[They Call Me Death]

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Will - Two

Everything's hurt.

And that meant everything!

Wills ears rang loudly as he laid on the ground. His head having a few nasty gashes from the jewelry box made of glass. Which, ha, not so thankfully, decided to explode right next to him.

He could barely get himself to groan, moan, or make any noise to indicate he was alive.

All he felt was pain.

His leg was pierced in multiple places by sharp items that shattered in the explosion. And he could barely hear anything as the ringing in his ears increased.

He felt (and heard) his arm give a crack. The forearm section erupting into pain.

He tended up, trying to curl into a ball. But even that hurt as he tried to roll to his other side.

"Don't move!" He heard the same voice that had just set off the bomb threaten.

Will froze.

"You're injured." It said again, but this time, the voice soft and gentle.

Will resided the urge to cry out as hands touched his broken forearm. Tears quickly welling up in his eyes.

"Shh." He whispered.

"Where's my mom?" Will croaked.

Nico's eyes hardened, and he aimed the gunpoint close to his leg.


"W-what?" Will stammered, his whole world crashing down at his feet.

"This can't be happening." He said, struggling to stand.

"No. No, no no!" He murmured, but cried out as Nico fired his gun at his leg. Biting his cheek to keep himself from screaming, Will hissed.

Nico looked at his leg.

"You'll live. But you'll have to come with me." He ordered.

"Why?" Will managed to ask, his vision turning black.

"Because now you know, I am Death."




- Bridget

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