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      Gordon and Kubrick advance, firing freely. Sam, Elena and Dean dive behind parked cars and manage to entirely avoid getting shot. They duck behind a wall and crouch, waiting. Gordon and Kubrick reload.

      "All right. Run. I'll draw them off." Dean says.

      "What?! You're crazy!" Sam yells.

      Ignoring him, Dean darts out into the line of fire, leaps on top of a car and uses it to get over a second-story parking lot entrance.

      Kubrick follows him; Gordon stays behind and heads for where Sam and Elena had been hiding. As he rounds a corner, a figure leaps down on him from above, sending him sprawling: it is the vampire. He kicks Gordon in the face several times and knocks him out.

[ ☾]

      Sam is pacing with Elena, worried. Dean enters. "There you are!" Sam yells.

      "Yeah. Sorry, I stopped for a slice." Dean says.

      "Nice move you pulled back there, Dean, running right at the weapons." Sam says.

      "Well, what can I say? I'm a bad-ass." Dean continues to ignore Sam's worry-face. "So, I guess Gordon's out of jail."

      "Uh, yeah, I guess so. You know, how the hell did he know where to find us?" Sam asks.

      Dean realizes. "That bitch." He pulls out his cell phone and dials. "Hi, Bela."

      Belarus on the phone, while driving. "Hello, Dean." She says.

      "Question for you. When you called me yesterday, it wasn't to thank me for saving your ass, was it?" Dean asks.

      "Gordon Walker paid me to tell him where you were." Bela says.

      "Excuse me?" Dean asks.

      "Well, he had a gun on me. What else was I supposed to do?"

      "I don't know, maybe pick up the phone and tell us that a raging psychopath was dropping by!" Dean yells.

      "I did fully intend to call. I just got a bit sidetracked." She says.

      "He tried to kill us!" Dean yells.

      "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was such big deal. After all,there are two of you and one of him." Bela says.

      "There were two of them." Dean says as her face falls. "Bela, if we make it out of this alive, the first thing I'm gonna do is kill you."

      "You're not serious."

      "Listen to my voice and tell me if I'm serious." He hangs up; in her car, Bela looks at her phone in worry.

[ ☾]

      The vampire's lair is a warehouse with a neon sign outside reading "TRADE CO". Inside, Gordon is tied spread-eagled to a metal bedframe. He painfully regains consciousness.

      He looks across the room and can see candles, some armchairs, and two young women strung up in shackles, dangling from their wrists. They move sluggishly.

      The vampire enters with a jar of blood. He approaches the first girl and feeding her the blood, which she gulps desperately. "I know you're uncomfortable... but this is just temporary. The hunger will pass, and then you'll feel much better." He moves onto the second girl and notices Gordon. "You're awake."

      "Who are they?" Gordon asks.


      "You always keep your family in shackles?" Gordon asks.

      "We're still getting to know each other. They've just been reborn." The Vampire says.

      "You mean you grabbed some poor girls off the street and made them monsters like you."

      "I do what I have to. We're a dying breed. But then you know that, don't you Gordon? Gordon Walker: one of the greatest living vampire hunters."

      "In the flesh." Gordon says.

      "You're a big part of why my people are nearly extinct." Vampire says.

      "Your 'people' are going extinct because you're a bunch of mindless, bloodthirsty animals."

      "Right. We're so much more bloodthirsty than you. Hunters slaughtered my entire nest like they were having a party. Murdered my daughter. I can't tell you how satisfying this is...catching a hunter responsible for so many deaths and making you lunch for my new daughters."

      Gordon scoffs. "'Daughters'?" Try 'fang whores'." He says.

      "Watch your mouth."

      "Oh, did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry. I forgot you're just a misunderstood victim. Even though you murder and spread your filthy disease on pure base instinct. You got less humanity than a sewer rat." Says Gordon.

      "I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of my people." The Vamp says.

      "Oh, you have no idea."

      The Vamp kneels over him. "Sorry, change of plans. I'll be going out to get your lunch. I've got a better idea for you."

      He takes a knife and slices open Gordon's arm, then his own, and presses the cuts together. Gordon struggles and stares in horror. "No! No! No!"

[ ☾]

      Dean sharpens his machete on a sharpening stone while Sam cleans a gun beside him. "That vampire's still out there, Dean." Sam says.

      "First things first." Dean says.


