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[ ☼ ]

Simon sits playing at his table. The phone rings. He looks over at his toy telephone sitting on the floor then walks over to it. The display reads SHA33. "Hello? Simon Greenfield speaking. Hi Mommy. Yeah, I wanna see you. Where are you?"

[ ☼ ]

Dean sits at the table staring at nothing. His phone ring and he snatches it up. "Dad?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." John says.

"Where's the demon?"

[ ☼ ]

"Lanie please. Tell me what happened, it's very important." Elena says.

"Mom told me to go to Dad's medicine cabinet."

"And?" Sam urges.

"She wanted me to take his sleeping pills, take all of his sleeping pills."

"She wanted you to kill yourself?" Elena asks.

Lanie nods, crying. "Why would my Mom want me to do that?" She asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"I mean, just so I could come to her?"

"What'd you say?" Sam says.

"She wanted me to come to her." Lani's says.

"No, how'd she say it?"

"Come to me. Like a million times."

Elena watches Sam. "What is it Sam?" She asks.

"Lanie. That's not your mother."

[ ☼ ]

Dean pulls up and gets out. He grabs his weapon's bag from the trunk, looks around and moves toward a house. ...

[ ☼ ]

"Listen to me. Don't answer the phone. Don't use the computer. Don't do anything unless I say to, all right?" Sam starts down the stairs and realises Lanie's not following. "Lanie."

Lanie stands in a doorway. "Where's Simon?" She asks.

Meanwhile, Dean enters quietly enters and moves down the hallway, listening. A floorboard creaks on the second floor. "Hello?" He says.

[ ☼ ]

Simon walks as if in a trance across the road. Cars horns blare.

With Dean, he drops a rosary into a large bottle of water. Cut to him shaking a paint can and spraying a devil's trap on the floor

Simon keeps walking across the next road. A large truck barrels toward him. In the cab the driver glances away from the road to check his delivery list. He looks back to see Simon in front of him.

The truck horn blares and tires squeal. Simon seems to awaken and throws his hands up to protect himself. Sam rushes the road, grabs him and dives for the verge. They lay panting as the truck roars past.

[ ☼ ]

"Dean, it's not Dad." Sam says into his phone.

"Then what is it?"

"A crocotta." Sam says.

"Is that a sandwich?" Dean asks.

"Some kind of scavenger. Mimics loved ones, whispers 'Come to me', then lures you into the dark and swallows your soul."

"A crocotta, right, damn that makes sense." Says Dean.

"Dean, look, I'm sorry man, I know..." Sam starts.

"Hey, don't these things live in filth?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Sam, the flies at the phone company."

[ ☾]

Sam and Elena creep along an alley and peaks in a window at Stewie, sitting at his console. He is distracted by a banging noise. When he looks back Stewie is leaving the room. Sam and Elena run back up the alley.

Cut to Stewie leaving the building. They hides behind a van, Sam holding his phone to his ear. "This is Herman Munster. Leave a message." Dean's voicemail says.

"Dean, we're in the parking lot. He's here. Hurry." Sam says.

Stewie unlocks his car. Sam rushes him, pushing him into the car and holding a metal spike to the back of his neck. "What the hell!" Stewie exclaims.

"I know what you are." Sam says.

"Wait, mister."

"And I know how to kill you." Sam says.

"Please. Okay, wait, wait. If we're overcharging you for the call waiting or something I...I can fix that. I am your friend!" Stewie says and Sam looks confused. "Please. Please just don't kill me The manager from earlier sneaks up behind Sam. "Don't kill me, please!"

The manager hits Sam over the head with a bat. Sam slumps to the ground. Elena is still behind the van, watching with a hand over her mouth. Stewie turns around, sees the manager, grins and starts bouncing up and down. "Yeah! That's what happens when you mess with the phone company, dillweed!" He says. "Thank you, Clark!"

Clark lifts the bat again. "Forget about it." He says.

"Clark?" He smashes Stewie with the bat.

[ ☾]

Stewie and Sam are tied to chairs. "I'm sorry, Clark. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I'm sorry...please..." Stewie says. Sam starts to come to. He looks around, seeing that Elena was safe.

"Wait! Don't do it." He says.

"You're awake." Clark leans over Stewie and places the tip of a knife against his thigh.

"You're not a killer Clark, no! There's a good man inside of you, I know it." Stewie says.

"What do you think, Sammy, am I a good man?" Clark asks.

"Just let him go." Sam says.

"I would. I really would. If only I'd had more than a salad for lunch. You see, I'm starving." Clark lifts the knife high above his head and plunges it into Stewie's chest.

"No!" Sam yells.

Clark moves in front of his body. His mouth opens, revealing a blood red interior and razor sharp spikes. He crouches slightly, holds Stewie by both shoulders and unhinges his jaw, his mouth becoming impossibly wide. Placing his mouth close to his face he sucks in his energy.

Sam shudders and looks away. Clark stands, wiping his mouth. "My last call with Dean. That was you. You led me here." Sam says. 

"Some calls I make, some calls I take, but you have to admit, I had you fooled for a while. All that Edison phone crap." Clark laughs and moves over to the telephone exchange cabinet. He places his hands against the glass and leans back in ecstasy.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"I'm killing your brother. Or maybe I'm killing another guy. We'll just have to see how it goes."

[ ☾]

A man's phone rings just as he finishes changing. He looks at the number, glances over at the other person in the room, and answers. "Hello?" Re says.

"Hi Daddy."

"Hey baby. I thought you said you weren't gunna call anymore." The Man says.

