[They Call Me Death]

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Nico - One

Nico held the gun to the man's head, the man trembling. "Please." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Everything was quiet, the stores (usually) open entrance/exit was closed off. The familiar steel blinds over them. Blocking every chance for anyone to get out (except Nico. Who already planned and attempted to get out after hours).

"I'll do anything!" He exclaimed, tears welling in his eyes.

His hair was grey from age, and his blue eyes held years of wisdom.

Too bad Nico had more.

"Load all the cash inside." Nico grumbled at him.

"What?" The man asked, not hearing him.

"I said, load all the cash inside!" Nico screamed at him. "Or I'll shoot!" He threatened, the gunpoint pressing against the man's temple harshly.

The man winced, and shakily opened the cash register.

"Stop it!" A woman finally screamed at him. Her messy hair covering most of her face as she hid a boy behind her.

The unnamed boy looking out from his mother's side. Their eyes meeting for a few seconds.

Nico getting a good look at the (teenager's?) face.

The boy had blonde hair, and breath taking eyes. They were bright, and full of life.

The better to take the life away from.

Nico instantly thought. His mind going to the murder part of him— the part of him that had been a part of him for years now. Ever since that group of maniacs took his sister from him. And his father and mother ran away from them. (Before his sister, Bianca, was. . . Kinda killed.)

Forcefully, Nico looked away from the blonde boy's beautiful, ocean blue colored eyes.

"Stop–" The woman continued, "This isn't right! You're just a kid!" She stated.

Nico gave her a rude smirk.

"Yeah. A kid who needs money to survive his life of murder." He retorted back.

The woman made a soft face, moving her hair behind her ear to reveal innocent, doe like eyes.

"You don't have to do this." She told him gently, the other 8 people in the store silent. They were all to terrified to speak, watching Nico as the gun was still to the man's temples.

"Yes I do." Nico stated, the last of the money the store owner had all put in the sack beside the two.

Nico then gave off a small chuckle, "Remember when I said I'd shoot?" Nico then asked the store owner.

"Y-yeah." He stammered.

"What's your name?" Nico questioned.

"O-Oliver." He stammered again, whimpering quietly.

Nico nodded.

"Well Oliver–" Nico paused, his index finger positioning itself over the trigger.

"May you Rest In Peace." He stated, pulling the trigger.

The gun shot seemed to echo in the store. Multiple gasps following. But they were quickly cut off by Nico's hard stare.

Blood from the Oliver's head splattered on the wall, making Nico's small (nearly non-existent) innocent side shutter.

"He was innocent!" The woman from earlier scream.

Nico sighed.

"Sadly, I'm gonna have to end this conversation short. Sorry, nothing personal." Nico said, releasing Oliver's dead body, and letting it fall to the ground.

Nico then put the gun to her direction.

"Mom!" The blue eyes boy exclaimed, pushing his mother away from him.

Her body slammed into the ground.

"Will!" She shouted, the boy (Will) quickly putting himself in his mother's spot. His arms spreading out as he used his body to shield his mother.

Nico, sighing, shot only above the mother and son.

"What are you shooting at?"

Nico merely replied.

"You'll see."

And with that phrase, a bomb went off.


Just screams.


Good luck! You start with *your grand total* - 427

And I start with 0?

Something like that!

IT'S ON!!!! XD

- Bridget

Edited 12/5/17

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