      "About that. When we find him, or if he finds us... I'm just saying he's not leaving us a whole lot of options." Dean says.

      "Yeah, I know. We've got to kill him." Sam says.

      "Really? Just like that? I thought you would have been like, 'No, we can't, he's human, it's wrong'." Dean mocks.

      "No, I'm done. Gordon's not gonna stop until we're dead... or till he is." Sam says.

      Dean's cell phone rings; he looks at it, scowls, and picks up angrily. "What?!" He yells.

      Belarus on the other end, still driving. "I don't like it when people hold grudges against me, and more to the point, I'd rather you didn't kill me, so I went ahead and found Gordon's exact location for you." She says.

      "You're a hundred miles away. How the hell did you..." Dean starts.

      "Hello? Purveyor of powerful occult objects? I used a talking board to contact the other side." Bela says.


      "Warehouse. Two stories, riverfront, neon sign outside." She says.

      "Thanks." Dean says.

      "One more thing. The spirit had a message for you. "Leave town, run like hell, and whatever you do, don't go after Gordon." For whatever that's worth."

[ ☾]

      Gordon awakens again; this time he's hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. The following scene is shown from Gordon's POV as lights and noises become overwhelming. His eyes are bloodshot.

      He struggles with his chains, ripping them out of the ceiling after a few tries. As he unwinds them from his wrists, the girls, still chained up, speak. "Please... Help us. Please."

      Later, Gordon is walking outside. He flinches at every sudden light and sound, stares up at a loudly buzzing, glaringly bright street lamp. He covers his ears in agony as a car passes him, trailing red light behind.

      Across the alley he sees a man crouched in front of his car, changing a tire. Gordon struggles, then staggers over to a window and leans against it, panting. He looks up at his reflection in the glass and bares his teeth; fangs emerge to fill his mouth.

      The man finishes changing the tire and gets in his car. Before he can start the ignition, Gordon sits up suddenly in the back seat and grabs the man from behind. From outside, we see the car shake violently and a spray of blood stain the windowshield.

      Sam and Dean creep down the steps into the room where Gordon had been held. The bodies of the girls are still hanging, headless, and the Vampire is kneeling in front of them.

      Dean takes a knife from the table and approaches him slowly; he hears Dean coming but doesn't move. "Go ahead. Do it. Kill me."

      "What happened here?"

      "Gordon Walker. I never should have brought a hunter here. Never. I just... I just wanted some kind of revenge. Stupid... exposing him to my family." The Vampire says.

      "Oh, yeah, you're such a family man." Dean says.

      "You don't understand."

      "I don't want to understand, you son of-" Dean starts.

      "I was desperate. You ever felt desperate? I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?" The Vampire asks.

      "Well, there's Hell." Dean says.

      "I wasn't thinking. I just, I didn't care anymore. Do you know it's like when you just don't give a damn? It's like... it's like being dead already. So just go ahead. Do it."

      Sam inspects the headless bodies. "Dean. Head wasn't cut off, it was ripped off. With someone's bare hands. Dixon, what did you do to Gordon?" He asks.

[ ☾]

      Kubrick hears a noise, pulls back the curtains to look outside. When he turns around again, Gordon is there, staring at him. "Gordon. You okay?" Re asks.

      "Not even close." Gordon says.

      "I thought maybe you were dead. What is it?"

      "Something happened." Says Gordon.

      "What?" Kubrick asks.

      "They turned me."

      "Those fangs? I'm sorry. You know what this means."

      "It means you have to kill me." Gordon grabs him by the shoulders. "But not yet."

     "What do you mean?" Kubrick asks.

      "You have to let me do one last thing first."

      "What?" Kubrick asks.

      "Kill Sam Winchester." Gordon asks.


      "It's the only... it is the one good thing to come out of this nightmare." Says Gordon.

      "Gordon, I'm sorry, you know I can't let you walk out of here." Kubrick says.

      "Listen to me. There is nothing more important. Please. I can do one last good thing for the world." Gordon is facing the crucifix on the wall; behind him, out of sight, Kubrick carefully reaches for his machete.

      Gordon hears Kubrick's heart rate increase. "Yeah. I hear you. You know, Gordon, you're right. One last good thing." He approaches with the blade, and at the last moment Gordon turns, driving his hand into his guts.

      He pulls his gory hand out and stares at it; Kubrick slumps forward onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

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