Chapter One

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As the air of the tight pod decompressed and EVE probe 0001 booted up, GEN awaited for her to execute the mandatory connection test.
"This is Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator Probe 1 to Genetic Evaluation Network. GEN, are we connected?" The android asked her A.I helper.
"Yes we are, EVE. Now, to decrease possibly of revealing classified information, I'm setting your Verbalization Frequency from free to low." The body-less female voice responded in her British accent.
"Affirmative." EVE confirmed.
"Okay, changing settings in" GEN said. And with a simple 'blip', EVE's ability to talk was severely decreased.
"Alright, settings change confirmed. Now, test your multi-purpose light projector by scanning the ground around you." GEN commanded. A small circle on the center of EVE's chest emitted a blue gridded light onto the ground below, scanning it for organic life. As she scanned, three bright blue lights turned on one by one on the far right of EVE's chest. Then, a larger red light appeared, accompanied by a high pitched buzz.
"Life readings... negative. Eh, i wasn't expecting there to be life in the first area we scanned anyway." Gen says as EVE continued to scan her surroundings. After only a few seconds, the sound of rocket jets could be heard from behind EVE. She looked up to see her ship leaving the atmosphere.
"Well, there's no turning back now. Not that we were planning to. Right, EVE? Alright, fly around for a bit to make sure your propulsion systems are in optimal condition." GEN said to EVE. In a spiraling motion, the probe ascended into the air.
"Height, check. Now for maneuverability." GEN instructed before EVE did several complicated maneuvers, doing tiny loops at high speed and flying around and between two nearby decrepit structures.
"Maneuverability, more than check! Now for speed!" GEN instructed before EVE flew high into the air and quickly down then forward with a sonic boom!
"Seven hundred and seventeen miles per hour! EVE, you are amazing! Now, freelance!" GEN said enthusiastically as her top performing probe kept flying. As EVE flew, GEN felt true pride. This was the android that she created, Her greatest achievement.
As EVE returned to the ground, GEN had completely disregarded the fact that she felt an emotion which should have been exclusive to humans.
"See, EVE? That's why I call you my top performing andr-" GEN was interrupted by an unidentified sound from behind.
"POTENTIAL HOSTILE!" GEN yelled. EVE converted her arm to a quasar ion cannon and immediately shot what she and GEN now saw was only a rock after the smoke cleared from the blast.
"...False alarm. Let's get to work." GEN says calmly, EVE doing so.

(I was supposed to write a prologue explaining what GEN is and what she's for, but I just couldn't wait to get this chapter out! Don't worry, I'll do the last one before anything else.)

(PS:I lied.)

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