54. Surgery

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Until you get comfortable being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness.

Amy's POV

I felt a rush of emotions when Taehyung told me that I was pregnant. I couldn't believe my ears.

Is it true?

My tears that never stopped fell even faster now.

It should have been me who discovered it first and shared the news with him. But life did this to us. Wait! I was hit and thrown by the speeding car!

"Is the baby okay now, Taehyung? I got hit and thrown to the ground," I panicked, fearing for the safety of the little life growing within me, already feeling a sense of responsibility and belongingness taking root within my heart towards the tiny person that I hadn't even met yet. The little life that we made together.

He stroked my face softly and said,
"The baby is perfectly fine. Do you know there's a heartbeat already? I'm so thrilled," Taehyung spoke excitedly, and his eyes welled up with fresh tears. My shoulders shook as I was smiling and crying at the same time, and so was Taehyung.

"Amy, I love you, baby. Thank you for enduring. Thank you for coming back to me," he spoke through his tears.

"I love you, Taehyung," I said, my voice sounding horribly hoarse.

"So now we know why you were sick every morning. This little one wanted to be noticed" he said rubbing my tummy gently, wiping off his tears with the back of his other hand.

I chuckled weakly and held his hand tight. Taehyung bent and kissed my forehead and my lips, and the nurse entered just then.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But, sir, you need to sign the papers. We'll be taking the patient to the operating room now," she bowed and announced politely.

Taehyung and I looked at each other.

"Amy, don't worry, baby. I'm here for you. You'll be fine. You both will be fine. I'll wait for you. Fighting! Okay?" He fisted his hands and shook them in the air and smiled his cute smile, doing everything within his power to make me feel at ease.

"Okay, Taehyung. Please inform Jay," I smiled at him, and he nodded and kissed me one last time before leaving the room.

I felt drowsy and weak, and my mouth tasted like metal, but I was excited, too. I was nervous as well, worried about what would happen next.

Is it okay to get operated when pregnant? Is Taehyung really okay with the pregnancy? He seemed happy and thrilled. Am I ready for it? How would we handle it?

A strong throb began pounding within my skull, and I felt nauseous as I was wheeled in to the preparation room where some medicines were injected into my vein after which I knew or felt nothing.

Taehyung's POV

I was informed that the surgery went well and, after about three hours, Amy was shifted to the recovery room where she was still sleeping. I was only allowed to look at her from outside.

It was way past midnight and almost time for daybreak, and I felt hungry, exhausted and sleepy.

I called the driver and told him to get me some food since I didn't want to leave the hospital. After downing the cup-ramen he brought for me, which was the only food available for sale at this ungodly hour, I texted Jay from Amy's phone.

Hi Jay. Taehyung here.

Amy had an accident at Jeju and we're in the hospital right now.

She's okay. She will call you when she's better.

Please don't worry.

Oh my God! WHAT?

Where are you guys now?

Still at Jeju. Nothing to worry.

Please tell her to call me soon

she will..

I put her phone back into her bag and lay down on the seats in the lounge, tightly clutching her bag to my chest.

The nurse came in a while later and called me,

I looked up at her sleepily, my eyes struggling to recover from the exhausted slumber that I was in.

"Sir, we have arranged for a VIP suite room for your fiancée. She will be moved there once she regains consciousness. You can move to that room. It will be more comfortable," she spoke sweetly.

My mind couldn't process all of the things that she spoke, but I understood that they had arranged for a suite room for us. I thanked her and collected our things and sleepily dragged my feet, following her to the room.

I bowed and thanked her, and she left the room closing the door behind her. It wasn't anything like a typical hospital room, it looked more like a studio apartment. I was too tired to think about anything or appreciate the hospitality, so I lay down on the extra bed meant for the patient attender and fell asleep in a flash.

Aug 8, 2020

Amy's POV

I didn't know how many hours or days had passed since I came to the hospital, and the only thing I wanted now was to see and be together with Taehyung. My mouth was still extremely bitter, and there was a lot of pain of varying intensities in many parts of my body. The nurses wheeled me into a posh suite room. It was pretty but empty. I looked around, my eyes searching everywhere for Taehyung. The nurses shifted me to the bed and adjusted my I.V. lines and left the room.

I was alone.

And then I realized that I wasn't actually alone. Rubbing my tummy softly, I smiled. My right arm was in a bandage, and it felt painful, my head hurt, and I felt unclean lying around in a hospital gown. I touched my hair, and it felt dirty and matted.

I wish I could hug Taehyung right now. I miss him so much.

The ring on my left hand was missing.

Maybe they removed it before the surgery?

As these disoriented thoughts stormed my mind, Taehyung walked into the room from the balcony.

Taehyung's POV

Today, I would be meeting Amy after more than two days. She woke up a few hours after the surgery, but they're only shifting her to the room today, and while in the recovery room, no one was allowed to enter and meet her. I was allowed to look at her only from outside the room doors.

I shaved, showered and made myself presentable and hid away in the balcony, wanting to secretly admire her and see how she looked around for me.

Her beautiful big eyes scanned every part of the room as soon as she entered. She looked adorable even in the hospital gown. The nurses left, and Amy stroked her tummy, smiling to herself.

Is she talking to the baby?

I smiled and tried hard to hear, but I couldn't hear anything. So, I decided to surprise her.

Amy's eyes shot up at me when I entered the room with my hands behind me.

