5. Texting

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I cannot guarantee you sunshine, but I can promise to stand beside you no matter how hard it rains.

As soon as the door closed, I clutched my chest in one hand and stumbled across to my chair, collapsing in it thereafter. I was hyperventilating and dazed.

Whoooaaaaa!!! What just happened? Did I freaking meet Kim Taehyung? OH MY GOD! HOW THE HELL DID I SURVIVE?

Should I put his chair inside a glass frame so that no one else ever sits on it? The precious Kim Taehyung just sat his majestic figure here.

Oh wait! All the chairs look alike.

So, I swiftly swapped my chair with the chair in which Taehyung sat, feeling like a creep to myself.

But hey, I don't even know if he'll be coming back here ever again. I might just live with this chair.

And did I just hold his hand?

I quickly kissed my own hand and held on to it like it was my most precious baby, with a crazy smile plastered on my lips.

With trembling hands, I quickly picked up my phone and called Jay, and she seemed to have just woken up.

"JAYYYYY!!!!" I squealed, unable to control my excitement.

"Ahhh... why are you screaming?" Jay whined.

"Jayy.... I don't know if I am dreaming right now," I bet my eyes turned to throbbing, comical hearts when I said that.

"Did we attend a fan meeting again?" Jay sighed sleepily.

"No, we didn't. But something else happened," I giggled, still unable to fully believe that I had met my favorite actor alone in my consulting room and even held his hand.

"Just tell me already," Jay groaned.

"I got a VIP patient," I sang to her, letting my body fall back in my chair—his chair.

"Ooohhh... that's so amazing. Who is it?" She sounded alert all of a sudden.

"Three guesses," I chuckled.

"Don't tell me it was Seojoon? I don't think so... why would he come to a counselor?" She questioned and answered on her own.

"No, not Seojoon," I giggled, covering my mouth, my cheeks hurting from the constant smiling.

"Umm? WHO THEN?" Jay freaked out.

"GUESS," I squealed, rapidly tapping both my feet on the hardwood floor beneath.

"Please let it not be my heartthrob Jimin," Jay sounded serious.

"Wouldn't it be good for you if I got in touch with Jimin? I could give you an intro and things like that, you know..." I giggled again.

"IS IT PARK JIMIN???" Jay literally shrieked, and I could almost hear her deafening heartbeats.

"Two chances down. Last to go." I announced, breathing out before revealing the news to her.

"So, it's not Jimin? Maybe Taehyung then? I highly doubt it if you would freak out over anyone else," she sure knew me the best.

"I JUST DIED" I declared, dramatically fanning myself with my hand.


"YESSSSS... I DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED!!" I screamed in excitement.

We were both screaming out and then calmed down in a while.

"Wait, so like, really, Taehyung came to meet you?" She repeated slowly, more calmly.

I giggled,
"Yes, Jay, yes. He left a few minutes ago."

"Oh my GOD!" Jay gasped. "How did you survive? But why did he come to meet a counselor? Are you sure you're not daydreaming again?" Her questions were quick and many.

"I'm definitely not dreaming. And I'm his counselor now. So, I can't tell you the details of why he came to meet me."

"Ahh... I get it.." Jay agreed.

"Babe, I'm still pinching myself. My heart hasn't recovered yet. Let's catch up when I'm back home, okay?"

Jay hummed in understanding.
"Okay. I totally understand. Great, we'll catch up then. I'll cook something for dinner tonight," with that we both ended the call.

There were two more hours until I could go back home. Blushing like a teenager who had just talked to her crush, I replayed our first meeting over and over again in my mind and kept smiling like a fool. I sank down in Taehyung's chair, which was officially my chair now, and I kept thinking of ways to help him open up and help him heal.

He was definitely hesitating to speak about something, and I had to make him comfortable enough and earn his trust so that he would let me into his world and walk with me to find the way out. I had nothing else on mind than to help him feel better. Occupational burnout was something I had dealt with extensively in my almost ten years of counseling work, and this time around it is for someone who I absolutely adored.

I am sure I got this.

I headed out of my room for a quick snack at the hospital cafeteria and hung around there until it was time to leave. There were no more patients, so I packed up my stuff and left, and all along the way back home my mind was filled with thoughts about Taehyung and his captivating presence.

