his building*

Current location - Songpa-gu
Dr. Amy's house.

📍*gps location*

What the...??? Why has he gone to meet her today? I thought they were over for good.

I texted him back immediately.

keep an eye. I'll be right there.

Grabbing my bag, phone, and keys, I rushed out and drove straight to her house at Songpa-gu. Taehyung's car was still parked outside, and I dashed inside and banged on the front door.

Taehyung's POV

Amy and I were cuddled up on the couch, tired after all the days of crying but happy that we had each other once again. Lying down on her lap while she softly caressed my hair and scalp with her soft fingertips, I was about to drift off to sleep when there was a sudden banging noise on the front door.

"Someone's here?" I asked, shocked by the sudden loud interruption.

"I'll get it. You be in the kitchen," Amy said and went to open the door while I went inside the kitchen and waited.

"How dare you?" I heard a sharp female voice, and then I heard Amy wincing in pain.

Rushing out of the kitchen, I saw that Ah Ra had barged in through the front door and slammed it shut behind her. Amy was holding on to the wall for support, and her left cheek had a huge slap mark. I was infuriated.

Ah Ra slammed Amy against the wall and tried to punch her stomach in a fit of rage when I jumped in and pushed her away.

"STOP IT! What do you think you're doing? Why are you hurting her?" I stood shielding Amy from Ah Ra, screaming at her.

"Get out of the way, Taehyung. She deserves this. This bitch!" Scowled Ah Ra as she tried to push me out of the way.

I held her hand firmly.
"Stop calling her names. I will not tolerate this. And back out now! Don't you dare lay a finger on Amy."

Ah Ra exhaled sharply.
"Taehyung, stop defending her. She's the reason we're not together. Let me just eliminate her," she wriggled her hand and fought with me to free her hand.

"She's the reason I'm back to being myself. And you and me were never a thing. I've told you this many times. I never had any true romantic feelings for you. I never loved you. Do you not understand that?" I spoke through gritted teeth and crushed her wrist.

She yanked her hand away and spoke in feigned concern,
"Tae... she has hypnotized you. You don't really love her. You're just showing her your gratitude because she helped you in your tough times. That's her job. And the bitch took advantage of your kindness and got laid with you. She's doing it for clout. Don't trust cheap females like her."

Ah Ra crossed her limits.

"Taehyung, no..." Amy tried to stop me, but I lost it. I slapped Ah Ra right across her face.

"Stop with your nonsense already! I don't want you around. I don't have to explain anything to you. Get out NOW!" I roared in rage.

Ah Ra held her cheek and her eyes welled with tears.
"You'll regret this, Taehyung. What about all the sweet words you spoke to me back then?"

I let out a long breath.
"We're done, Ah Ra. It makes no sense now to dig the past."

"Do you realize that I have proof that can ruin your career and life?" She flashed the photos in her hand.

I snapped back at her,
"Do you realize that I don't love you? No matter how hard you try, if I ever end up with you, I will never be able to love you the way I have loved her. My heart will never be yours. In spite of that, if you still want me, then who's the bitch here? Aren't you the one who's doing things for clout? You want me just because I'm famous and rich. You only want to feed your ego. I'm sure of that." I spewed out every bit of anger and hatred my heart held for her.

"Taehyung, no, please..." Amy weakly said from behind me, tugging at my shirt. I so wanted to hold her and comfort her, but Ah Ra was making it so hard for us.

I waved my hand at Amy to stop defending her and looked at Ah Ra as I spoke on with my head titled to one side,
"Will you be okay if I call you Amy? Will you be okay if I keep thinking of her when I kiss you or make love to you? Will you be okay if I always compare her with you? Tell me."

Ah Ra looked at me in disgust.

I continued,
"If you want to release the pictures, then you're the one doing it for clout. If you really ever had feelings for me, you should wish happiness for me and not try to snatch it away from me. That's what Amy did. When she had to choose, she put my life and career first and everything else behind. That is true love, do you understand?"

Ah Ra sank on the couch behind her and held her head in her hands and cried out loudly. I folded my hands and stood watching her, waiting for her to already finish the drama.

After a while, she wiped her tears and sat quietly and finally spoke,
"Alright... so if you choose her, then be with her, but don't dismiss my love for you. I didn't love you just because you're famous or rich or good looking. I'm not a cheap female, and I never will be. These pictures mean nothing to me" she angrily flung the photos on my face and spoke on,

"I will never come into your life again, and you too don't ever think of coming back into my life again, okay? I deserve someone way better than you, Taehyung. Get lost, the two of you!" She spat and picked up her bag as she walked out of the house in tears, slamming the door shut behind her.

Amy's POV

Locking the door, Taehyung rushed to me and held my face in his hands, tenderly stroking my cheek with his thumbs, his eyes watery.

"Baby, I'm so sorry she did this to you. I can't bear to see you this way," tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm happy that I have you back now," I hugged him tight and cried on his chest, my shoulders shuddering with my whimpers.

"Amy, let me get some ice..." Taehyung wiped my tears, made me sit on the couch and went inside the kitchen. He came back with an ice pack and placed it on my swollen cheek that was almost blue and black but felt numb.

I held his other hand and looked into his troubled eyes.
"Taehyung, I love you more than I can ever tell you or show you," I said, softly kissing the palm of his hand.

"I love you, Amy... thank you for being mine," he put aside the ice pack and leaned forward, and we kissed softly, letting our lips connect and express our undying love for each other, letting our souls unite in an unspoken promise.

After a while, we ordered food and ate together and Taehyung left before Jay came back home.

I narrated everything to Jay when she arrived, and she was shocked and happy at the same time—shocked at how Ah Ra went so low and happy because Taehyung and I were back together again. We spoke for a long time and Taehyung texted at night, and we all slept peacefully after a long time.

Taehyung's POV

On my way back home, I made a conference call with Jimin and Jungkook and told them everything that happened. They were the ones that insisted that I must meet up with Amy and set things right immediately. I was so thankful for having the best people around me. I spoke to my parents when I got home, and I was happy to feel like myself again.

I wore Amy's grey sweater and just then my phone rang with an incoming call from manager hyung.

"Hyung...?" I asked excitedly, as suddenly everything around me seemed brighter and more beautiful.

"Taehyung-ah... where are you?" He asked.

"I'm at home," I said and lay down in bed.

"We had a meeting at the company this morning. We'll be breaking the news about your new drama release tomorrow, and there is an ad shoot and a script review too. Come over, okay? We have to discuss," he spoke excitedly.

I sighed sadly, my shoulders slumping in defeat.
"Oh, how many days is the schedule?"

"Just one week," he informed me.


"Okay, I'll be there this evening," I said and ended the call, feeling helpless.

»»----- ⚜ -----««

More drama ahead, but now it's time for some more romance.

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