"Taehyung, you're here. I was looking for you," her eyes lit up at once, her voice sounding much better now.

"Baby, don't move. You might hurt your arm," I said and presented her with the flowers that I held in my hands, her favorite pink carnations.

"Taehyung, they're so beautiful. Thank you, baby." She smiled prettily, the smile reaching her eyes this time.

"I'll keep them here," I put the flowers on the table before sitting down next to her on the bed.

I studied her carefully. Her right arm was bandaged and in a sling, there was a plaster on her head where her scalp was ripped. There were three prominent lacerations on her otherwise spotless face on the side that landed on the road.

It must hurt her so much.

"Does it hurt anywhere, baby?" I asked, softly stroking her hand.

"It hurts everywhere," she replied sadly, nodding her head a bit.

I moved closer to her and whispered to her, "Amy, I love you."

"I love you more, Taehyung," she smiled through her pain, and I held her face in my hands, closed my eyes and kissed her after what felt like an eternity. Her lips were parched, and she tasted like a mixture of honey and medicines. We kissed each other passionately, and neither of us wanted to stop.

Gently taking her left hand in mine, I slipped the ring back to where it belonged. She looked at it and then at me and smiled fondly.

"Does it hurt too much?" I asked her, carefully touching the plaster on her head.

"A little bit, yes. I guess there are stitches there," she said softly.

"It'll be okay." I wanted to hug her tight and comfort her.

"Do I look weird?" She pouted sadly.

"Huh? No one has ever looked so pretty in a hospital gown. I was admiring you from there," I said, pointing to the balcony.

Amy chuckled, her fingers weakly wrapping around my hand.
"Taehyung, I want to hug you. But I'm not able to move this hand as I want to. It's like with those handcuffs," she smiled and blushed.

"Aww, baby..." I leaned in and wrapped my arms around her, engulfing her body in a loose and warm bear hug. "Don't remind me of the handcuffs now. I want you to get better soon...." I whispered in her ear, kissing the shell of her ear before I leaned back.

Our eyes met, and I stroked her cheeks and lips with my thumb. She was irresistible, and I missed her so bad. Our lips met once again, but we were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, causing us to pull away, and I got up quickly as the doctor and nurses entered the room.

Amy giggled and winked at me while I stood by the side of the bed with my arms crossed under my chest.

"Hello, Amy. How are you now? Hello, Taehyung-ssi," the doctor greeted and bowed to me.

"I'm a lot better, doctor. Thank you for your great work," Amy smiled at the doctor.

The doctor nodded, smiling.
"Your x-ray taken this morning looks good. We don't want to take any more x-rays since it's not really good for the baby. Your bones are in place, and the fracture will start healing in about three weeks. You might need to keep the bandages on until then," he informed us, and we nodded.

He continued,
"You can take a regular healthy diet along with calcium supplements. Please check with a gynecologist for advice on your pregnancy. As for the hand, you would need some physiotherapy once the bones heal 70%. Since you live in Seoul, you should follow up there."

"Thank you, doctor. I will." Amy reassured the doctor.

He nodded.
"You wouldn't need these bottles anymore," the doctor said, pointing to the I.V. fluids connected to Amy's left hand. "You can go about your normal life and use your right hand less until it heals well. And there are eight stitches on your scalp. Those are self-absorbing, too. But as you might know, your hair might not grow back in that little strip of scalp," he sounded sorry.

Amy pursed her lips and nodded sadly.

I gently squeezed her shoulders and told her, "Baby, it's okay... it's nothing. Cheer up."

The nurse disconnected the I.V. fluids and removed the needle from Amy's hand and put a plaster there.

"When can we leave, doctor?" I spoke to him for the first time today.

"You're good to go any time. Should the bills be prepared right away?" He asked me.

"Yes, please. We will leave today. It's safe for her and the baby to fly back, right?" I was curious.

Amy's eyes lifted to meet mine, and a small blush settled on my cheeks.

"Absolutely safe. Alright, then we'll get the bills ready. It was our honour to have treated you. Thank you," said the doctor, and they all bowed and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Letting out a breath of relief, I sat down near Amy, and she touched my face with her soft hand.

"Ahh, Taehyung. I missed you so much. You look so handsome today," she said, stroking my cheek and jaw tenderly.

I placed my hand on hers and kissed her palm.
"I missed you too much, Amy..." I touched her face and trailed my fingers to her jaw and neck and looked at her longingly. The marks that I left on her neck and collarbone were fading already.

Can I touch you?

I didn't have to ask her. She gathered my thoughts through my eyes, and with her healthy hand she unbuttoned the top few buttons in her gown, exposing a line of her honey skin, and her eyes lifted to my face.

I felt my hormones coursing wildly through my nerves as my hand drifted down, sliding over her left breast, my fingers grazing her perky nipple. She closed her eyes and moaned lightly, her breathing a bit unsteady.

Just then there was another knock at the door, and I quickly pulled the fabric to cover her chest and turned around to look at the cause of the interruption at the door.

A nurse came in and informed us that the bills were ready and handed them over to me. Amy was giggling as I just sat there and got the bills from her and waited for her to leave, not daring to stand up because of the tent in my pants that grew tight already. I didn't want to embarrass myself, and Amy noticed it and burst out laughing at my state of crisis. I laughed, too, and we decided to just settle the bills and leave.

I made a few phone calls, arranged for our departure and paid the hospital bills. Meanwhile, Amy was on the phone with Jay.

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