"I know, Daddy." The girl says.

"You know how sad this makes your old man. How upset I was at your funeral."

"I had to call, I know who killed me Daddy." She says.

"What?" The man asks.

"The man who killed me, he's at the house right now."

The Man looks shocked. "What are you saying to me?" He asks.

"He's at the house Daddy, he wants to kill you too!" Hanging up the phone, the man's face becomes set in stone.

[ ☾]

Clark pulls the knife out of Stewie's  chest. "You know, mimicking Dean's one thing. But my Dad. That's a hell of a trick." Sam says.

"Well once I made you two as hunters, it was easy. I found Dean's number, then your number, then your father's numbers. Then emails, voicemails, everything." Clark says. "You see, people think that stuff just gets erased, but it doesn't. You'd be surprised how much of yourself is just floating out there, waiting to be plucked."

"Dean's not going to fall for this. He's not going to kill that guy." Sam says.

"Then the guy kills him."

[ ☾]

Car headlights shine across the window into the room where Dean waits. He silently moves toward the hallway. A car door slams. Dean removes the lid from the bottle of holy water. He hears a noise toward the back of the house and frowns, moving down the hallway toward the back door.

He pauses, then looks from the back to the front door. The back door slams open and the man appears, raising a rifle and firing. Dean leaps out of the way, dropping the bottle of holy water. The Man begins reloading.

Dean glances at the holy water it is draining away. He waits to hear the bullet shell being removed and runs for the man, using his forward movement to slam him back into the wall. He hits him a few times, then knees him viciously. Letting him drop,

Dean moves toward the rifle but the man follows, grabbing Dean and slamming him backwards onto a table. He gets in a few hits before Dean headbutts him. As the man falls backwards to the ground Dean kicks him in the stomach. He kicks him four times, pauses, then kicks him once more, even more viciously, grunting as he does so.

[ ☾]

Clark stands over Sam. "Technology. Makes life so much easier. Used to be I'd hide in the woods for days, weeks, whispering to people, trying to draw them out into the night. But they had community, they all looked out for each other, I'd be lucky to eat one or two souls a year. Now when I'm hungry, I simply make a phone call. You're all so connected. But you've never been so alone." He opens his mouth and begins to unhinge his jaw while raising his knife.

While he has been speaking Sam has managed to escape his ties, his wrists bloody. He erupts out of the chair and they fall to the ground, Clark losing the knife. They struggle for it, Sam rising first.

Clark grabs Sam's jacket and swings him around into a metal grate. Clark picks up the knife, running at Sam. ...

[ ☾]

Dean and the Man slam through a glass door. The man is groggy. Dean quickly reaches for the man's belt. He pulls out a handgun, flicking the cartridge out and tossing it aside. As the man struggles to get to his feet, covered in glass, Dean pulls back the rug, showing the devil's trap sprayed onto the floor. He turns away, pulling the exorcism out of his pocket.

The Man, confused, stares at the markings on the floor. "What is this?" He asks.

"Your funeral." Dean begins the exorcism in Latin. The man glares at him and slowly moves forward out of the circle.

"You do this to my daughter too?"

Dean stares at the devil's trap. "How the hell did you get out?" He asks.

"Did you do this to my daughter too?"

"Wait, this is a mistake." Dean realizes.

"You killed her!"

"No, wait." The Man leaps at Dean.

Meanwhile, Sam and Clark struggle for the knife, exchanging blows as they move about the room. Sam finally manages to pull the knife away and hits Clark, forcing him backwards into the wall.

A spike, one of many on a corkboard, jams into the back of Clark's neck, killing him.

The Man falls on Dean as he lies on the ground, laying into him. "She was 9 years old!" He yells.

"Stop! I didn't! You gotta believe me!" The man keeps hitting him. Dean manages to twist around and grab the rifle, smacking the man in the forehead with the butt. He falls backwards. Dean rises, standing over him.

"Why did you kill her?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't kill your daughter." Dean says.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I don't know."

Elena holds a facecloth to Dean's cut eye, groaning. Sam enters the room and comes to the door of the bathroom. "I see they improved your face." Dean says.

Sam sniggers. "Right back at ya." He says. Dean moves past Sam into the main room. They sit on a bed each.

"So, crocotta, huh?" Elena asks.

"Yep." Sam says.

"That would explain the flies." Dean says.

"Yeah it would. Hey, um...look I'm sorry it wasn't Dad." Sam says.

Dean huffs. "Nah, I gave you a hell of a time on this one." He says.


"You were right." Dean says.

"Forget about it." Sam says.

"I can't. I wanted to believe so badly that there was a way outta this. I mean I'm staring down the barrel at this thing. You know, Hell. For real, forever, and I just..." Dean starts.

"Yeah." Sam says.

Dean tears up. "I'm scared, Sam. I'm really scared."

Sam and Elena also begin to cry. "I know." Sam says.

"I guess I was willing to believe anything. You know, the last act of a desperate man." Dean says.

"There's nothing wrong with having hope, Dean." Elena says.

"Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know. I mean the only person that can get me out of this thing is me." Dean says.

"And me." Sam says.

"And me?" Dean asks.


"Deep revelation, having a real moment here, that's what you come back with? And me?" Dean asks.

Sam raises his eyebrows. "Uh...do you want a poem?" He asks.

"The moment's gone." Dean says. Sam smiles slightly. Dean flicks the TV on, reaches between the beds, grabs three bottles of beer and holds one out to Sam and Elena without looking at them. Sam takes one, they crack them open and drink in unison, while staring at the TV.

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