His privacy was crucial, and I had to be careful not to tell anything to anyone. Not even to Jay.

This was the first time someone the two of us and the whole world knew had come to me for professional help, and, honestly, I was clueless how to go about it between the two of us—me and Jay, that is.

Standing at our front door for a moment, I gathered my thoughts. I had to speak cautiously and not leak any details to Jay. Finally, I breathed out and rang the doorbell. Jay ran to open the door.

"Babe!!!" She bounced on her heels.

"Jayyyyy!" I squealed, unable to conceal my excitement.

"Is it true? Did you really meet Taehyung?" She held both my hands and shook them hard.

"Jay, yeah, yeah... my heart literally stopped for a moment," I announced, laughing ecstatically.

"Tell me all about it," she dragged me down along with her to the couch.

I chuckled and patted her hands.
"I will. But one thing. Let's not talk about why he came. It's part of my job, okay?"

Jay nodded calmly.
"I totally understand, Amy. I don't want to know anything about it. If he came to you, I'm sure he must have needed some kind of help, and I completely trust that you will do it for him, and he will be okay in the end. So, I don't need to know anything about it. Just tell me everything else." Her eyes sparked mischief.

I narrated everything that she needed to know, frame by frame, and we were both squealing.

"Amy, so when he took off the mask, how did you actually not combust on the spot? You've got like three thousand pics of him on your phone. But when you saw him in person, it must've felt unreal, right?" Jay dropped some truth bombs as always.

"Totally! My jaw literally fell to the floor. I can't believe I survived it," I could still feel the shivers when I thought about the first moment my eyes landed on him.

"And you even held hands. Which hand?" She turned around to sit facing me.

I showed her my right hand, and she pulled it and hugged my hand tight.

"This is so precious. Take good care of this hand, okay?" Jay fake cried.

"I will, Jay... I will... I'll take it wherever I go, okay?" I said, and we both laughed together.

We spoke non-stop and ate a good meal, and after dinner, Jay turned on the TV and started watching a drama on Netflix while went to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. I was done in about twenty minutes, after which we discussed our plans for Sunday, and I decided to skip the drama.

After doing my bedtime skin care, I went to bed and noticed a few notifications on my work phone.

Checking the notifications, I saw a few promotional messages from the hospital, some spam messages, a few useless forward messages in the department group chat, and then there was one message from an unsaved number. I opened and read it.

Hello, Dr. Amy. Taehyung here.

Just wanted to send you a hi 😊

I rubbed my eyes and read it again and again.


My mind stopped functioning and my hands trembled, almost dropping my phone to the floor.

Wow wow!!
This can't be happening, yet it is happening.

I saved his contact and thought for a while before I sent him a reply.

Hi Taehyung :)

I hit the send button and quickly exited the messenger, facepalming myself for such a dumb reply.

I could have sent him something better and a little flirty, but I sucked at flirting.

In a few seconds my phone pinged again. I grabbed my phone and saw a reply from Taehyung. Immediately, I opened and read it.

So, you told me to sleep early and you're still up. It's past 11pm now 🤔

I couldn't stop smiling.

I typed and erased at least fifty times before sending him a reply.

Yeah, I know right :) You haven't slept either

Did you try out what we discussed today?

Taehyung was online and replying instantly. I decided not to exit and stay online too.

I did. But I still don't feel sleepy. I guess if I watch something I might sleep soon.

Taehyung... If you tried what we discussed, you shouldn't be using your phone right now. No screens before bed, remember?

Oops... sorry... but I wanted to say hi to you and that's why I used my phone 😁

That's okay :) you don't have to be sorry

Okay Doctor. I will text you some other time. Good night😊

goodnight Taehyung! Sleep well...



And that was after typing and erasing some heart-eyed emojis!

I waited for some time, but there were no more messages from Taehyung. So, I switched off the light and pulled the blanket over my head. I couldn't stop gushing and smiling. I just had a text chat with the mighty Kim Taehyung. This couldn't be real!

OH MY GAWWDD!!! What a day it has been! Meeting him all alone in my room was too much to handle, and now he texted me first, and how do I process all of this? My heart will probably never recover from this series of attacks.

I chose not to overthink, tossing and turning in bed, and I eventually drifted off to sleep after a while.

»»----- ⚜ -----««

Dying of his cuteness!

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