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To be fair, the doctor had told her not to do it. She'd been explicitly clear before they started making tardis repairs. If she wanted to help then Clarity was to keep her sparky human fingers away from the console. No glitching into the systems. It was already glitchy enough with her on board. But Clarity was only human, even if a cluster of gathering coils which she'd fondly named Scribble had merged its life force with her body, altered her dna and gifted her with a slew of electrically based superhuman capabilities.

The Tardis hadn't been humming right all day-all week really. It felt off to Clarity, it'd been bothering her something fierce. The tardis was complaining in the way tardis's do-rudely with burnt toast, freezing showers, and flipped over rooms. And because whatever it was seemed to be bothering her two favorite girls, the Doctor was keen on fixing it.

They'd sat at the console, her and Clarity. The Glitch got to pass the Doctor all kinds of strange tools and things as she worked on locating the problem. Their fingers would brush at times. Clarity's heart would flutter each time it happened. Maybe the Doctors would too. Clarity couldn't tell though.

Just when Clarity thought old blue might be faking this whole problem to push her and the Doctor closer together, because the tardis was the best wingship let's be real, she felt a twinge in her gut and spotted the problem. There was a fraying wire growing thinner by the day stuck between two gear pieces that were unable to interlock properly.

Clarity had only pointed at the wire caught between the two gears, but she'd been excited to show the doctor, some sparks escaped her pointer finger and the next thing Clarity knew she was not at the doctor's side where she should have been. Now she was in a strange console room, pointing at a weird knob she didn't recognize with a strange man in a leather jacket looking at her in alarm, and a blonde woman who most certainly was not her doctor.

Clarity, scared out of her wits in this strange yet familiar feeling place, could only raise a hand, put on a smile, and say one word.


That was a good place to start, right?

Yes, yes another doctor who fic how original I know but I'm in the mood to write something sci-fi like and my usual legends thing just is not doing it for me okay? Okay. Great. Glad we talked. Love for a comment if your feeling chatty. Ch 1 will be out soon!

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